NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]

Meanwhile the PS4 is a source of constant requests. Even the mobile stores in malls get calls from customers asking if they carry PS4s. The Salem, NH and Nashua, NH stores haven't even received a shipment of PS4s in a month. A month! But we've received word from Sony that major shipments are due this month in all of our stores.

I fully expect the X1 to do well again this month, but in terms of beating the PS4...? I can't really agree with any of you.

I strolled past my local Wal-Mart's electronic section earlier and there was four Titanfall bundles and three regular Xbox Ones on shelf. Also, like five Titanfall controllers.

... not a single PS4 in sight, but that's been the case in my area since launch. (Only started see Xbox One consoles on shelves about two-three weeks ago.)

So if Titanfall is really supposed to be this big game changer I think it may have failed to live up to it's purpose. We'll see!

Thanks for the information too.
Xbox One went from 143k in Jan to 258k in Feb? I guess maybe the $50 deals and the Titanfall Beta, but is that the whole explanation? If so that's pretty remarkable.


Considering that Lightning Returns was a budget title made by a very small team at Square Enix (<10 people) with no new assets whatsoever, it has done fantastically well. It also demonstrated to Square there is a slavish, brainless audience that will buy anything with Lightning in it so in a way they have hedged new revenue streams with this latest title. Finally, they also showed that review scores do not much matter in driving sales with this core audience.

Huge hit.

And that is the absolute best case scenario. There has been damage done to the Final Fantasy brand name. When you start talking about opportunity costs and how an entire console generation was wasted on XIII and it's sequels there is no way SE is happy. Do you think Versus being renamed XV is coincidence?

Ricky 7

Xbox One is coming for the PS4's head, this months NPD is going to be brutal if it manages to outsell the PS4. XBO and PS4 sales combined are over 400k which is good so the market isn't declining like some people predicted, I know it's still early days to completely call that prediction irrelevant but I just don't see either consoles sales dropping off a cliff.

Wii U sales are bad but at least it increased and is up YoY which shows that there's still some interest in it. But it's nothing significant, celebrating it would be the equivalent of #Champion Vita in the Media Create threads. >_<

Speaking of which I hope we get 3DS and Vita numbers. I predict both of them did badly since they haven't been mentioned at all. So maybe something like this: 3DS<100k and Vita<15k.


Super Member
Hey way to go Bravely Default. Not my favorite genre but it performed decently.




Wait, earlier it was said that mine craft sold over 200k so how is that possible if LR outsold that?

I think someone must have gotten confused and though the BD digital + physical number was physical only and assumed everything above that was 200K+.
Speaking from Best Buy numbers... All of you that feel Titanfall is pushing the X1 to these incredible heights, I'd really like to you consider the sobering reality that you're completely off the mark.

I think it was famousmortimer that said that there's around a million x1s sold by Titanfall already, as in people who bought the system with the intent to play that game. Feb. numbers definitely feed into that too, with the Beta excitement, and all that. But The game has been out for 2 days now, and our district (Northeast US) has sold less than 40 of the Titanfall bundles, and no store has placed any orders or even requests for any kind of replenishment.

Meanwhile the PS4 is a source of constant requests. Even the mobile stores in malls get calls from customers asking if they carry PS4s. The Salem, NH and Nashua, NH stores haven't even received a shipment of PS4s in a month. A month! But we've received word from Sony that major shipments are due this month in all of our stores.

I fully expect the X1 to do well again this month, but in terms of beating the PS4...? I can't really agree with any of you.
I'm with you, man. Never said anything 'bout XBO beating PS4 in March, either. But some folks are funny like that.

I never actually mentioned NSMBU tbh because as Knack showed, almost anything sells at launch no matter how awful it is.

3D World pushed WiiU hardware sales from ~50k sales per month in 2013 to 220k for November and 470k for December. 3D World had an amazing impact on WiiU hardware sales which was obviously helped by the Holidays but then again most big name titles are.

I don't personally see Smash Bros U having anything like the effect of MK8 on hardware sales unless there is another $50 price cut around the time of it's launch. The 3DS version will also hurt it's sales.
I'm just curious: know for a fact MK on Wii outsold Smash on Wii, but have DD and MK64 outsold their respective SS counterparts? I'm thinking "no", and anedoctally speaking I know people holding out on a WiiU just for Smash, MK's just more like a bonus.

As for 3D World boosting sales in Nov and Dec, I don't know about that. Wii U is bundled with NSMBU now and was bundled w/ Skylanders starting Nov. I'd think getting those free games w/ a system would push sales more than having to pay an extra $60 for a game alongside that console purchase.



Ughh.. please. Out of all the games and animes that attempts to do a pose like that, I feel this one's the worst. It's emotionless and actually lacks the appeal.

Yes, especially so in February.
Thanks. I find it hard to believe that they're still supply constrained 3 months after release.


You're aware one of those games is out, and the other isn't right now, yes? It kinda skews the results.

Not really. TF has been way ahead of it for a while. It has been around the top 5 or better since at least during the Beta, and Infamous wasn't even close until pretty recently.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
And that is the absolute best case scenario. There has been damage done to the Final Fantasy brand name. When you start talking about opportunity costs and how an entire console generation was wasted on XIII and it's sequels there is no way SE is happy. Do you think Versus being renamed XV is coincidence?

I think you are overreacting. The Final Fantasy brand is as strong as ever. In fact, with Lightning Returns, it expanded into the Simple 2000 series line of games and still had a smashing success. "Entire console generation wasted" on the Goddess? I mean you're not even making sense. If Lightning were not super popular, why does Square keep putting her into games? Think about that and get back with an answer or maybe don't since you are probably an Agent of Chaos.


Yeah it's kind of shocking overall.

I remember that Elite Beat Agents was seen as the archetypical third party bomb back in the NDS days, but these days many, many 3DS games would love to have its LTD sales if I'm remembering them correctly.

Pretty sure the majority of EBA sales were at bombs prices. It was in every single bargain bin at retailers in my area for a while.


I think you are overreacting. The Final Fantasy brand is as strong as ever. In fact, with Lightning Returns, it expanded into the Simple 2000 series line of games and still had a smashing success. "Entire console generation wasted" on the Goddess? I mean you're not even making sense. If Lightning were not super popular, why does Square keep putting her into games? Think about that and get back with an answer or maybe don't since you are probably an Agent of Chaos.



I think you are overreacting. The Final Fantasy brand is as strong as ever. In fact, with Lightning Returns, it expanded into the Simple 2000 series line of games and still had a smashing success. "Entire console generation wasted" on the Goddess? I mean you're not even making sense. If Lightning were not super popular, why does Square keep putting her into games? Think about that and get back with an answer or maybe don't since you are probably an Agent of Chaos.

Etro pls go


Pretty sure the majority of EBA sales were at bombs prices. It was in every single bargain bin at retailers in my area for a while.

For sure, but I don't think that's necessarily untrue of quite a few 3DS games.

KH3D is one of the better sellers on the 3DS third party wise, but I've seen it for $15 or less quite a few times.


I think you are overreacting. The Final Fantasy brand is as strong as ever. In fact, with Lightning Returns, it expanded into the Simple 2000 series line of games and still had a smashing success. "Entire console generation wasted" on the Goddess? I mean you're not even making sense. If Lightning were not super popular, why does Square keep putting her into games? Think about that and get back with an answer or maybe don't since you are probably an Agent of Chaos.

I wonder how many serious posts it will take till people realize this is all a joke.


Pretty sure the majority of EBA sales were at bombs prices. It was in every single bargain bin at retailers in my area for a while.

It was even a pack-in for a DS accessory kit for quite some time. You couldn't give that game away.

Which, in light of the You're the Inspiration stage, makes the DS audience comprised largely of cruel, coldhearted bastards.


Not even 1/2 of XIII-2's first month sales.

Japan first three weeks:

FFXIII-2: 756k

375/756 = ~0.5

Not much difference from Japan, then.

Lightning total in Japan + US = 415k + <175k <= 590k.

This game will struggle to sell 1 million copies to consumers, although I'm sure Square Enix already has shipped more than that.


Ughh.. please. Out of all the games and animes that attempts to do a pose like that, I feel this one's the worst. It's emotionless and actually lacks the appeal.

Actually, they changed the actual pose in the real game. In the game she looks far sweeter and less obnoxiously try-hard to be sexy like in that pic. Believe me, I was shocked when I saw the final pose in the game.

Also, while I'm not that terribly impressed by Lightning Returns (confusing storyline, AWFUL texture, jaggy everywhere, I seem to have problem with running mechanism every now and then, stagger mechanism to defeat enemy) I actually like some of the setup they have with the world and sub-missions. It really feels like a good direction to follow in future FF especially if they can make more than 5 worlds to go into.

I think you are overreacting. The Final Fantasy brand is as strong as ever. In fact, with Lightning Returns, it expanded into the Simple 2000 series line of games and still had a smashing success. "Entire console generation wasted" on the Goddess? I mean you're not even making sense. If Lightning were not super popular, why does Square keep putting her into games? Think about that and get back with an answer or maybe don't since you are probably an Agent of Chaos.


Like a #BOSS.
I think you are overreacting. The Final Fantasy brand is as strong as ever. In fact, with Lightning Returns, it expanded into the Simple 2000 series line of games and still had a smashing success. "Entire console generation wasted" on the Goddess? I mean you're not even making sense. If Lightning were not super popular, why does Square keep putting her into games? Think about that and get back with an answer or maybe don't since you are probably an Agent of Chaos.

Embrace the pain and go away, you agent of Toriyama.


Japan first three weeks:

FFXIII-2: 756k

375/756 = ~0.5

Not much difference from Japan, then.

Lightning total in Japan + US = 415k + <175k <= 590k.

This game will struggle to sell 1 million copies to consumers, although I'm sure Square Enix already has shipped more than that.

I do feel it's notable they didn't mention it favorably in their fiscal report for Q3 and instead listed shipping Saints Row IV in the West as their retail console highlight.

I vaguely remember them being positive on FFXIII-2 by comparison.


I think you are overreacting. The Final Fantasy brand is as strong as ever. In fact, with Lightning Returns, it expanded into the Simple 2000 series line of games and still had a smashing success. "Entire console generation wasted" on the Goddess? I mean you're not even making sense. If Lightning were not super popular, why does Square keep putting her into games? Think about that and get back with an answer or maybe don't since you are probably an Agent of Chaos.

Damnit you found me out.

For sure, but I don't think that's necessarily untrue of quite a few 3DS games.

KH3D is one of the better sellers on the 3DS third party wise, but I've seen it for $15 or less quite a few times.

Right. It's hard to say. I think we would need to compare the average sale price.


I'm with you, man. Never said anything 'bout XBO beating PS4 in March, either. But some folks are funny like that.

Sony isn't new to this game, and they've been playing this round hard and fast, with excellent moves at pretty much every turn. If people think Sony is going to just rest on their laurels while the most hyped X1 release of the year is hitting? That's lunacy.


Right. It's hard to say. I think we would need to compare the average sale price.

Though my main overall thrust was less about it climbing to an impressive number via bomba prices, but rather that even with bomba prices it didn't do all that well by the standards of the time, but that through the lowered sales of handheld titles, it looks favorable this gen.

It did 186K which if we take out creamsugar's third party LTD list would still place it pretty okay.

Kingdom Hearts is down about 55-60% from 358/2 -> 3D.


I strolled past my local Wal-Mart's electronic section earlier and there was four Titanfall bundles and three regular Xbox Ones on shelf. Also, like five Titanfall controllers.

... not a single PS4 in sight, but that's been the case in my area since launch. (Only started see Xbox One consoles on shelves about two-three weeks ago.)

So if Titanfall is really supposed to be this big game changer I think it may have failed to live up to it's purpose. We'll see!

Thanks for the information too.

There's a real danger to MS is that its possible everyone that wanted Titanfall already picked up a console since launch. It's not like they had issues doing so.

Won't really know until next month, but recent discount moves and game bundles suggest they're thinking its a possibility as well.


awesome to see bravely default charting

I knew it had to be selling well as the game was out of stock at literally every single physical and online retailer, couldn't find a copy anywhere until it restocked on amazon a few days ago.

had to have pretty much 100% sellthrough of squares initial shipment


Kind of a terrible opinion, in my opinion. I haven't played the game but I heard it was pretty good. Better for Nintendo to have the Wii U showing signs of appealing to a younger audience than to no audience at all.
Not for me it isn't. I'm talking as an owner who's not really interested in those games.
Word on the grape vine is that SE are cancelling all mobile projects and staffing up to release two AAA Lightning games on next gen consoles per month.

How am I supposed to feel about this
If they actually managed to this, but made a Lightning division in Squeenix for Toriyama and the others to work on, seceded the name with FF, have Toriyama and others in this division not ever touch anything else, and give it small budgets, I would actually be really happy. It could be like a side of the company that no one spoke of, as we talked of the bright future of Squeenix
Poor Lady Lightning.

Amazing numbers for Bravely, hope it can ship over a million overseas when all is set and done.

And wow at xbone revival, Titanfall may be a system seller after all. Just the fourth month of new consoles and we already have interesting twists and developments.


First month NPD:

Crisis Core FFVII: 300k
Dirge of Cerberus FFVII: 200k
Lightning Returns FFXIII: <175k
FFXII Revenant Wings: 50k

Didn't realize FFXIIRW sold so terribly,


For sure, but I don't think that's necessarily untrue of quite a few 3DS games.

KH3D is one of the better sellers on the 3DS third party wise, but I've seen it for $15 or less quite a few times.
For $15? You should've bought them all, KH3D goes for $50-70 sealed now and used copies can still get you $30+.


First month NPD:

Crisis Core FFVII: 300k
Dirge of Cerberus FFVII: 200k
Lightning Returns FFXIII: <175k
FFXII Revenant Wings: 50k

Didn't realize FFXIIRW sold so terribly,

Yeah I think that game is like the pinnacle of not giving people the follow-up they want.


sörine;104284626 said:
For $15? You should've bought them all, KH3D goes for $50-70 sealed now and used copies can still get you $30+.

Wait, really? I still have my copy sealed I bought Black Friday 2012.
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