Just looked it up, lol
You come in first at exactly 100 posts!
I talk too much lol
Just looked it up, lol
You come in first at exactly 100 posts!
Is that really impressive. It was a sale so of course it going to sell a bit. But whether it would stay is the question.
Even looking at those numbers, at 30,000 in a month, the Wii U sold 1000 a day anyway. That 1,300 in a few hours...really isn't anything special. Long term is more important anyway.
I may have been a contributing factor to that....
Just looked it up, lol
You come in first at exactly 100 posts!
I guess you beat me this time. ;-)
It's funny because I don't post all that consistently throughout the month...then I post a whole lot in NPD threads and my Posts Per Day count jumps right back up.
Yeah but your posts in NPD threads are quality while mine are well not so much![]()
Is that really impressive. It was a sale so of course it going to sell a bit. But whether it would stay is the question.
Even looking at those numbers, at 30,000 in a month, the Wii U sold 1000 a day anyway. That 1,300 in a few hours...really isn't anything special. Long term is more important anyway.
Yeah but your posts in NPD threads are quality while mine are well not so much![]()
This is interesting because from what I remember the US tie ratio was bigger than the rest of the world tie ratio last gen... that increase the possibility of digital sales to be bigger than 3.5m and the US tie ratio for retail + digital is something higher than 3.This is an interesting question for sure; it's unfortunate we don't have the data to make hard conclusions. But for Sony we can establish some parameters to work within, because we have their worldwide retail+digital and their U.S. retail.
The precise retail sales for PS4 in the U.S. are 6.78m units. Let's begin by assuming--contra your hypothesis--that global retail tie ratio is exactly the same. U.S. hardware represents ~41% of global hardware, so if America is ~41% of retail software, then global retail sales are ~17m. Global digital sales would thus be ~3.5m units, or ~17% of total sales.
Is this scenario actually the case? We have no way to tell, and it's unlikely since it requires no variance in consumer behavior around the world. But we've established that U.S. retail tie ratio and global digital sales covary. So any idea about how one of these values differs from the scenario above automatically entails a conclusion about how the other one varies. (If the math isn't clear about why this is, I or someone else can provide further explanation.) The reciprocal constraints can be described two different ways, depending if you want to theorize about U.S. retail tie ratio or global digital sales:
1. If PS4 U.S. retail tie ratio is higher than the rest of the world, then global digital sales must be higher than 3.5m units/17% of all sales. If U.S. retail tie ratio is lower than elsewhere, then worldwide digital sales must be lower.
2. If PS4 global digital sales are higher than 3.5m units/17% of all sales, then U.S. retail tie ratio is higher than the rest of the world. If global digital sales are lower, then U.S. retail tie ratio is lower than elsewhere.
That's a nice narrative you have created there, loved the personal attack at the end as well.
I don't see the point of discussing ww game sales when we don't have figures. People can't even agree to disagree on DD sales in the US. So I said Sony will have sold more ww and it's still not good enough.
Wall of shame:
I guess you beat me this time. ;-)
It's funny because I don't post all that consistently throughout the month...then I post a whole lot in NPD threads and my Posts Per Day count jumps right back up.
I guess by sheer word count, Amir0x's 53 trounces everyone else?
Wall of shame:
I guess you beat me this time. ;-)
It's funny because I don't post all that consistently throughout the month...then I post a whole lot in NPD threads and my Posts Per Day count jumps right back up.
There are 26 posts by Senju, TWENTY SIX. THE FIGHT IS REAL!
Haha! What the hell are you doing at the top anyway?
While their sales are good, there's still room for worry. Yes, in the U.S. Microsoft has moved 710k pieces more at retail than Sony. However, we know ~400k of that is Titanfall vs. Infamous alone. And the remainder is unlikely to be multiplatform games; instead, it's very probably due to their larger/stronger lineup of exclusives. Overall we're talking Ryse, Dead Rising, Forza, Zoo Tycoon, and Garden Warfare against Knack, Killzone, and Injustice. To be only ~300k ahead in that confrontation is not very impressive. (Indeed, it likely indicates that on multiplat games, PS4 has a higher attach rate than Xbox One!)It really doesn't matter though, my original point is that software sales are healthy for the XB1 and there is no need for people to "worry" on their behalf.
Yeah I'd like to know the sales for only XB1S¡mon;108561204 said:Xbox One and PC combined is #1. Xbox One-only numbers are unknown.
Yeah I'd like to know the sales for only XB1
MS is loosing ground in US... 2014 will be more neck to neck than these 51% vs 37%.Random tidbit of NPD data:
Total Console (PS4, XBO, WIU, PS3, 360, Wii) Software Sales: $5.3428 billion (2013)
(-7% from 2012)
PS3 / PS4: 36.9%
(+11% higher from 2012)
360 / XBO: 51.0%
(-8% from 2012)
Wii / WIU: 12.0%
(-33% from 2012)
Yeah I'd like to know the sales for only XB1
That was an eBay seller with no advertising... Now imagine a $249 MK8 bundle with Nintendo's full marketing might behind it.
It is safe to say TF on Xbone outsold ISS by at least 2:1 in US... we are looking at ~500k and ~1m in retail.These numbers are for retail though, not including digital sales. PC likely had very little impact on these totals. What I'm curious is if the totals were even close to Second Son, and how much an impact the extra week of sales had.
Random tidbit of NPD data:
Total Console (PS4, XBO, WIU, PS3, 360, Wii) Software Sales: $5.3428 billion (2013)
(-7% from 2012)
PS3 / PS4: 36.9%
(+11% from 2012)
360 / XBO: 51.0%
(-8% from 2012)
Wii / WIU: 12.0%
(-33% from 2012)
Random tidbit of NPD data:
Total Console (PS4, XBO, WIU, PS3, 360, Wii) Software Sales: $5.3428 billion (2013)
(-7% from 2012)
PS3 / PS4: 36.9%
(+11% from 2012)
360 / XBO: 51.0%
(-8% from 2012)
Wii / WIU: 12.0%
(-33% from 2012)
MS is loosing ground in US... 2014 will be more neck to neck than these 51% vs 37%.
BTW the "free" TF bundle copies is not counted for software revenue?
Edit - fixed.
Ohhhh thanks.Correct.
I'm just going to use the last reporting month for a few more tidbits.
February 2014 NPD (the month before Titanfall)
Total console (PS4, XBO, WIU, PS3, 360, Wii) software sales: $277.6 million
(-8% from last year)
PS3 / PS4 marketshare: 39.7%
(+4% from last year)
360 / XBO marketshare: 47.1%
(-13% from last year)
Wii / WIU marketshare: 13.1%
(-18% from last year)
So far in 2014, PlayStation and Xbox ecosystems are getting pretty close in terms of sales. The Xbox ecosystem is just nudging out the PlayStation ecosystem, though.
And the two consoles are slowly taking over total video game sales:
PS4 + XBO -> 21% of total video game software sales in November
PS4 + XBO -> 22% of total video game software sales in December
PS4 + XBO -> 30% of total video game software sales in January
PS4 + XBO -> 27% of total video game software sales in February
And, Xbox 360 is more resilient than PS3 to getting replaced by the next-gen.
For example:
February 2014 NPD:
Xbox One -> 49% of Xbox 360 software sales
PS4 -> 63% of PS3 software sales
Nearly 7,000 posts. Holy crap guys...NPD threads are usually dead by this point.
If my theory about there being massive drop-offs for one or both consoles in April is true, then I think the next NPD thread will be just as long or longer...
Drops will happen due a 4 weeks month and no big release but it won't be massive... both consoles will be confortable over 200k in my view.If my theory about there being massive drop-offs for one or both consoles in April is true, then I think the next NPD thread will be just as long or longer...
Who buys PC games retail anymore?Yeah I'd like to know the sales for only XB1
I guess box collectors lolWho buys PC games retail anymore?
Yeah I'd like to know the sales for only XB1
Who buys PC games retail anymore?
PC retail is very small, so not too high.
Like it's not unusual for PC retail games to do like 12K in their opening month NPD even for titles that might end up doing 1+ million digitally worldwide.
This is why you see a lot of companies not ship physical versions of PC games in North America anymore (they do better in Europe).
Well the last game to do 500K+ at PC retail in NPD was Diablo 3, which went on to do 12+ million on PC, so I'm feeling really good about Titanfall being a lot lower than that on PC.
Are you talking WW or US, as I've largely been referring to the US. And I don't think we're in for a 60M unit contraction. On the matter of the contraction, or perhaps correction, I think we're largely past the worst of it, as both the music and motion bubble are really no longer in play.Damn, my projections which I considered hugely terrifying for gaming still only amounted to a loss of 60 million units gen on gen with home consoles. shinra is over there telling me I'm being optimistic.
We start getting into the losses of hundreds of millions and we are talking literal market crash material. Like game budgets needing to be shaved by 1/3rd to 1/2 to ensure any profitability bad.
I think it's game specific on this point. Assassin's Creed for instance probably has a better PS4 attach rate, CoD Ghosts is higher in both absolute terms and attach rate on the XBO I believe.(Indeed, it likely indicates that on multiplat games, PS4 has a higher attach rate than Xbox One!)
Aqua when will Nintendo have their yearly results this time?
Just to add...On April 10th, Nintendo corporate headquarters gave out the following information:
Nintendo Full Year Earnings Release:
May 7th, 2014 at 03:00 AM EDT
Nintendo Full Year Earnings Presentation + Q&A
May 7th, 2014 at 9:00 PM EDT
Thanks Aqua.On April 10th, Nintendo corporate headquarters gave out the following information:
Nintendo Full Year Earnings Release:
May 7th, 2014 at 03:00 AM EDT
Nintendo Full Year Earnings Presentation + Q&A
May 7th, 2014 at 9:00 PM EDT
Fiscal year results are always late... Sony is May 14th... MS is early because it is a normal quarter (Q3).Thanks Aqua.
It seems late? Maybe they are taking their time developing strategies for the new year.
So software is down year-on-year software? I know digital is eating into retail more and more, but it is still is somewhat worrying seeing how we just had such a strong next gen hardware launch.
We could potentially see a generation where hardware does well but retail games do poorly -not ideal of the devs and publishers. I know we are in early stages yet, but if the dev costs keep going up and the sales go down, it will be a tough spot for EAs and Activisions of this world.
I am sure Nintendo's situation affects this a lot though, and I bet the year-on-year handheld software sales are not that cheerful.
So did we get any Titanfall numbers?
Nope. And I dont think we will get any as the game sold not as good as Microsoft and maybe had hoped for.
Why is EA so silent? Even if this aren't megaton numbers, they are still pretty good numbers, aren't they? Or they had totally exorbitant expectations.
Well, probably at E3.
Well, it's not even up to MS to spill the numbers it's EA, and I was more thinking leaks from Cream.
So the original Xbox isn't a failure because it didn't cause Microsoft to leave the business, even though it had mostly middling sales and made MS lose about $6 billion? Or the PS3 which caused Sony to lose billions of dollars and significant marketshare?
This is a particularly tough year/year comparison. Last year had Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Gears of War: Judgement and God of War: Ascension, all selling 600K+. There was a strong 3DS release in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Less blockbusters, and excluding Titanfall, smaller blockbusters.So software is down year-on-year software? I know digital is eating into retail more and more, but it is still is somewhat worrying seeing how we just had such a strong next gen hardware launch.
We could potentially see a generation where hardware does well but retail games do poorly -not ideal of the devs and publishers. I know we are in early stages yet, but if the dev costs keep going up and the sales go down, it will be a tough spot for EAs and Activisions of this world.
I am sure Nintendo's situation affects this a lot though, and I bet the year-on-year handheld software sales are not that cheerful.
From my perspective, as a consumer, yes. Both systems had games and both systems had successors, so not failed.
All I was emphasizing is that success and failure are relative terms and as outsiders, we have no way of gauging things aside from what I wrote: were there games and was there a successor system with games. The rest is just so much talk. Imho, yadda yadda...