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NPD Sales Results for February 2011 [Update 4: PS3 Hardware, TONS Of Games]

Why For? said:
I still think that next-gen, MS should borderline just forget about Japan.

Think of all the extra consoles they could have sold at UK/US launch if they didn't waste them all in Japan.

Couldn't they just re-brand the Xbox in Japan as a Toshiba/Panasonic 'Whatever' and throw them a few thousand units, and ration more if need be.

They could have a HUGE American launch next gen if they forget about Japan.

I thought they basically re-branded the first Xbox as Dreamcast Pt. 2 - Panzer Dragoon, Jet Set Radio, Phantasy Star, Sonic, etc.

Failed though.


FirstInHell said:
When you spend $60 million to produce a title you do.
I'm sorry, but was Killzone 3's budget ever announced or rumored? Cause I did a quick google check and can't find numbers.
I guess CoD feeds off of hate. The worse people want it to do, the better it makes out. There's gonna have to be a huge shift in what people want from their shooters before CoD gets shitbinned.
plagiarize said:
you're talking about fringe cases there though. there's a clear difference between Animal Crossing and Farmville in terms of what they require of the player. i guess that's where i'm coming at it from.

COD and Farmville aren't just hugely addictive by accident, they encourage serious dedication to that game in their very game design. even if they don't, i'm just not comfortable with this term because it seems to generate a secondary underclass.

if Angry Birds is casual, so are Pac-Man and Tetris and Lumines. i just don't see how it's a useful term, and people seem to use it to flag a game in some way that almost always seems to infer that it 'doesn't count'.

Ok let's just get something straight. I was around when this started being used widely around the gaming community. The term casual actually has been around prior to the Wii....a loooong time ago...heck prior to gaming websites!

It was used to mainly refer to what now are better addressed as avid gamers. Guys who played games on a casual basis. But there were no motion controls, and we very much expected these guys to be playing a nerdy, JRPG no one's heard of(though less likely), just as much as something cool like GTA. They just didn't spend a whole lot of time on gaming. They played them in short spurts and they typically enjoyed games that you could jump in and out(though that did include traditional games such as sports games, fighters, etc....for the most part the majority of "casual gamers" mainly stayed away from games that required a lot of invested time)

Then when Wii came around, "casual games" got created. Casual games incorporated just about any game that was easy to play, not a lot of depth, shallow and a lot of times low budget designed for the new set of "casual gamers" and "non-gamers" that would display the same traits of the original casual gamer.

Over the past couple of years the terms mixed and became one and was mainly used to talk about motion controlled-enabled games. Your typical Wii game. See, we couldn't call them "kiddy" anymore because we had reports of 80 year old grandmas and grandfathers playing them. Then manufacturers started using the term to make things worse.

Then games on both Wii and more recently Kinect/Move started popping out that were easy to play, that appealed to those other demographics of casual gamers, and new gamers, but that also displayed traits that a traditional, complicated, depth-flled, high budget console game displayed.

Now it murked the waters. And now it seems even games that were originally certainly considered "core" are being called "casual". Honestly it's a cluster fuck and a casual game and gamer needs to go back to its original meaning. A person that plays games on a casual basis and a game that's designed in such a way it fits that crowd.

But that doesn't mean that a casual game can't also be a "traditional" or "core" game and vice versa. And Call of Duty, is exactly one of those types of games that appeal to both crowds.

Maybe we would have expected it to be the other way around. That a motion controlled game would be the first one to cross over in such a big way to pull the hardcore gamer in. But as it turns out, it was a "core" game that reached out to them. Honestly GAF SHOULD BE HAPPY with that! That pretty much re-confirms the validity of your beloved, traditional video game(popular or not, "casual-compatible" or not!)
As people mentioned before AAA games in the US are frontloaded. All of the sales happen in the first few days.
that's an exageration of course. if they cared about NPD rankings they would release their big titles early in the reporting period. seemingly more often than not, they release big exclusives so they don't even get a whole week of sales. i don't see how anyone can argue against the notion that NPD rankings aren't particularly important to sony.


BroHuffman said:
Little bit premature for everyone to be calling it a disappointment. Was it a smash hit? No. But you don't have to sell 10 million units to be a success.
I wouldn't say it's premature at all.

You're right it doesn't take 10 million units to be a success, but one would hope the next entry in the series does better. Killzone 2 sold 323,000 in 2 days when it released in February 2009. In the next month, it sold 296,000 I believe. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on those figures.

I highly doubt this game is going to have strong legs. I'd be truly surprised if it did. As it stands, it'll be a great thing if Killzone 3 simply manages to equal the last entry in the series, which was probably a disappointment too for what I assume Sony was hoping it would become.


FirstInHell said:
Killzone 2 was $45 million on the low end.


You're kidding yourself if you think Killzone 3 cost less than that.
Why? Killzone 2 spent years in research and development. Killzone 3 used an existing base, had only two years of development with a reportedly smaller staff size, and with almost no marketing to speak of. IF it cost more than Killzone 2, that is a colossal failure in terms of management.


This type of success is going to force Sony and Nintendo to launch the next generation sooner than they were planning. Much like Wii forced Sony/Microsoft to motion.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
plagiarize said:
why? they didn't have to build a new engine from the ground up this time. it's extremely logical to think KZ3 cost less to make than KZ2.
It also wasn't in development for as long.

I'd be very surprised if KZ3 cost more than KZ2 to make.
plagiarize said:
that's an exageration of course. if they cared about NPD rankings they would release their big titles early in the reporting period. seemingly more often than not, they release big exclusives so they don't even get a whole week of sales. i don't see how anyone can argue against the notion that NPD rankings aren't particularly important to sony.

They do it so when the game is in the lower tier, they know all of their forum fans will flood threads with responses "it only had x days of sales!" And then, of course, when the next period comes along and the game doesn't chart, nobody will care because the fans will be discussing the next game that only had x days of sales. Put it out in the last week, let the fans peddle the same tired excuse, wash, rinse, repeat.

Of coursse, that's not going to be the truth of why they do it at all. But since we're on the internet and operate on our own belief system instead of reality, I suppose it's good enough.
Randolph Freelander said:
They do it so when the game is in the lower tier, they know all of their forum fans will flood threads with responses "it only had x days of sales!" And then, of course, when the next period comes along and the game doesn't chart, nobody will care because the fans will be discussing the next game that only had x days of sales. Put it out in the last week, let the fans peddle the same tired excuse, wash, rinse, repeat.

Of coursse, that's not going to be the truth of why they do it at all. But since we're on the internet and operate on our own belief system instead of reality, I suppose it's good enough.
i just think it's interesting to point out. yes, Sony fans almost always use that X number of days excuse, but the fact they are able to suggests something else, which is interesting in and of itself.
Randolph Freelander said:
They do it so when the game is in the lower tier, they know all of their forum fans will flood threads with responses "it only had x days of sales!" And then, of course, when the next period comes along and the game doesn't chart, nobody will care because the fans will be discussing the next game that only had x days of sales. Put it out in the last week, let the fans peddle the same tired excuse, wash, rinse, repeat.

Of coursse, that's not going to be the truth of why they do it at all. But since we're on the internet and operate on our own belief system instead of reality, I suppose it's good enough.

Or maybe, just maybe, for the most part most companies don't give a rat's ass about most gamer's reactions to NPD sales every month as it probably only causes a small blimp on sales charts, and they have other, more substantial reasons for handpicking their release dates?


Living in the shadow of Amaz
exwallst said:
This type of success is going to force Sony and Nintendo to launch the next generation sooner than they were planning. Much like Wii forced Sony/Microsoft to motion.
Maybe Sony, but not Nintendo. The Wii's still years ahead.


Watchtower said:
Or maybe, just maybe, for the most part most companies don't give a rat's ass about most gamer's reactions to NPD sales every month as it probably only causes a small blimp on sales charts, and they have other, more substantial reasons for handpicking their release dates?
Er, he pretty much discounted everything he said in the first half of his post with the second half and it falls in line with what you're saying. He was being sarcastic.
KZ3's numbers are respectable, I guess. I don't know how it's going to end up in the longer term. It just doesn't have that strong hook that brings people in. Apparently these have little effect as hooks:

- 3D
- motion control in an FPS or on the PS3 in general
- great graphics
- stereotypical characters and story
- jetpacks

Bulletstorm at least has some hooks: dick-tits, over-the-top gameplay.
kswiston said:
From what I have gathered from NeoGAF, there is an event horizon in sales numbers, where upon crossing, a franchise is irreversibly sucked into the casual game black hole. After many months of research, I have concluded the following:

To figure out if a game has crossed the casual threshold, you need to solve for Y in the equation below:

Y = GAF Hype Rating (GH) - Casual Gamer Hype Rating (CH) - Sales in Millions (S) - Sequel Number (N) + Publisher Variable (P)

If Y > 0, Game = Core Game
If Y < 0, Game = Casual Crap

- GH and CH values are on a scale from 0-5 (So Uncharted 2 would have a GH of 5, and Clubhouse Games would have a GH of 0).
- Each Publisher has it's own PV

Example PVs

Valve, Atlus = 10
Sony = 5
Microsoft = 0
ActiBlizz, EA, Ubisoft = -5
Nintendo = -10

Hey that actually makes more sense than my explanation above :) So true! LOL.

PS: This thread is seriously moving. I can't even keep track of replies anymore.
sucks KZ3 didn't do more. I had high hopes for the game but I didn't bite day 1. I did on KZ2 and it's partly my fault for expecting a Socom like experience with the game. No way i'm buying KZ3 so close to Socom 4, Portal 2, and MK9.


GotEmRunnin said:
sucks KZ3 didn't do more. I had high hopes for the game but I didn't bite day 1. I did on KZ2 and it's partly my fault for expecting a Socom like experience with the game. No way i'm buying KZ3 so close to Socom 4, Portal 2, and MK9.
Neither did I. I didn't bite on KZ2 on first day (enjoyed it months later) and I was perfect fine with waiting on KZ3 (for a buy 2 get 1 free deal or something like that). Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Dead Space 2 were calling to me.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Exwallst said:
This type of success is going to force Sony and Nintendo to launch the next generation sooner than they were planning. Much like Wii forced Sony/Microsoft to motion.

They both just sold over 400k.... in February.... of their sixth year. They also both have new (expensive) portable systems coming out very soon. I seriously doubt you will see new consoles from either of them before late 2012.
The-Warning said:
KZ3's numbers are respectable, I guess. I don't know how it's going to end up in the longer term. It just doesn't have that strong hook that brings people in. Apparently these have little effect as hooks:

- 3D
- motion control in an FPS or on the PS3 in general
- great graphics
- stereotypical characters and story
- jetpacks

Bulletstorm at least has some hooks: dick-tits, over-the-top gameplay.
i'm sure 3D support is a strong hook for the tiny percentage of us that have a 3D tv... but Killzone 3 is clearly not enough of a showcase to send people out in large numbers to buy a 3DTV.

but hey, you've got to start somewhere.

i'm already expecting MotorStorm Apocalypse to bomb, but that could just be paranoia talking. i want more games designed from the ground up to be in 3D, and 2010 saw 2 out of 3 highly praised arcade racers fall flat on their faces sales wise.
kame-sennin said:
It may also be evidence that people don't read the credits on the title screen. I remember when people were certain World at War wouldn't do as well as COD4 because it wasn't an Infinity Ward shooter. My thoughts then were that most consumers wouldn't notice before they bought the game (or perhaps even after).

It seems like you're advocating adding bells and whistles to a game just to say you've innovated. If a developer discovers a gameplay structure that is highly satisfying, why break it or make it more complex? If I want to play Pac-man or Tetris or even chess, I don't want someone mucking around with the basic mechanics of the game for the sake of innovation. Modern sports have maintained their popularity for almost a century due to NOT changing the fundamentals of the game. Nobody wants this:


Or more likely further evidence that Call of Duty is now reaching a larger audience of gamers who don't care about/don't know about those other logos and just know Call of Duty(because before more informed internet dwellers knew the level of quality from Infinity Ward was typically higher). In other words, COD, a core game, is reaching the casual gamers.

Funny how "casual gamers" are more open to trying "our" games than we are "theirs". Watch out, because at this rate, "casual gamer" may eventually become the new "real, dedicated, hardcore gamer".



exwallst said:
This type of success is going to force Sony and Nintendo to launch the next generation sooner than they were planning. Much like Wii forced Sony/Microsoft to motion.

Please. Nintendo isn't going to be forced into anything with where they are sitting right now. They are on their ass, not releasing shit, with fuck all planned for the next 9 months and doing 450k+ in hardware and moving shitloads of old games released last year and beyond. 10m from the PS2, and tracking ahead of it still.

Yeah, they aren't going to be feeling pressured to do a goddamn thing anytime soon. I can assure you.
plagiarize said:
i'm sure 3D support is a strong hook for the tiny percentage of us that have a 3D tv... but Killzone 3 is clearly not enough of a showcase to send people out in large numbers to buy a 3DTV.

but hey, you've got to start somewhere.

i'm already expecting MotorStorm Apocalypse to bomb, but that could just be paranoia talking. i want more games designed from the ground up to be in 3D, and 2010 saw 2 out of 3 highly praised arcade racers fall flat on their faces sales wise.

I'm pretty sure Apocalypse will not come close to charting. Pacific Rift did pretty bad if I recall and it's hard to magically sprout big numbers coming off #2, even if it was a solid title.


With regard to the platform listings, I happen to think those are the platform rankings within a title on the combined top 10. But I'd always ask just to be sure before I wrote about such a thing.


Kam said:
I wouldn't say it's premature at all.

You're right it doesn't take 10 million units to be a success, but one would hope the next entry in the series does better. Killzone 2 sold 323,000 in 2 days when it released in February 2009. In the next month, it sold 296,000 I believe. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on those figures.

I highly doubt this game is going to have strong legs. I'd be truly surprised if it did. As it stands, it'll be a great thing if Killzone 3 simply manages to equal the last entry in the series, which was probably a disappointment too for what I assume Sony was hoping it would become.

February was a busy month, maybe it will sell better in march? KZ3 is till in the top 10 on amazon and top 25 for the bundle. Not sure how much that actually amounts to, but it seems to still have some popularity.

Give it 3 months, then compare and call flop. Right now it is still premature to comment on anything but the 1st 6 days of KZ3 sales. Was it less than what sony really wanted? Probably yes. But who knows what they realistically expected
BroHuffman said:
February was a busy month, maybe it will sell better in march? KZ3 is till in the top 10 on amazon and top 25 for the bundle. Not sure how much that actually amounts to, but it seems to still have some popularity.

Give it 3 months, then compare and call flop. Right now it is still premature to comment on anything but the 1st 6 days of KZ3 sales. Was it less than what sony really wanted? Probably yes. But who knows what they realistically expected

Well with FPSs (Aside from COD and Halo of course), history tends to say its not kind. We won't know though, because it's unlikely Killzone 3 remains in the top 10, and they won't feed us numbers even if it did hold decently.
Cipherr said:
Please. Nintendo isn't going to be forced into anything with where they are sitting right now. They are on their ass, not releasing shit, with fuck all planned for the next 9 months and doing 450k+ in hardware and moving shitloads of old games released last year and beyond. 10m from the PS2, and tracking ahead of it still.

Yeah, they aren't going to be feeling pressured to do a goddamn thing anytime soon. I can assure you.

At least not this month that's for sure. But I think you're also jumping the gun a bit. While December and February certainly backs up your argument, last month it did look like the Wii was going to start its slide back down and follow last year's trend. In Japan that trend is still very much alive with the Wii approaching sub 10k levels and looking to follow the 360 into miserable levels. Not sure about Europe. We have to see if this month was an anomaly for the US market, or if this really is a new trend.

A console could have 100,000,000+ users but if it's not moving software or hardware(that's profitable) on a monthly basis, it's going to force any company to think about moving on. We have to see if this new trend continues though and one month of bouncing back outside the norm that was the majority of last year, doesn't mean the Wii is totally safe either.

March will start clearing this up. People too quickly draw large assumption from one month results, when longer periods are necessary to more accurately judge trends.


Haven't used my Kinect for gaming in months, but damn if it's not cool to use for when people come over and my girlfriend likes using it just to operate things like Last FM. I've considered selling my Kinect, but then I'm like no............thing is cool as fuck even if I don't play games on it. I'm also waiting for the inevitable Kinect games that are yet to come like horror type games. Thinking that experience will be amazing. The Wii also did extremely well, and Sony.....well I guess trying to be the Wii HD turned out to be a really bad idea afterall. Microsoft was smarter by differentiating themselves with the Kinect hardware in a way that Sony didn't with Move. Interesting times indeed.


the walrus said:
Frankly, I think the COD dominance will see its first true challenger (MOH was a halfhearted attempt, if we're being honest with ourselves) with Battlefield 3. I remember COD2 really sowing the seeds for COD as a franchise to really explode with Modern Warfare (which launched just two months after the juggernaut that was Halo 3) - a solid experience, whose longevity was solidified by COD3 (a game made by a different team, and ultimatley sold well... but nothing near post-Modern Warfare numbers... the BF parallel would be the MoH reboot). Assuming the market doesn't outright collapse from so many huge big-budget military shooters in one month, I think Battlefield 3 will really start eating into that COD mass audience. BC2 really, I think, did what COD 2 did for their respective franchises. Both franchises have their die hard PC base... it just came down to reaching critical mass on consoles, and both BC2 and COD2 really laid the groundwork for that. Either way, I wouldn't expect COD to ever reach numbers it hit with BLOPS (which is obviously something that everyone seems to say every year, and never actually happens). At the very least, we see a decline in COD sales because of increased head-to-head competition. Potentially, we see a shift towards the Battlefield franchise this November that COD never really recovers from (a la the Halo -> COD shift in 2007)... which would really come at a bad time for Activision, who is trying to milk it for all it's worth.

Kind of like how Activision's milking of Guitar Hero came in the wake of declining sales... and ended up killing that franchise for good.

Maybe I'm riding the BF3 hype train a bit too much, but that's just my two cents. EA's positioning of BF3 against COD8 speaks to volumes about their hopes, at the very least.

The only way BF3 will beat MW3 is to become like it, do you really want that?

They are two vastly different FPS experiences. I'd rather BF kept what makes it special rather than trying to ape CoD. Shame though as DICE seems to be obsessed with besting CoD they may do that in graphics etc, but they will need an absolutely addictive MP element and as much as i love BF i just can't see it happening.
MrPink93485 said:
I'm pretty sure Apocalypse will not come close to charting. Pacific Rift did pretty bad if I recall and it's hard to magically sprout big numbers coming off #2, even if it was a solid title.

I think it could make the top 20 (if they still do that), Modnation Racers, the last Ps3 racer not named Gran Turismo 5 still did that decently. I would think the game, Pacific Rift, did well enough over time undercover enough to sprout a sequel (unless the DLC also proved to be insanely profitable, but the game made greatest hits...). 3DS games will, I think prevent it from being in the top 10 maybe, SSFIV seems to be insanely popular (based on hype and reviews) and Nintendogs+cats...well.


Watchtower said:
Don't assume Japanese 360's importance to Microsoft is the same as Japanese Wii's importance is to Nintendo.

You do know the Wii's biggest Japanese third party release hasn't even bee released yet correct?


MightyHedgehog said:
Awww, no PS3 hardware numbers yet? Don't be scared, Sony.

Why release numbers when you can release shitty PR briefs:

Sony PR:
NPD’s February numbers illustrate continued growth of the entire PlayStation 3 ecosystem, including increases in hardware, software and peripheral sales. PlayStation’s exclusive titles, combined with stereoscopic 3D and precision motion controlled gaming, continue to resonate with consumers, and we look forward to furthering the momentum with MotorStorm Apocalypse and SOCOM 4 next month.
-- Patrick Seybold, Sr. Director of Corporate Communications at SCEA
Wow awesome.

I have two things to say:

First, Nintendo losing the top spot is solely their fault. They didn't push the Wii much beyond Wii Fit. I spent months arguing with posters how Nintendo should step up to their A game and it looks like I was right.

Second, I really really hope that Capcom ports Marvel to the PC.


Watchtower said:
Don't assume Japanese 360's importance to Microsoft is the same as Japanese Wii's importance is to Nintendo.

Id be VERY curious to hear why you think they AREN'T the same? We aren't still holding out hope that since Wii is console numero uno in Japan, that some day all of the Japanese developers are just going to go gung ho with Wii releases are we? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiitt the 360 for a while had a better Japanese supported lineup than the Wii did. (Probably still does with the exception of the upcoming DQX)

I'd like to hear why Japan is so much more important to the Wii console than it is to MS.

I spent months arguing with posters how Nintendo should step up to their A game and it looks like I was right.

Youll need a couple more years of this here in multiple territories before your right.
Jeels said:
You do know the Wii's biggest Japanese third party release hasn't even bee released yet correct?

I did not know that, but it's hard to believe it will all of a sudden re-establish the Wii selling at a rate of over 20k on a regular basis sustainable for the long term again. After this month, I'm not going to say it's not possible though.

My point is when it comes to re-assessing the Wii's market health, don't give more importance to one month's result and view it as proof of a turn-around of a year worth of trending. It remains to be seen what happens in the US as far as trending goes, and I guess whenever the Wii gets the title you are talking about in Japan.

When is it supposed to be released?
Cipherr said:
Id be VERY curious to hear why you think they AREN'T the same? We aren't still holding out hope that since Wii is console numero uno in Japan, that some day all of the Japanese developers are just going to go gung ho with Wii releases are we? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiitt the 360 for a while had a better Japanese supported lineup than the Wii did. (Probably still does with the exception of the upcoming DQX)

I'd like to hear why Japan is so much more important to Nintendo than it is to MS.

I really thought you were joking at first. I think you have your own little viewpoint there. Very little. Like....little and alone stranded on a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific. If you don't already get that, then I can certainly say, I am NOT the person to explain this.

I'm backing away now....slowly.
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