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NPD Sales Results for June 2009


doomed1 said:
there are some ridiculously high software sales this month in the top 10. odd for this time of year. if it wasn't as high, i'm sure the Conduit would have shown up. i'm pretty certain that its at least 150k, and would go as far as to say the game did as much as 180k or even 190k in its two weeks on the market. that's not bad.
You can't pull a number out of thin air and call it facts though, we ain't chartzz. :lol


Was June a 4 week month or a 5 week month?
If it was a 4 week month I think its a bit early to call the Conduit a bomb since its only the first week it was on sale.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Great news for Tiger Woods 10. Best golf game ever--completely deserves it.


Blast Processing said:
Glad we saw RFG in the top 10. Extrapolating from the info we have about Prototype, I'm guessing the PS3 version probably did around 90k, unless Infamous robbed it of a bunch of sales. So does this make it a success for THQ? I really hope so; it's a fantastic game.

I'm posting from page 2, lol, so forgive me if we have solid numbers already, but my guess for the conduit is sub 30k. Bionic Commando territory.

It sold around 68k based on the numbers given by IGN.


professor_t said:
When was the Xbox360 price cut? And does anyone know the balance of Arcade sales in relation to the proportion of Pro sales?

A price cut obviously is going to have a major impact, but people keep throwing around the $199 number as if that's all everyone is paying for a 360.

It may still be that, for most consumers, the Xbox 360 they really want to buy retails for $299.

Was said earlier in the thread average price was 270ish. Arcade is good for people who do not yet need HD/just had a death. I bought mine off ebay for 70 though (no hd) and got a 20 gig for 30 a bit later. HD less 360 was fine while all I had was SO4, ToV, and ME. Well, I'm out for awhile. Time to go play SMT: Nocturne.


Foil said:
Keep on lowering that bar. Do be careful though. The ground is getting close.

Who's lowering the bar? I've always said the same thing about this game. You may be thinking about someone else.


Gold Member
Dooraven said:
Was June a 4 week month or a 5 week month?
If it was a 4 week month I think its a bit early to call the Conduit a bomb since its only the first week it was on sale.

4 full weeks and then 2 more days.


Batteries the CRISIS!
damn, those numbers are higher than I thought they'd be for software.

anyway, now I play the waiting game....

for Conduit sales


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
darkwings said:
Nintendo needs to bring out some killerapps for Wii again. 2010 for Mario Galaxy 2 is kinda lame...

Although I'd love for them to bring out more killer apps, the sales chart says they don't really need to.
darkwings said:
Nintendo needs to bring out some killerapps for Wii again. 2010 for Mario Galaxy 2 is kinda lame...


End war....


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
darkwings said:
Nintendo needs to bring out some killerapps for Wii again. 2010 for Mario Galaxy 2 is kinda lame...

They should release sequels to Wii Sports and Wii Fit. And also make a new 2D console Mario game similar to the DS game that has sold millions in every territory. If only Nintendo knew what they were doing :(


Cday said:
The Prototype numbers caught me off guard. Seems like it was one of those games that sold by word of mouth.


It's a fun experience and all though not as polished as infamous.
Dooraven said:
Was June a 4 week month or a 5 week month?
If it was a 4 week month I think its a bit early to call the Conduit a bomb since its only the first week it was on sale.

Both BlazBlue, and The Conduit only had two weeks worth of sales at best so I'm not sure why people are jumping to such conclusions...

*runs to BlazBlue thread*
kassatsu said:
PS3 Red Faction sold around 68k
PS3 UFC sold around 188k

Ghostbusters: The Video Game - 440,089 (360+PS3+Wii)

so, assuming these are ps3/360 and there's no GBA version i don't know about...

UFC 2009:UNDISPUTED PS3 THQ May-09 187.9K

also, since the M+ is listed separately...


Everything is tsundere to me
Arde5643 said:
You can't pull a number out of thin air and call it facts though, we ain't chartzz. :lol
and yet people call "bomb" without as much as a single range of numbers. it's a little silly.


If the Conduit sells in between 100-150k, what does that make it (success/failure). Although the game is very average, it was still a blast to play and hopefully enough sales would warrant a sequel. I like seeing developers who try get some kind of success.
I'm happy about inFamous and Red Faction, unfortunately the fact that I haven't seen RF chart on the weekly most played makes me sad because I want the multi to have legs :(
DuckRacer said:
Infamous' second month > Prototype PS3's first month? Whoa.

I suppose that pretty much solidifies that, at least in terms of mass consumer opinion, Prototype is essentially a poor man's Infamous. Oh, if only I had a PS3.

Anyway, hardware sales seem unsurprising, and EA really cleaned up. Great to see they're finding (potentially more) success with a less douchey outlook this generation. One other thing I find notable is THQ's relative success this month. If they can keep this kind of thing up, I think we may see a new configuration of big-three-third-parties, what with Ubisoft's increasing irrelevance to the game-playing gamer.


schuelma said:
They should release sequels to Wii Sports and Wii Fit. And also make a new 2D console Mario game similar to the DS game that has sold millions in every territory. If only Nintendo knew what they were doing :(



jehuty said:
If the Conduit sells in between 100-150k, what does that make it (success/failure). Although the game is very average, it was still a blast to play and hopefully enough sales would warrant a sequel. I like seeing developers who try get some kind of success.

I think it'd make it a success, considering I personally think it'll be below the 100k mark.


jehuty said:
If the Conduit sells in between 100-150k, what does that make it (success/failure). Although the game is very average, it was still a blast to play and hopefully enough sales would warrant a sequel. I like seeing developers who try get some kind of success.
Around 100k+ would be a really good number for a game like a Conduit. 150k would be a huge success for them considering the games HVS had done in the past.


jehuty said:
If the Conduit sells in between 100-150k, what does that make it (success/failure). Although the game is very average, it was still a blast to play and hopefully enough sales would warrant a sequel. I like seeing developers who try get some kind of success.

I'd say if it does between 100-150k that's a win.


jehuty said:
If the Conduit sells in between 100-150k, what does that make it (success/failure). Although the game is very average, it was still a blast to play and hopefully enough sales would warrant a sequel. I like seeing developers who try get some kind of success.
I'd say 100k is a success for the game, but I doubt it sold that much. For starters It charted lower than MadWorld in Europe. So I'm leaning towards 50k at best or something in the middle like 75k. A bomba of a game that will be forgotten by next month.


Shiggy said:
Wow, I didn't know donny was such a complete outlier for The Conduit predictions. :lol

jehuty said:
If the Conduit sells in between 100-150k, what does that make it (success/failure). Although the game is very average, it was still a blast to play and hopefully enough sales would warrant a sequel. I like seeing developers who try get some kind of success.
Neither. 100k would be ok sales, not bad, but not particularly great either.

How fitting.

edit: although 100k+ would be higher than I personally predicted.

Gomu Gomu

Frencherman said:

End war....

Was going to post this :lol

darkwings said:
I am looking forward to it, but at this point I am more excited for SMG2 since the first one was amazing.

I haven't played the DS one yet. But people say it was great + The Wii edition looks soooo good. The only thing this game needs is to be on shelves to make profit.


Gold Member
jehuty said:
If the Conduit sells in between 100-150k, what does that make it (success/failure).

Reminder, it only been out for 9 days tops, if we assume it broke the street date with 2 days on the 21th (and not 23rd as the release date was).

I'd say it pretty decent.


schuelma said:
They should release sequels to Wii Sports and Wii Fit. And also make a new 2D console Mario game similar to the DS game that has sold millions in every territory. If only Nintendo knew what they were doing :(

Nintendo am third-party CONFIRMED!

The only numbers I imagine Nintendo are concerned about are those Chart-Track figures we got for the UK a while back, which are so crazy I'm not fully convinced they're true.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
gerg said:
Nintendo am third-party CONFIRMED!

The only numbers I imagine Nintendo are concerned about are those Chart-Track figures we got for the UK a while back, which are so crazy I'm not fully convinced they're true.

I think they're probably still concerned about Japan the most. (hence the black Wii coming out in a month).


Personifried said:
I suppose that pretty much solidifies that, at least in terms of mass consumer opinion, Prototype is essentially a poor man's Infamous. Oh, if only I had a PS3.
wait, what? :lol did you just call PS3 owners the mass consumer opinion?


Mithos said:
Conduit was better then most other FPS I played on the Wii (IMO) not counting Metroid Prime Series.

Well to be honest that's like saying ironman is the best game on 360 that has a rendered Robert Downey Jr. Doesn't mean that it's not a waste of money and embarrassing to see fanboys cling to it like a lifejacket when there are dozens of better games for the system.


gerg said:
Nintendo am third-party CONFIRMED!

The only numbers I imagine Nintendo are concerned about are those Chart-Track figures we got for the UK a while back, which are so crazy I'm not fully convinced they're true.
Crazy numbers indeed considering Nintendo did release Disaster: Day of Crisis in Europe. If only they brought over ExciteBots, Nintendo of Europe never learns.


[Nintex] said:
I'd say 100k is a success for the game, but I doubt it sold that much. For starters It charted lower than MadWorld in Europe. So I'm leaning towards 50k at best or something in the middle like 75k. A bomba of a game that will be forgotten by next month.

I'm sure it'll sell better in the States than in Europe. Apparently they don't play Wii games in Europe. ;)
Angeles said:
I'm surprised that the PS3 sold that many with PS3 slim news leaked and price cut rumors
Because everyone reads videogame message boards regularly and hardware lives or dies by the rumors posted on them, right? :lol

I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation why PS3 sales were shit all of those months preceeding the leaks and rumors too. There always is.

Angeles said:
Shnookums said:
Didn't Sony recently project that they would sell 3 million more PS3s this year compared to last year? Seems hard to imagine that working out.
It's possible i think if they release PS3 slim in August for 299$ or if GT5/FF13 get released this year
Hmm, I think I detect a pattern...


Gomu Gomu said:
Was going to post this :lol

I haven't played the DS one yet. But people say it was great + The Wii edition looks soooo good. The only thing this game needs is to be on shelves to make profit.

the DS game is good but the worst 2D mario in the main series by far.


gerg said:
Nintendo am third-party CONFIRMED!

The only numbers I imagine Nintendo are concerned about are those Chart-Track figures we got for the UK a while back, which are so crazy I'm not fully convinced they're true.
what crazy numbers? link please.

Personifried said:
In an extremely relative sense. You know what I meant.
Oh I know what you meant and I reject the implication.
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