NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


It's sold out, what are you going to do. Unless Sony is stepping up their supply game, they are going to get beaten in march.

I think it will keep to march though. Neither console has anything substantial on the horizon past that.
Its not,people already mention their stores is getting good stock and amazon is instock again after selling out.
See I'm not terribly familiar with the hardware; are you telling me that you can't just navigate with the controller? I'm not sure why the system can't just be used as a game console. Why would they need to revamp the OS? Can't you turn off Kinect anyway?

You can navigate and do everything with the controller, but it is so much easier with Voice Commands. You can either say Xbox Snap TV while playing a game or You can hit the center button, navigate to the TV App, press the hamburger, select Snap and then scroll back and select your game.


No one tell Squeenix. They might decide to localise DQVII. I mean who wants that? Probably not the 200k that bought BD.


Free game packin doesn't hurt. Also Beta Titanfal.

I honestly expected Xbox to beat PS4 this month because of the supply constraint, Titanfall hype, and beta. Guess I was wrong. If Sony can win next month with huge supply and heaving Infamous advertising (real pushing better graphic power) kind of promotion.

It's over.

Is Infamous really that big of a console seller?

The first 2 didn't really sell a massive mount did they, no more than 3 million?

Miles X

no major tweet yet.?

I'm hoping they announce the first 28 hours of Titanfall sales ...

"The wait is over and “Titanfall” has arrived to broad critical acclaim. Since it launched on Tuesday, the Xbox community has been out in force playing “Titanfall” on Xbox Live. “Titanfall" is landing throughout Europe this week and the Xbox team has been excited to celebrate with thousands of fans at launch events around the world and with hundreds of thousands of fans via the broadcast on Twitch.

February NPD Group figures released today showed that Xbox One continues selling at a record-breaking pace with 258,000 units sold in the U.S. in the month of February, surpassing Xbox 360 sales by over 61 percent at the same point in time.

And, Xbox 360 continues to grow its install base with 114,000 units sold in February in the U.S. in its 100th month on the market in the U.S., more than any other seventh generation console. The growing fan base for Xbox 360 will have their opportunity to play “Titanfall,” when it launches on Xbox 360 on March 25.

With Xbox One and Xbox 360 combined, the Xbox platform sold more hardware than any other home console platform and held 43 percent of the home console market share in the U.S.

Highlights from February 2014 NPD include:

Xbox One continues to see impressive software sales with an average of 2.75 games sold per console.
Xbox One sold 772,000 games in February and Xbox 360 sold 2.46 million, totaling 48 percent of the total software market share (Xbox 360 and Xbox One combined).
During the month of February, Xbox One and Xbox 360 both held five of the top 10 spots on the generation eight and generation seven console game lists in the U.S. respectively:
Xbox One top titles in the generation eight console game title list in the U.S. include: “NBA 2K14,” “Battlefield 4,” and “Thief,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” and “Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare.”
Xbox 360 top titles in the generation seven console game title list in the U.S. include: “NBA 2K14,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” “Fable Anniversary,” “Grand Theft Auto V,” “Minecraft,” “The LEGO Movie Videogame.”

It’s been a big month for Xbox One, with the launch of a significant system update with improved matchmaking, party chat and friends features that make gaming on Xbox One an experience like no other, and the launch of Twitch and “Titanfall.” Xbox One is available in 13 markets around the world, with many more coming this year."


That's a strong bounce back for XB1 after a seemingly disastrous January. March numbers are gonna be bundles of fun.


Why? Seems legit.



No. They have said outright that won't happen.

but they didn't say they wouldn't port it to the 3DS's sucessor.

DKCR's port happened 2.5 years after the original came out. in 2.5 years, we might have the 3DS sucessor out and DKCTF as a launch window port.


love on your sleeve
PS4 is basically selling what's available. I would still think it's going to lead next month and yes, people are sleeping on the Infamous/Metal Gear combo.
Ton of stock? Hardly. They announced 3m sell through end of the year. Since then 145k in Jan and 260k~ in Feb, that's over 400k in US alone. Given US is 2:1 to the other 12 launch countries it's wise to estimate 200k sold there. This puts sales at 3.6m~ going into march, 300k on shelves across the globe is paltry.

Lol, so you're telling me MS didn't produce a single console in Jan, and Feb?
Don't forget Target had a promo where you got a 50 dollar gift card when you bought a Xbone, plus many places were doing free game deals.
Chartz is no more accurate than your random, average, nobody GAFfer prediction. DO NOT fool yourself into thinking they have ANY credibility.


Why? Seems legit. I think Titanfall will sell many consoles. The question is if it still sell consoles in April.



The Site That Must Not Be Named has some of the least legit data of anything, ever.
What if Titanfall - by some miracle - carrys MS through to Christmas. The number meltdowns would be too damn high.

Impossible. TF will win them March & April for sure. But then hype and word of mouth will die down. We'll sales revert back to Sony's lead.

E3 is going to be absolute war zone this year. I can't wait.


So does the X1 not need saving anymore?

It's going to keep needing "saving" as long as it's still (ever so slightly) behind in sales in the only market it's competitive in. A continued supply of "saving" measures, such as proving to developers that you can market the hell out of their games if they agree to exclusivity, may just do the trick.
Is Infamous really that big of a console seller?

The first 2 didn't really sell a massive mount did they, no more than 3 million?

It can be if they push the graphic aspects on TV. Titanfall doesn't hold a candle graphically to Infamous and a correct marketing spin will make the PS4 look like the graphically superior console to casuals.


Mr Swine

Why? Seems legit. I think Titanfall will sell many consoles. The question is if it still sell consoles in April.

Yeah it's really legit when they are wrong 99% of the time :/

Great numbers overall for the PS4 and Xbone. Wii U not that great sadly, even with DK :( we know how bad Mario Kart 8 and Smash will do on Wii U :/
You can navigate and do everything with the controller, but it is so much easier with Voice Commands. You can either say Xbox Snap TV while playing a game or You can hit the center button, navigate to the TV App, press the hamburger, select Snap and then scroll back and select your game.

That's fine and all, but for someone that simply wants to play games I'm not sure why it can't be sold without the peripheral. I don't need voice commands to start up games or browse marketplaces and such. I'm just wondering why the OS would need a revamp or an overhaul just because they'd be offering the console without Kinect.

I'm not arguing your personal experience or opinion, but I would be buying the system to simply start up and play games; Kinect hasn't proven to be something that enhances the gaming experience. I don't want to pay more money just for a "cool" way to navigate an OS.
no major tweet yet.?

Microsoft PR:

The wait is over and “Titanfall” has arrived to broad critical acclaim.

Since it launched on Tuesday, the Xbox community has been out in force playing “Titanfall” on Xbox Live.

“Titanfall" is landing throughout Europe this week and the Xbox team has been excited to celebrate with thousands of fans at launch events around the world and with hundreds of thousands of fans via the broadcast on Twitch.

The growing fan base for Xbox 360 will have their opportunity to play “Titanfall,” when it launches on Xbox 360 on March 25.

It’s been a big month for Xbox One, with the launch of a significant system update with improved matchmaking, party chat and friends features that make gaming on Xbox One an experience like no other, and the launch of Twitch and “Titanfall.”



The wait is over and “Titanfall” has arrived to broad critical acclaim. Since it launched on Tuesday, the Xbox community has been out in force playing “Titanfall” on Xbox Live. “Titanfall" is landing throughout Europe this week and the Xbox team has been excited to celebrate with thousands of fans at launch events around the world and with hundreds of thousands of fans via the broadcast on Twitch.

February NPD Group figures released today showed that Xbox One continues selling at a record-breaking pace with 258,000 units sold in the U.S. in the month of February, surpassing Xbox 360 sales by over 61 percent at the same point in time.

And, Xbox 360 continues to grow its install base with 114,000 units sold in February in the U.S. in its 100th month on the market in the U.S., more than any other seventh generation console. The growing fan base for Xbox 360 will have their opportunity to play “Titanfall,” when it launches on Xbox 360 on March 25.

With Xbox One and Xbox 360 combined, the Xbox platform sold more hardware than any other home console platform and held 43 percent of the home console market share in the U.S.

Highlights from February 2014 NPD include:

Xbox One continues to see impressive software sales with an average of 2.75 games sold per console.
Xbox One sold 772,000 games in February and Xbox 360 sold 2.46 million, totaling 48 percent of the total software market share (Xbox 360 and Xbox One combined).
During the month of February, Xbox One and Xbox 360 both held five of the top 10 spots on the generation eight and generation seven console game lists in the U.S. respectively:
Xbox One top titles in the generation eight console game title list in the U.S. include: “NBA 2K14,” “Battlefield 4,” and “Thief,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” and “Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare.”
Xbox 360 top titles in the generation seven console game title list in the U.S. include: “NBA 2K14,” “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” “Fable Anniversary,” “Grand Theft Auto V,” “Minecraft,” “The LEGO Movie Videogame.”

It’s been a big month for Xbox One, with the launch of a significant system update with improved matchmaking, party chat and friends features that make gaming on Xbox One an experience like no other, and the launch of Twitch and “Titanfall.” Xbox One is available in 13 markets around the world, with many more coming this year.
It's sold out, what are you going to do. Unless Sony is stepping up their supply game, they are going to get beaten in march.

I think it will keep to march though. Neither console has anything substantial on the horizon past that.

It's been popping up and selling out. No one really knows how much stock is coming in though. Next month will be really interesting.


As a side note I feel Square Enix should re-evaluate how they're handling the Final Fantasy brand.

I realize this is a spin-off, but still it's a Final Fantasy console game with a number in it, so this is kind of pathetic.
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