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NPD Sales Results for June 2009

Gomu Gomu

Frencherman said:
Is a game bombing just because it didn't appear in the Top10?!!

Conduit will reach its million soon enough...

But didn't we say this before when we were talking about Mad World, and China Town?

It is true that I might be jumping ahead of myself there. But honestly, I don't think it'll make it. I hope I'm wrong though.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Gomu Gomu said:
. And finally, sad that The Conduit isn't up there. That makes it the third (?) mature hyped game to bomb sales wise.

so now conduit is a bomb. we dont even have numbers yet.. :S
it is rated T for teen.

the expected sales by most reasonable people are around 100-150k for the conduits first month, which is reasonably below the top 10.

im guessing the other two are HOTD overkill and madworld

a rail shooter and a black and white score based brawler. i do think mad worlds sales were dissapointing given some of the hype and the fact that it seems that it does not have good legs. HOD should be doing fine and was never expected to sell gangbusters in its early months.


Frencherman said:
No, they didn't, sorry.

Yes they did, sorry.

[url=http://thewiire.com/blog/post/5954-sega-encouraged-by-initial-mad-world-sales]SEGA[/url] said:
"House of the Dead has done very well and has absolutely met our expectations. The first set of data for Mad World is very encouraging, as well."

I think Conduit will certainly do better than Mad World, but SEGA saying Conduit is doing this or that is not an actual indicator of good sales.


Dabookerman said:
Oh also, a certain website ending with a Z reported 150,000 sales or something for conduit.
I just want to see how wrong they are.
My guess is they're off by about 100,000 units.

And yes, House of the Dead Overkill did well especially in Europe and guess what The Conduit fell flat on its face there.


Gold Member
TeethMummy said:
this Conduit stuff needs to end. You guys didn't honestly expect that game to shift 200k in its first month did you?

In a month, yeah, but in a week, not likely.


Cold-Steel said:
I don't understand why people thought the Conduit would succeed.

SEGA publishing it - not a good sign that you're destined for success.

SEGA said HoTD Overkill was a success despite opening at under 50k, lets wait for the Top 20 and the full blown Wii Top 10 before we put our foots in our mouths


TeethMummy said:
this Conduit stuff needs to end. You guys didn't honestly expect that game to shift 200k in its first month did you?

Seriously. There was no way that game was moving 200k units in the first month. If they got over 100k, then I'd call that win for Sega and High Voltage.


Amir0x said:
I think Conduit will certainly do better than Mad World, but SEGA saying Conduit is doing this or that is not an actual indicator of good sales.
Just from getting info from Amazon, Best Buy and Gamestop all point to this being at least double MadWorld's numbers. When SEGA said that quote, everyone already knew they were lying through their teeth, as the game had been stagnant at the market for a few months.
lawblob said:
Red Faction is a great game, plays great on PS3. Do it.

I just finished watching a pretty comprehensive review on gametrailers. I'm in on monday when my paycheck comes along. For this price I might even be able to get my cousin along for the ride. :D


Bah. No dramatic numbers this month. Wii did better than I thought - figured it'd be in the high 200's. 360 still doing decent. PS3 still needs a pricecut.


Amir0x said:
I think Conduit will certainly do better than Mad World, but SEGA saying Conduit is doing this or that is not an actual indicator of good sales.

OldJadedGamer said:
Wouldn't you say that Prototype's sales were beyond "excellent" considering it outsold Infamous? "Did well" seems kind of meh and boring.
Mrbob said:
If you ignore the 180K Infamous sold last month which was only a couple days worth of sales.

Yes. I agree. It certainly outsold it during a period where Prototype wasn't out on the market.

Prototype also didn't release until the 9th of June if we want to get technical about things. It still sold pretty well on the PS3 to be comepting with a virtual clone title. It sold much better on the 360 because it didn't have a direct exclusive clone genre to compete with.

So it seems to be suited for both audiences quite well taking into account the larger 360 install base in America.


i think i can imagine MS' PR response

"we're the only one who experience growth than others."

sony will be the typical "this is what we predicted and will look into the future"

nintendo's will be the typical "we outsold them all".


pakkit said:
Just from getting info from Amazon, Best Buy and Gamestop all point to this being at least double MadWorld's numbers. When SEGA said that quote, everyone already knew they were lying through their teeth, as the game had been stagnant at the market for a few months.

Right, whether or not you personally think they are lying is beside the point. The point I was making is that SEGA is not a good source for whether their game is doing well because unlike what Futureman said, they did claim Mad World's sales were "very encouraging."
Angelus said:
I call it karma for all the fucking haters slandering ProtoType. That is sells more than that other game thats been stroked to death here at Gaf while ProtoType had unjustifiable shit flung at it from haters just serves a good dish of crow towards them.

THIS. So many people hating on the Prototype that probably never even played it, with sales like this we will definitely see a sequel:D

Infamous sold well for a PS3 game, there is no need to badmouth either title.
[Nintex] said:
My guess is they're off by about 100,000 units.

And yes, House of the Dead Overkill did well especially in Europe and guess what The Conduit fell flat on its face there.

Actually, that's not too far from the truth. Of course, it all depends on when you visit, since I've seen it - literally - change its numberz from July 13 to July 14 by a crazy amount. After Pachter and EEDAR came out with their estimates, that crap zone completely reshuffled. I was amaZed, to say the very least.

It's hard to tell where they start and where they end, but Conduit is off by about 40K in the US alone. Of course, this time tomorrow, it will be +/- 5%. AmaZing how that works.


TeethMummy said:
this Conduit stuff needs to end. You guys didn't honestly expect that game to shift 200k in its first month did you?

I dont get the hype for this game. I own a Wii and I have played it, but as an fps it isnt anything special. It is an average game. Why do people expect this game to sell a lot?
Not surprised to see Prototype do so well, there seemed be a lot of buzz around its release.

I am surprised to see people expecting Ghostbusters and The Conduit pull off great numbers.


Stoney Mason said:
Yes. I agree. It certainly outsold it during a period where Prototype wasn't out on the market.

Prototype also didn't release until the 9th of June if we want to get technical about things. It still sold pretty well on the PS3 to be comepting with a virtual clone title. It sold much better on the 360 because it didn't have a direct exclusive clone genre to compete with.

So it seems to be suited for both audiences quite well taking into account the larger 360 install base in America.

Well if we extrapolate userbases Infamous would have sold around 650-700K its first month on 360 had it been on the system. :p

Oh and Red Faction PS3 bomba. :(
Glad we saw RFG in the top 10. Extrapolating from the info we have about Prototype, I'm guessing the PS3 version probably did around 90k, unless Infamous robbed it of a bunch of sales. So does this make it a success for THQ? I really hope so; it's a fantastic game.

I'm posting from page 2, lol, so forgive me if we have solid numbers already, but my guess for the conduit is sub 30k. Bionic Commando territory.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I wonder how many copies of RFG sold at full price. I mean I just bought it heavily discounted...
When was the Xbox360 price cut? And does anyone know the balance of Arcade sales in relation to the proportion of Pro sales?

A price cut obviously is going to have a major impact, but people keep throwing around the $199 number as if that's all everyone is paying for a 360.

It may still be that, for most consumers, the Xbox 360 they really want to buy retails for $299.


Wii and DS:

Xbox 360:



Amir0x said:
Right, whether or not you personally think they are lying is beside the point. The point I was making is that SEGA is not a good source for whether their game is doing well because unlike what Futureman said, they did claim Mad World's sales were "very encouraging."

They still didn't say the same to the conduit and you have to look at the timeframe of those comments. You can't really compares a damage control remark to "proud" observation...


Everything is tsundere to me
there are some ridiculously high software sales this month in the top 10. odd for this time of year. if it wasn't as high, i'm sure the Conduit would have shown up. i'm pretty certain that its at least 150k, and would go as far as to say the game did as much as 180k or even 190k in its two weeks on the market. that's not bad.


EDarkness said:
Seriously. There was no way that game was moving 200k units in the first month. If they got over 100k, then I'd call that win for Sega and High Voltage.

Keep on lowering that bar. Do be careful though. The ground is getting close.


OldJadedGamer said:
Wouldn't you say that Prototype's sales were beyond "excellent" considering it outsold Infamous? "Did well" seems kind of meh and boring.

If you interpreted my statement of "prototype did well" to mean "prototype didn't do all that great", then you're appearing to misinterpret words in order to start some sort of irrelevant argument. Not sure where exactly you're trying to go with that.

Prototype's numbers are surprisingly good. I thought it would have done worse.

It may have outsold InFamous, but InFamous' sales (and second month legs) are much more impressive to me when you take into account the respective installed base of the 360 vs. PS3.

TeethMummy said:
this Conduit stuff needs to end. You guys didn't honestly expect that game to shift 200k in its first month did you?

donny thought it would pull like 325k first month NPD
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