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NPD Sales Results for March 2009


cedric69 said:
A "same generation turnaround" is unheard of by this time into the generation or am I mistaken?

That's a valid point. The wii did have the benefit of time from the Gamecube. It allowed for an entirely new marketing strategy. It does become increasingly difficult to win mind share at the current point in the timeline of the generation. All I'm saying is that it may be improbable but it should not be thought impossible. That's why I said conventional marketing forces would not help the situation. By advocating for a risky move, I mean a future result of a business move that would be hard to calculate. And that's why I gave the example of the wii. At the time of its conception, a family/casual/party console was laughed at. It's current success could not have been calculated.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Yeah, it's bullshit. I absolutely see more commercials for KZ2 than any 360 exclusive. More than I saw for GTA: TLAD, I think even a smidge more than I see for RE5.

You havent looked hard enough. RE5 had a ten shit tons worth of advetisements. TV, Press, Web Based, Viral Ads, ect. Stuff KZ never had

KZ had a shitty ad that was ripping off an old Korn video. They had adverrtisements just really poor.


I do see Killzone 2 commercials all the time, myself. I just think they suck ass. They don't tell you anything about the game. They're just some lame slow motion bullet heading towards a guy and then WAR EVOLVED! I could never see that selling the game to someone.

"1.5 million sales will birth a new balance"


chuckddd said:
I'm not going to defend the sales of KZ2, but I will defend JudgeN in this case. If you go back and look at last month's NPD thread, most everyone felt that KZ2 would not be seen again.

i think important part is this:

An official statement from the company gloats that "the hit game has garnered the biggest initial success at retail of any first-party PS3 title to date, and will continue to drive incentive for hardware sales throughout the year."

and we know there are 3-4 1st party game that went over several millions in sales LTD, dont we? (WW).


Fear of a GAF Planet
Mama Robotnik said:

Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human.

Scotty plays Amazing Grace on the bagpipes


Junior Member
Y2Kev said:
I don't understand why black and white really would put anyone off.

Not that it would put anybody off but it's still a new IP, pushed by Sega, in black and white. It's an unknown commodity in an arena where Killzone sputters to 600K. It also has limited gameplay that doesn't vibe up with popular gaming. Beat em ups where popular to the masses in the past but it doesn't have the draw. A lot things limit Madworld's impact and impression.


Blu_LED said:
I'm not surprised that RE5 sold that much, what I am surprise at is how it beat out Pokemon. Thats really amazing.

Then again Pokemon is the kind of game that is going to be selling to younger kids, and those kids really aren't going to be buying the game day 1, or maybe even week 1. Birthdays and holidays will come around and it will sell more and more. I doubt RE5 even makes it to the top 10 next month.

Another factor with pokemon was that there were no 1st week sales on the game. Since pokemon gold/silver I've been able to buy a new pokemon game for around $10 off list price the 1st week it was out due to some major chain being a loss leader in selling it at a discount. I looked all over this time and couldn't find it for less than $33, I blame it on lack of competition due to Circuit City going under. I typically buy multiple copies the 1st week, one for me and one for each of my kids, but this time I only bought 1 (for me of course :lol ) The kids will have to wait until it goes on sale.


Agent Icebeezy said:
I think that the selling of GTA and Madworld or lackthereof is going to hold serious ramifications for those types of games on Nintendo consoles in the future.

I think that Nintendo of America not even bothering with bringing us westerners certain "core" games on the platform is an even bigger ramification, since the platform holder tends to be the greatest advocate for what their system is and should be.

But I think it's far too early to count out sales of GTA or Mad World, sure they didn't light up the top 10's, but haven't we already seen alot of wii games sell over a stretch?


chubigans said:
There was literally no hype going into Killzone 2's marketing/awareness campaign. Yeah, there was internet hype, fat good that did Snakes on a Plane and other internet-hype machines.

There were no Killzone 2 slurpees, no Killzone 2 banners and merchandising, no Killzone 2 brandings on sodas and chips, no Killzone 2 commercials two weeks before launch, nothing. I'm surprised it's doing as well as it is. SCEA completely failed the game from a hype machine perspective. Halo 3 is the only game I've seen that's had a massive ad rollout like KZ2 should have had.

Why would it move PS3s when PS3 owners aren't even aware of the game?



On a more serial note. GJ Capcom, you're killin it -Lavin. They're on fire. It's almost ridiculous.


BenjaminBirdie said:
How? How do people keep saying this? I see Killzone ads several times a day. I remember Sony uploading some kind of like interactive version of the commercial to PSN so people could literally zoom around in it and soak in the details. They CLEARLY put a lot of thought, money, and energy into that campaign and thought the visuals would stun everyone out of their seats.

If you actually look at the content of the ad though it was pretty terrible, especially compared to Microsoft's ads for their big budget games. Whereas Microsofts ads were eye grabbing and compelling, the Killzone 2 ad it basically just reinforced stereotypes of the genre, with some generic space marines battling while the camera focused on a bullet on the way to reach its eventual target. It was a pretty boring ad in my opinion and it certainly didn't sell the game to me. For me it just screamed "me too FPS game!"


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
tetrisgrammaton said:
whats more, software is down a whopping 1,197,000 units from march of last year within the top ten

Remember we had Smash Bros. last year.


Killzone 2 will probably have better legs than a Halo RTS so I'm not sure why GAF is freaking out. Looks like a great game, sales will probably be solid for a few months at least. Halo Wars sales will probably tank unless there is some untapped RTS crowd within the 360 userbase? Most likely it just sold on name alone though.

Wii numbers. Since when is 600k bad? Wii is doing great sales wise, not 700 or 800k but 600k is still insane. At the end of the day it still basically doubled the 360 for the month.

RE5, wow just wow. Great numbers between the 360 and PS3. If there is one thing the 360 can do well month after month it's sell software. I still haven't picked up RE5 for 360, just haven't had the time but I'm definitely leaning in that direction.

Next month should be interesting, are there any huge titles coming out for any platform that will sell big numbers? I know Virtua tennis 2009 and UFC undisputed hit the 360 as I'm buying both, but they probably won't do well sales wise.


DMeisterJ said:
Capgod strikes again.

1.5 milli is more than PS2 LTD of RE4. On a smaller userbase.

You must all bow to the capgod!
Not to mention the about 600k sold in Japan so far as well. It apparently sold better in its first week in Britain than FIFA did in its first week as well.
[Nintex] said:
In the Netherlands, development costs of KZ2 were estimated to be over 40 million Euro.

I could see KZ2 costing 100 million United States Dollars when you add in marketing and administrative costs.

Friggin Advent Rising cost $80 Million back in the day.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
chuckddd said:
Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human.

Scotty plays Amazing Grace on the bagpipes
:lol :lol

Brilliant reference, sir.


i kind of cant believe some people are claiming 600k for Wii is "bad"... thats like PS2, PS3 and 360 combined... if people expect Wii to sell 1 million in slow months, oh well.


chubigans said:
Pretty much. There might be commercials all the time now, but the time for the hype train leading up to launch has come and gone. There's no way to ever get that back, and the massive sales that would have benefited from it.

It's one thing to hype a game before it comes out and talk it up when it launches - fans do that kind of thing. You're excited about the game, so it's natural.

But to start making excuses for why it didn't sell? Is that being a 'fan' anymore? Just move on to hyping the next game.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
spwolf said:
i kind of cant believe some people are claiming 600k for Wii is "bad"... thats like PS2, PS3 and 360 combined... if people expect Wii to sell 1 million in slow months, oh well.

It's not bad, but its a significantly less weekly average than usual, and there are not may supply constraints that we know of.


KZ 2 and Resistance 2, along the same line, sold pretty well. The problem is that Sony and others made it out to be their answer to Halo and Gears of War. In that context, no where close and can only be seen as failures.


Stoney Mason said:
So since its out there anyone want to spin why the PS3 keeps performing worse than it did last year on a consistent basis now...

A month or two might be a fluke. 5 months is a trend.
Its the most expensive console on the market during a recession. And PS3 exclusive software is ALWAYS a slow burn no matter how much hype, good scores and advertising. Whats the big mystery here?

Seriously do you guys do some sort of Eternal Sunshine-esque memory wipe every month to prepare for npd day?

Grecco said:
KZ had a shitty ad that was ripping off an old Korn video. They had adverrtisements just really poor.
Yes and what amazing ads did Fable 2 have that enabled it to sell QUITE well last year? Ads barely matter people. Gamers know what they want and they get it when it comes out.
spwolf said:
i kind of cant believe some people are claiming 600k for Wii is "bad"... thats like PS2, PS3 and 360 combined... if people expect Wii to sell 1 million in slow months, oh well.

I don't think anybody is claiming it's bad. If anything even on an off month it outsold the HD systems combined. What people are saying is its a small decline year on year meaning perhaps sales aren't growing for it on the same relative climb. It's still doing wonderful as a system with hardware sales.


y'all should be ashamed
Chrange said:
It's one thing to hype a game before it comes out and talk it up when it launches - fans do that kind of thing. You're excited about the game, so it's natural.

But to start making excuses for why it didn't sell? Is that being a 'fan' anymore? Just move on to hyping the next game.
...what are you talking about?
Scrubking said:
No it's not.
How is it not? Madworld is an amazing game, and from what I have heard GTA in one of the best handheld games ever made. Neither of them could sell more then 200K? Thats awful.

Has there ever been an M rated DS or Wii game that got into the top 10?


Did people really expect SF4 to sell as well as RE5? It is amazing what SF4 did in its first month.

Same with RE5. The only constant I can think of this generation is Capcom seems to be the only company outside of Nintendo who is dominating this industry worldwide on consoles. RE5 sells 600K in Japan, 1.5 million in the USA. Do we have European numbers? It has to be over million there as well so a first month sell through of over 3 million. That truly is fantasic.

Also, Capcom is getting rewarded by not giving PS3 owners crappy ports as the PS3 versions sells at a great pace as well. Regarding sales, not sure how you can be shocked the 360 version sold at a greater clip than SF4. RE has more western popularity pull than street fighter, and the 360 userbase is much higher than PS3. I would say both versions sold great relative to their user bases. The USA/Japan sales for RE5 are nearly 50/50 between both platforms.


Fear of a GAF Planet
DMeisterJ said:
Capgod strikes again.

1.5 milli is more than PS2 LTD of RE4. On a smaller userbase.

You must all bow to the capgod!

Anyone know the LTD sales of RE4 on the wii?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Blu_LED said:
How is it not? Madworld is an amazing game, and from what I have heard GTA in one of the best handheld games ever made. Neither of them could sell more then 200K? Thats awful.

There are a lot of amazing games that don't sell 200K + during its first month. MadWorld had a lot going against it. But let's see just how much it sold before going crazy.


knitoe said:
KZ 2 and Resistance 2, along the same line, sold pretty well. The problem is that Sony and others made it out to be their answer to Halo and Gears of War. In that context, no where close and can only be seen as failures.

you mean fanboys? wouldnt confuse sony with sony fanboys... hey we thought VF is going to be next big thing on PS3.
Blu_LED said:
How is it not? Madworld is an amazing game, and from what I have heard GTA in one of the best handheld games ever made. Neither of them could sell more then 200K? Thats awful.

Has there ever been an M rated DS or Wii game that got into the top 10?

Sadly, game sales aren't always as good as the game is. Hell, just look at any of Clover's past games...


Cruzader said:
yes, didnt you read what a some guys just posted? He said "inFamous" is the next "savior of the PS3" just to be an ass. Thats how the whole thing started.

This is probably going to be the case for every high profile PS3 game for now on. If it doesn't sell billion copies on NPD day, you going to have trolls saying " ha ha ha. It didn't save to PS3" or some trollish variation of that.
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