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NPD Sales Results for February 2012 [Up 3: Kingdoms Of Amalur, Syndicate, Asura]


No, I avoided the Resident Evil topic because it was the type of thread where it was so ridiculous with the praise I for once wasn't in the mood to go in there and be accused of trolling it simply because people were on their rainbow/unicorn/fairy dust trip. I will just say I cannot recall another time there was such a disconnect between the product I played and what these people were saying about the game in the GAF thread (well, Animal Crossing maybe...). People were saying it was like a return to horror Resident Evil, and I did not get that feeling at all. I was expecting a genuine darker RE horror game in the RE2 type (in terms of atmosphere; i understand it was to be broken up in bite sized chunks for handheld flavor). It did not deliver at all. There was also a myriad of gameplay problems, partially because of the 3DS control setup, and partially because of bad decisions.

Haha, we really do need a "Criticize games without fear |OT|". I did get a small old-school RE vibe from the very beginning of the game when you first get a bit of freedom, but it quickly devolves into a lot more action than it should. I have to say though, never before has the screen blood/jelly annoyed me as much as here, especially when RE4/5 had perfectly good life bars. Ah, well.


also wow @ 350k for FFXIII-2. Thank the lord, these sales numbers are wonderful this month. Hopefully this shows SquareEnix that most people in America are not satisfied with that type of direction for their seminal RPG series, and we want a revamp. Return to relevancy please for your FF series SquareEnix. I don't want cheap rehashes with a play-itself gameplay system and IWANTTOROCKYOURCHOCOBO with saccharine, half-dimensional jpop archetype characters shitting up your every waking moment.

Go back to your roots, understand the atmosphere that compelled games like FFVI forward and the gameplay that made FFV rock, and reinsert the writing/voice work of a Matsuno-type FF (without him being forced out of the project and the game's plot being finished by what must have been a wild cocaine-addled baboon. Of course, that's still better than the plots of virtually every other FF game, which seemed to have been written by a festering pile of reanimated feces.)

You're my bro for life!!!!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Feel really bad for Asura. Surprised how many people are happily dancing around the flames of its failure. What is the big success here for you people?


You're my bro for life!!!!

bro fist then :D

Peff said:
Haha, we really do need a "Criticize games without fear |OT|". I did get a small old-school RE vibe from the very beginning of the game when you first get a bit of freedom, but it quickly devolves into a lot more action than it should. I have to say though, never before has the screen blood/jelly annoyed me as much as here, especially when RE4/5 had perfectly good life bars. Ah, well.

Heh, I dunno man. But it has gotten to the point where now a days I actually might occasionally avoid getting into the muddy waters, because these people don't even bother to try to make a compelling argument. They will read a criticism that contains thousands of well thought out words articulating a very specific set of problems, and they'll immediately post a thousand image macros like "YOU SERIOUS BRO?" and dismissive one liners "oh it's Amir0x man he's always negative lol y u listen to him it's clear he's trolling" and then blame me for derailing the topic (somehow, posting negative comments in a game's OT about the game is now an example of going off the rails. That's the point some embarrassing GAFers are at now). Instead of just skipping the posts or simply choosing to participate and engage in a conversation with someone who feels differently than they do, they choose the vapid post route. It's a shame.

I know which GAFers don't do that and which do, and so I know who to respect and who to simply mock.

I would really like some genuine horror games on a handheld. Silent Hill PSP proved that if someone with talent actually set to making a good handheld game on the go, it would be brilliant. Even the mediocre Silent Hill PSP was elevated to a decent game because of the intimate space a handheld invades by necessity. Horror is practically built for handheld platforms. I was expecting many things for Revelations, things I don't think are unfair, and it just failed to meet most sign posts. I just don't get what people saw in this one :<


are there any numbers for vita sales in europe?

sony said that they sold 1,2 million vitas worldwide in their release week.... so when they sold 600k in japan and 225k in usa, there must be 375k sold vitas in europe.... which i can't believe....
Asura's Wrath outsold Syndicate? 2K isn't really anything to care about, but still quite suprised by that.
Not I really prefer either, but one's more of a "game". And a shooter at that.


are there any numbers for vita sales in europe?

sony said that they sold 1,2 million vitas worldwide in their release week.... so when the sold 600k in japan and 225k in usa, there must be 375k sold vitas in europe.... which i can't believe....

It didnt do 375k in Europe.


Feel really bad for Asura. Surprised how many people are happily dancing around the flames of its failure. What is the big success here for you people?

One less company burning funds in an incinerator in embarrassing non-games with endless use of QTE and a Heavy Rain gameplay obsession?

mugurumakensei said:
it sold more most likely since it's in range of uncharted and ffxxii-2 360.

Ah, got you. Well, I don't know what their expectations were but I hope its not more than 150k.


Surprised at how low Syndicate went. I was interested in the game but no SP demo combined with bad word of mouth concering the SP just put me off.

Miles X

are there any numbers for vita sales in europe?

sony said that they sold 1,2 million vitas worldwide in their release week.... so when they sold 600k in japan and 225k in usa, there must be 375k sold vitas in europe.... which i can't believe....

There are places outside of US, Europe and Japan. 375k split between Europe (61k UK), Canada, Mexico, Latin America, Asia ect ..
Glad to see THQ and Amalur doing well.

Saddened for Starbreeze to see Syndicate do so poorly. They should've just focused on a co-op campaign that scaled between 1-4 players and forgone a completely solo experience. With games like Halo , COD, and BF3 for me there just wasn't enough game there to justify the $60 price tag.


Surprised at how low Syndicate went. I was interested in the game but no SP demo combined with bad word of mouth concering the SP just put me off.

Yeah Syndicate is a true ceritifed bomb. Co-op was fun but the single player was atrocious, and the co-op didn't have satisfying lasting power... and without a competitive mode of some sort, it was doomed


One less company burning funds in an incinerator in embarrassing non-games with endless use of QTE and a Heavy Rain gameplay obsession?


What concern is it of yours that a company puts out a game you don't like, to the point you hope for their failure?

Come on, son. And you said GAFfers were embarassing for jumping your bones in OTs? What, do you think this is somehow better?
Feel really bad for Asura. Surprised how many people are happily dancing around the flames of its failure. What is the big success here for you people?

I think a lot of people are happy about the sales (for some reason), because a lot of people realize it's hardly a game and more of an anime. At $60 too.


Just wanna clarify I am not one of those people. But a lot of people seem to be celebrating it's failure.
Syndicate had/has the same problem that the FPS Xcom game has in that it's an FPS, meaning a lot of people refused to buy it on principle alone because it's not a true sequel.


One less company burning funds in an incinerator in embarrassing non-games with endless use of QTE and a Heavy Rain gameplay obsession?

Ah, got you. Well, I don't know what their expectations were but I hope its not more than 150k.

lol. I hope they market Dragon Dogma well. Game looks great and hope it sell well if it turns out to be good.


how much did it sold on europe?
We don't really know. The only information is supposedly less than 250k in the main European countries, but we don't know which countries does that include. With, let's say, 240k in the Americas and 590k in Japan, that's more than 1 million.

Then you think of all the other countries in the world and Sony's estimates probably aren't terribly wrong.
I tend to agree with you, that I don't see the 3DS outselling the DS, but this is more a gut feeling, from the numbers, the 3DS outsold both, the DS and the PSP, during it's first 12 months.

The GBA sold incredibly well in its first year and had (if memory serves) the second highest Japan launch behind the PS2. The Wii outpaced the PS2's first couple of years by quite a bit but is now looking like it will finish far behind it. Nintendo's current 3DS strategy seems to be to rely on old popular IPs like Mario and Zelda to bring in customers. This is fine, but it won't expand the audience and they will lose a lot of DS owners who either won't be repeat customers or will have been swayed by other portable gaming devices (primarily the iPhone and iPad). So I don't see the 3DS selling anywhere near what the DS did based on that reasoning. The Vita might have a shot of expanding upon the PSP's userbase since the PSP missed out on a lot of these customers. However, Sony's current strategy doesn't seem to indicate that that will happen either.


I think a lot of people are happy about the sales (for some reason), because a lot of people realize it's hardly a game and more of an anime. At $60 too.


Just wanna clarify I am not one of those people. But a lot of people seem to be celebrating it's failure.

It's just absurd that people would have that mindset. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Saying you want this game or studio to fail because it's not your cup of tea is no different from saying Uncharted 3 deserved 10/10 across the board. Just people seeking other people to validate their opinions.

What concern is it of yours that a company puts out a game you don't like, to the point you hope for their failure?

speaking for myself, when bad companies do well other companies follow. see: madden CoD yearly updates, $15 map packs, dlc 172kb unlock codes, etc etc etc

when companies do good other companies follow. see: Bioshock demo, Steam, online for more than games, options outside of a controller, Apple.

so I enjoy watching Capcom faceplant. I think they are industry poison.



What concern is it of yours that a company puts out a game you don't like, to the point you hope for their failure?

Come on, son. And you said GAFfers were embarassing for jumping your bones in OTs? What, do you think this is somehow better?

You do not understand why taking funds to make an atrocious game type is something to root against when those funds can be used elsewhere to make a game that isn't complete shit?

Welcome to the real world if you're surprised people will root for the failure of things that are terrible and the success of things that are great, especially when they may in fact be interconnected in some big or small way. Money is finite, and funds that are diverted from one place to make garbage may indeed impact funds that could go to a project that is functional. It's impossible to say what the impact is, but the fact that there is any impact at all is enough. Asura's Wrath is the type of gaming experiment that needs to die, much like Heavy Rain.


You do not understand why taking funds to make an atrocious game type is something to root against when those funds can be used elsewhere to make a game that isn't complete shit?

Welcome to the real world if you're surprised people will root for the failure of things that are terrible and the success of things that are great, especially when they may in fact be interconnected in some big or small way. Money is finite, and funds that are diverted from one place to make garbage may indeed impact funds that could go to a project that is functional. It's impossible to say what the impact is, but the fact that there is any impact at all is enough. Asura's Wrath is the type of gaming experiment that needs to die, much like Heavy Rain.

This is probably the most entitled post I've ever read on GAF.

"Money should only be spent on games and genre's that Amir0x likes, anything else deserves to fail!".

speaking for myself, when bad companies do well other companies follow. see: madden CoD yearly updates, $15 map packs, dlc 172kb unlock codes, etc etc etc

when companies do good other companies follow. see: Bioshock demo, Steam, online for more than games, options outside of a controller, Apple.

so I enjoy watching Capcom faceplant. I think they are industry poison.

I'm sorry, are you somehow suggesting that if Asura's Wrath did well that we'd see a flood of similar games? I didn't know there was only room in the market for a small handful of genre's, and anything that tries to do anything different is unwelcome. Must have missed that generational shift.


Heh, I dunno man. But it has gotten to the point where now a days I actually might occasionally avoid getting into the muddy waters, because these people don't even bother to try to make a compelling argument. They will read a criticism that contains thousands of well thought out words articulating a very specific set of problems, and they'll immediately post a thousand image macros like "YOU SERIOUS BRO?" and dismissive one liners "oh it's Amir0x man he's always negative lol y u listen to him it's clear he's trolling" and then blame me for derailing the topic (somehow, posting negative comments in a game's OT about the game is now an example of going off the rails. That's the point some embarrassing GAFers are at now). Instead of just skipping the posts or simply choosing to participate and engage in a conversation with someone who feels differently than they do, they choose the vapid post route. It's a shame.

It is pretty baffling, yeah, considering it's pretty much the most "important" kind of discussion to be had here. At least to me it's always fascinating to read what worked and didn't work for someone else, especially when the criticism is expansive and knowledgeable, comparing the game to other stuff you feel did x thing better/worse and why, etc.


This is probably the most entitled post I've ever read on GAF.

"Money should only be spent on games and genre's that Amir0x likes, anything else deserves to fail!".

It seems you really are just joining planet Earth.

"Hello, I'm MrPliskin, and I am unaware that people regularly want things they like instead of things they don't like, and will frequently complain about those things that they don't like when it is impacting the things they do."

If you need a travel guide in your first trip to planet Earth, I can reference several websites that can help you. wikipedia is a good place to start


So azuras wrath failed miserably I guess too. Can anyone with numbers atleast confirm if RER did double AW or less than double AW?

Ivan 3414

Syndicate had/has the same problem that the FPS Xcom game has in that it's an FPS, meaning a lot of people refused to buy it on principle alone because it's not a true sequel.

I'm pretty sure the number of people who didn't like Syndicate because it wasn't faithful to its source material is significantly less than the people who have bought the game.
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