Little analysis for Xbox One sales in the last three months
Xbox One April - 115,000 ---> 28,750 per week
Xbox One May - 77,000 ---> 19,250 per week
Xbox One June - 197,000 ---> 39,400 per week
Now, Kinectless SKU was announced around mid-May (May 13th), and that had a clear impact on sales for the rest of the tracked period. It shifted customers from May to June.
Given how May is usually April x 0.87-0.90, without the announcement, probably sales would have been this
Xbox One May* - 100,000 ---> 25,000 per week
And since this is the prospect of May-to-June changes
Let's apply a 1.4 multiplier for June sales
Xbox One June* --> 140,000 ---> 28,000 per week
Now, the difference between actual May sales and theorical May sales without the announcement can represent a good part of the amount of demand that has been shifted from May to June. In this case, 100,000 - 77,000 = 23,000
These 23,000 customers are certainly part of the June sales. So, let's try to see what happens without these shifted demand from May to June to the actual numbers
Xbox One June without shifted demand --> 174,000 --> 34,800
So, the difference between what June would have been if there were no Kinectless SKU and what June is without the shifted demand from May to June due to the early announcement is 34,000 units for the whole month, a.k.a. 4,600 units per week.
This means that the new SKU attracted 34,000 people also outside of those who where already interested in the console, but then decided to not buy it due to the new SKU being announced way earlier than what seen recently. So...opinions: are these numbers considered good or bad, overall?
Later, I could do the same for Wii U, or just seeing the June-to-July MOM changes for home consoles, so we can start having a good idea of what we could expect.