Can Crusher
It was a late full priced port going head to head with two exclusives with a hell of a lot more press and hype, on a system with a small install base. I don't even know what you're trying to argue at this point.
As for Twilight Princess, it was the headliner (barring Wii Sports) of a brand new system with all Nintendo weight behind it while the gamecube version came late in a low install base consoles life. It's not that hard to understand, so at this point I think you're just being deliberately obtuse. So I think we're done here.
Resorting to insults won't get your point across. Lego is aimed at a completely different market.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is an HD port of a 3 year old game, with added content. At full price, I fail to see how that puts Monster Hunter in a completely different category.
But since you are getting bent out of shape, I guess we're done.
You're making way too many assumptions for me to even entertain discussing this at all.
I guess my assumptions don't align with your assumptions?
That's fair.