NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]

The only reason I was hoping the Xbox One wouldn't do so well is to see it get a price cut or a bundle without Kinect. I don't want the system to fail, I want all consoles to be successful, but if it keeps selling well they'll keep that price tag on it. As they should, being a business and all, but I'd definitely get one at a cheaper price.

Kinect stays in. They can't revamp the OS enough to take it out. Heck its going to take them months to move the party back from the App to the OS.

I still forsee some sort of massive price cut / XBL bundle at E3. Their original roadmap wanted to stay better than breakeven at all times, but they will easily take a price cut to sell everyone on Live.

Major I hope you are reading this. Offer X1 with one free year of Live and you have a subscriber for the life of the console!


I expected Xbox One to have only sold one-hundred units in February with all the Xbox is DOOMED the last few weeks.


I'm kind of wondering why Microsoft is bundling in Forza now. Sales seem to be doing well enough?
I think they want to seem value competitive which is hard at $100 more.

Forza isn't a big seller in the US so it's a good choice for something that adds value, but doesn't take away too much in sales.
Said it once and I'll say it again. Xbone will win March.

Say what you will about TF, the marketing on that game alone has been through the fucking roof.

I maybe would have agreed with you, but the PS4 has been on sale on Amazon like 4 different times this month (for days at a time, and its for sale now) and stock seems to be showing up in more and more stores. I really think Sony has made a very conscious effort to increase PS4 inventory knowing how important that Titanfall is for Xbox*.

It will be very very interesting to see the console sale numbers next month. I get the feeling that Sony is going all in for March. Plus, Infamous will help sell a few consoles too.
Going to be interesting to see how close next month is. While I expect MS to win it, and now that Japan launch is over, Sony will dump more stock into NA


Still don't. Sony will heavily restock for march, no Japan launch to deal with and no Chinese New Year slowing production.

Shouldn't have launched so early in Japan, not so soon. Could probably make the same argument for every other country Xbox Ones aren't being sold in (officially) yet.


No idea what next month will be like but it will be very interesting. I guess everything will depend on if the PS4 is still supply constrained, if the demand is still there, and if a significant amount of people bought the Titanfall bundle.

I'm not too surprised at the bump for XBO though. Weren't there a lot of deals at retail for either a free game or $50 back if you bought an Xbox One? I could see a lot of people with tax returns jumping in on those deals. I guess Titanfall could be a reason but Feb. didn't really have any big games other than Thief to drive sales.
March really is a wild card. You've got TF boost for the X1 (which clearly should be better in March), and inFamous + MGSV on PS4 (yes, I realize MGSV is also on X1, but it's associated with PS).

The only way the X1 comes out on top, imo, is if Sony can't get enough PS4s on shelfs.

MS has a ton of left over stock from Dec. and whatever they produced this last two months. I'd bet on them simply because there aren't enough PS4s.

WW though, Sony should easily hit 7 million by March 31st.

It is logical that the massive snow front in January would have impacted sales somewhat. Not drastically, but how many people would go out in a massive blizzard with 2 foot of snow to pick up a console?

I forgot about it and thought that last month be the new baseline, but it appears I was mistaken due to this.
he has spoken

that makes sense actually
Kinect stays in. They can't revamp the OS enough to take it out. Heck its going to take them months to move the party back from the App to the OS.

See I'm not terribly familiar with the hardware; are you telling me that you can't just navigate with the controller? I'm not sure why the system can't just be used as a game console. Why would they need to revamp the OS? Can't you turn off Kinect anyway?


Man, I really want to see these numbers with digital! Glad to see a healthy month for all consoles in friggin' February. Really suprised to see Lightning Returns, a game nobody really talked about, listing higher than Bravely Default, as it had tons of advertising and hype around it. And yeah, did someone unironically say the Wii U's numbers were great? lol.


I still think PS4 will outsell XBO in March, the supply been way better than Jan. & Feb. and still gets sold out in day or 2 also with Infamous coming out PS4 will have a boost too.
I maybe would have agreed with you, but the PS4 has been on sale on Amazon like 4 different times this month (for days at a time, and its for sale now) and stock seems to be showing up in more and more stores. I really think Sony has made a very conscious effort to increase PS4 inventory knowing how important that Titanfall is for Xbox*.

It will be very very interesting to see the console sale numbers next month. I get the feeling that Sony is going all in for March. Plus, Infamous will help sell a few consoles too.

I think it has more to do with getting Japanese launch out of the way.


I think people are underestimating the PS4 again.

It's sold out, what are you going to do. Unless Sony is stepping up their supply game, they are going to get beaten in march.

I think it will keep to march though. Neither console has anything substantial on the horizon past that.


I wasn't expecting Bravely Default to chart, that's good to see. Most of the people I know have moved on from handhelds to iPhones but quality software will sell.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
So many actual hardware numbers! And so early! This doesn't feel right at all.

Console market doomed etc rabble rabble. Surprising to actually see the WiiU up though.

Bravely Default squeaking in is good news for the jRPG as a whole with Lightning Returns on there as well, as much as I hate Lightning.


Why would you buy a XB1 before Titanfall is released? It's not like XB1 is in short supply

A bunch of my friends did it. They were on the fence about X1s, but with Titanfall coming up they thought it was a good incentive to grab one now. I guess they thought sooner was better than later?
Anyone saying consoles are doomed don't know what they are talking about, Very good x1 and ps4 sales. near 300k for ps4 with supply issue sis amazing.

Miles X

March really is a wild card. You've got TF boost for the X1 (which clearly should be better in March), and inFamous + MGSV on PS4 (yes, I realize MGSV is also on X1, but it's associated with PS).

The only way the X1 comes out on top, imo, is if Sony can't get enough PS4s on shelfs.

MS has a ton of left over stock from Dec. and whatever they produced this last two months. I'd bet on them simply because there aren't enough PS4s.

WW though, Sony should easily hit 7 million by March 31st.

Ton of stock? Hardly. They announced 3m sell through end of the year. Since then 145k in Jan and 260k~ in Feb, that's over 400k in US alone. Given US is 2:1 to the other 12 launch countries it's wise to estimate 200k sold there. This puts sales at 3.6m~ going into march, 300k on shelves across the globe is paltry.
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