NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


Pretty remarkable month for the XB1 to be honest. Curious how March will turn out with Titanfall and all. Wonder how many people took advantage of that brief Microsoft store Titanfall bundle for $399?


Saint Titanfall
I do feel it's notable they didn't mention it favorably in their fiscal report for Q3 and instead listed shipping Saints Row IV in the West as their retail console highlight.

I vaguely remember them being positive on FFXIII-2 by comparison.

Dat SRIV saving SE Q3 :lol.


Xbox also had one more retail exclusive on shelves for February, PvZ.

Feb and March are strong content months for Xbox.

People who were waiting for Titanfall also got one to play the beta. Don't know how many though.

Unfortunately, those same people got it just a few days before the Titanfall bundle annoucement.
What wind? What sails? Instead of selling 100% of available stock they will sell...100% of available stock? You keep repeating it but where is the math behind your momentum?

I'm talking about XBone closing the gap and surpassing PS4 next month. Sony went from a 135k lead to a 30k lead to likely 2nd place next month. One is gaining momentum, the other is in cruise control. OK Sony can't sell more, MS can. The result is still the same. As far as the wind taken out their sails, I'm talking about hype about the games. Titanfall was a real coup for MS. I don't see the same excitement about anything on the PS4 that will push sales.
Excellent results all around. Pretty much every one got screwed for this month's prediction league however, except for the Xbone enthusiasts who generously went with what was considered to be the "outlier" numbers before the official result was released.

It's rather fortunate that January itself turned out to be a one off thing for the Xbone, but given the results of the prior months in NPD, it was quite a shocker; both were rather neck to neck in November (PS4 led) and December, the Xbone even leading in the month of December itself by a narrow margin. So this month is actually a return to normality of sorts.

No "doomed" threads for you this month, MS, well done.


The titanfall bundle went on sale in february too, didn't it?

It was available for pre-order, but stores like ours don't process that until they're actually picked up as a sale... Though it doesn't really matter, because we had less than 20 pre-orders district wide for that bundle.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised at Call of Duty. I'm not a fan of the series or shooters in general, but it seems like it hasn't been that well received. I guess if it's still topping the charts someone likes it.

Good to see Bravely Default hit the top 10 too.

With Xbox One doing well compared to PS4 in America at least, I wouldn't be surprised to see it finish first for the month of March on the back of Titanfall.


Saint Titanfall
I said "The West", but meant North America.

They also spoke positively of their browser/mobile games and FFXIV, but not much on the retail front.

Yeah I figured something was up since they didn't publish it in Europe I don't think I, didn't know they published in the US.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm talking about XBone closing the gap and surpassing PS4 next month. Sony went from a 135k lead to a 30k lead to likely 2nd place next month. One is gaining momentum, the other is in cruise control. OK Sony can't sell more, MS can. The result is still the same. As far as the wind taken out their sails, I'm talking about hype about the games. Titanfall was a real coup for MS. I don't see the same excitement about anything on the PS4 that will push sales.

I'm absolutely confounded by you. In your own post you acknowledge they can't sell more and yet you say "there is nothing that will push sales." I think you are just trying to get my blood pressure up.
I'm talking about XBone closing the gap and surpassing PS4 next month. Sony went from a 135k lead to a 30k lead to likely 2nd place next month. One is gaining momentum, the other is in cruise control. OK Sony can't sell more, MS can. The result is still the same. As far as the wind taken out their sails, I'm talking about hype about the games. Titanfall was a real coup for MS. I don't see the same excitement about anything on the PS4 that will push sales.

Don't sleep on inFamous. The social metrics on that game are through the roof.

Also... MLB the show rarely breaks a million units, but it sells hardware.


I'm talking about XBone closing the gap and surpassing PS4 next month. Sony went from a 135k lead to a 30k lead to likely 2nd place next month. One is gaining momentum, the other is in cruise control. OK Sony can't sell more, MS can. The result is still the same. As far as the wind taken out their sails, I'm talking about hype about the games. Titanfall was a real coup for MS. I don't see the same excitement about anything on the PS4 that will push sales.

This makes zero sense. You contradicted yourself in the same breath.


Actually, they changed the actual pose in the real game. In the game she looks far sweeter and less obnoxiously try-hard to be sexy like in that pic. Believe me, I was shocked when I saw the final pose in the game.

Also, while I'm not that terribly impressed by Lightning Returns (confusing storyline, AWFUL texture, jaggy everywhere, I seem to have problem with running mechanism every now and then, stagger mechanism to defeat enemy) I actually like some of the setup they have with the world and sub-missions. It really feels like a good direction to follow in future FF especially if they can make more than 5 worlds to go into.

I'm gonna give it a try... eventually. Hopefully, it'll be very cheap like the recent sale with FFXIII-2. Still, for a promotional art, the picture sucks.

OT: Good job BD for keeping the JRPG genre alive. Overall, sales of all platforms except the Vita which sales numbers are out of sight are good. This month should fare better for next-gen consoles with big hitters coming out on both sides.

Yes, especially so in February.
Thanks. I really find it hard to believe PS4 is still supply constrained 3 months after release.





Good deal! Hardware sales are on the up and up. If both consoles can sustain 200k+ sales throughout the year it will be a good year for gaming overall.


Crazy. They must have wanted to clear stock but the game sold comparably to 358 and BBS upfront so it's a little surprising.

Wait, really? I still have my copy sealed I bought Black Friday 2012.
It's out of print, not available digitally and not pirate-able. Expect prices to keep climbing until one of those things changes.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I'm still trying to figure out how FFXIII is the first game in the series to get two direct sequels. What a waste of half a decade.
What are all the major 3rd party successes on 3ds
I would imagine Monster Hunter. Bet RE:R might slowly being getting up there, slowly reaching profitability. KH? SMT4? ZE2/VLR (know it bombed but how badly)? SSF4 (Think this did well being best game at launch)? Castlevania (think another bomber)? Tom Clancy? MGS Snake Eater 3D (think this under performed, but 1-3 HD at same time was dumb move)? AA Dual Destinies (likely limited b/c only digital US/Europe)? EO4? RF4? etc.

Off the top of my head nothing else.

Is there a ranking list?

Oh, and didn't see 3ds sales for npd


I knew it'd sell better. Told Kagari that before #'s were posted. People want a more traditional JRPG... especially one from Square Enix.

Well a few hundred thousand want that, definitely not 6 million +.

can't say as I really understand the celebration at failed games. Are people expecting old skool jrpgs on consoles to return because xiii lost square a bunch of money?

My guess is that the next FF game will be contracted out like TombRaider, and have a much reduced budget. No employees means low overhead. And if XV fails to perform, maybe then they turn it into a handheld/ios franchise along side Bravely.


Yes, because is $100 more expensive

Cost - Revenue.

Pretty sure we know XB1 is subsidized more than the PS4, and that's before the discount and bundles started to hit.

I don't click IGN, but my guess is they're not trying to say software sale licensing made up the difference. As is now both companies are still losing money on hardware sales; but the amount is miniscule compared to last gen.


If Xbox One is selling at 90% or more of PS4 sales, even with a $100 higher price point, Sony needs to rethink what they're doing. Are PS4 still out of stock widespread in places or no?

We could probably see Xbox One outsell PS4 again if March sales include the TitanFall bundles which I'm sure didn't count in February since they were only pre-orders.
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