NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


You know I was going with a Fall 2015 4DS target since I figured you would have two years after all their biggest games were out, but Fall 2014 at this rate would be preferable.

That said, I don't think they can feasibly be ready by then.

The thing is also down 44.4% year over year in Japan with YTD sales so far.

I'd rather they wait until 2015/2016 than get a rushed device this year.


We reached out to Microsoft for its sales result, but it declined to comment. Sony, however, confirmed that the PS4 doubled Xbox One’s sales.



So how long until there's another 3DS price cut?

The 3DS' market health is deteriorating rapidly. Nintendo has to be scared shitless right now.
This.... This is really not good at all

Thats no excuse and you know it. Both being below 300k and one being below 150k is fucking awful for this new generation. Im going to hold out because hopefully PS4 would have been much higher if they weren't supply constrained... But if we don't see a pickup, this looks awful.

I am really sick of the people here who are eager to proclaim doom and despair about the games industry.

please, let us know what console's first January has blown away 300k, making this January just awful?
i don't think people should worry about ps4 just yet after Sony sort out there supply problems we will get a better picture of the market .
Still they launch in so many countries it could take a while for that to happen .
No one is talking about it but TR must have sold terrible. 10 overall behind all those old releases in a month it was the only new realse on both PS4 and XBO during a drought. Maybe it should be $30 after all.


I'd rather they wait until 2015/2016 than get a rushed device this year.

Right, I mean the ideal scenario would be one that could do /both/ 2014 and not be rushed but I don't think that's happening so going with the later date is better.




They should grow some balls with a price drop and Titanfall bundle at the same time. Get ahead of this before it becomes worse. Better to eat the loss and start moving some units than to see waning sales and people continuing to be turned off by the price and bad press.
The numbers are bad all around and should be troubling to anyone who loves this hobby. There should be more pent up demand for these consoles. Sub 500k already is a very bad sign. We could see market contract to PS2 era in total sales or even less.

PS3 and 360's first January, both were under 250k. Sales being up from last generation at least on one system when neither really have any must-have titles yet seems pretty good to me.
The fact that PS4 was still hard to find this month gives me hope that it would have sold better, but that is a low cumulative number for both. Then again, I don't think we've had a time comparable to this one recently; those posting numbers from the 1st months of PS3 & 360 have to remember they launched a year apart at wildly different price points, and even then the Wii was absurdly low priced and obliterated everything. We'll have to see a couple of more months of sales, couple with no more constrained supply, to have a clearer picture on th health of the market as a whole.
A supply constrained PS4 sold nearly 900k during the Christmas period, if these estimates are correct it would mean that it has sold under 300k in January, that's a fall of 600k or 66% to those who prefer percentages. Supply constraints didn't stop Sony pulling big numbers before why would it suddenly start stopping them now?

Well, you know the PS4 is coming out in Japan this month right? Do you think Sony is going to be able to keep up the same number of shipments to all their current territories, while planning a big stock for the Japan release?

They are going to need to put aside several hundred thousand units for the Japan launch, and they aren't going to start making the Japan launch stock this weekend.


All these numbers indicate to me is that any developer that's making a game exclusive to next gen machines is on suicide watch.

Prepare for a bloodbath of most studios closing their doors within the next two years.


So there was like an 85% drop in sales from December to January for Xbox One. I'm guessing PS4 drop is something around 70%.


As long as it offers the better software, they did with the PS2, PS1, 360, Wii.

Being more powerful, the PS4 will forever have the "better" software, especially ports. X360 had the "better" software for most part of last gen. It's only when developers made the PS3 the lead platform did it started to change.


y'all should be ashamed
But seriously, I'd love to know why MS says XB1 led software sales and Venturebeat saying PS4 had the best software sales.


Sony and MS should really round up these attach rate figures, how can someone buy 2.7 games? Then again, many games these days are released unfinished, so I can see how somee would say that they bought a game which was only 70% complete.


You know I was going with a Fall 2015 4DS target since I figured you would have two years after all their biggest games were out, but Fall 2014 at this rate would be preferable.

That said, I don't think they can feasibly be ready by then.

The thing is also down 44.4% year over year in Japan with YTD sales so far.

the idea of a dedicated handheld that is $170+ and has $40+ games was never a successful one. sony kinda did it for a couple of years in the us and nintendo kinda did it in the us for a couple of years, but i think the audience is pretty small.

in japan, it's nearing ps2 numbers, or psp numbers if you will. there's probably a fanbase out there for far more inexpensive hardware/software. they moved away from what made the game boy line successful and i think they should return to that if they plan on keeping a dedicated handheld line profitable.

given the plans for more ease of development between console and handheld teams, it doesn't seem to be the case.


So how long until there's another 3DS price cut?

The 3DS' market health is deteriorating rapidly. Nintendo has to be scared shitless right now.

I'm expecting a price drop for every model that will get the 2DS down to $100 and we might get a few older games dropped to $20.


Junior Member
I am really sick of the people here who are eager to proclaim doom and despair about the games industry.

please, let us know what console's first January has blown away 300k, making this January just awful?
Pretty sure both the PS2 and the Wii blew 300k easy. It's less so that this January is awful, and more so that PS4 is performing pretty well, while the XB1 is flubbing hard. So the combined next-gen number doesn't look too hot.

Edit: I've been corrected about the PS2, thanks guys.


This.... This is really not good at all

Thats no excuse and you know it. Both being below 300k and one being below 150k is fucking awful for this new generation. Im going to hold out because hopefully PS4 would have been much higher if they weren't supply constrained... But if we don't see a pickup, this looks awful.

Uhh. PS4 is still selling out. The key takeaway is that one console has supply that exceeds demand and the other has demand that exceeds supply.

One console doing shit numbers due to supply constraints isn't as bad as a console doing shit numbers due to low demand.


Not Banned from OT
PS3 and 360's first January, both were under 250k. Sales being up from last generation at least on one system when neither really have any must-have titles yet seems pretty good to me.

Except the Wii made up the difference. There is no difference maker right now. Looks like will have the PS4 on top by mile but maket is going to have big time contraction.
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