1m WW according to Sony
In 9 days.
1m WW according to Sony
Honest question, if both new consoles are selling well and a growth market exists in this new ecosystem, what's the difference if one is selling more than the other?
A rising ride raises all ships!!
I'd rather more optimism in these threads.
Let's foster competition and focus on software which is way more important to us as consumers
How many more ps4 sold then x1 ???
And they had PS4 at 6.9 million before the 7 million figure was announced by Sony.
I know you guys like to shit on them, but they do a decent job with what they have.
Imo North America isn't the problem. Whatever this thread might indicate the XBO is doing alright in NA. The problem is that besides the UK, nobody in this world gives two shits about the thing. Its there where Sony is doing most of the damage. I don't think most of this board is aware how truly aweful the XBO is selling outside their two main markets. It's WiiU level bad!
******** = meh.
Unfortunately, since that wouldn't have been a big deal as most expected it, I could not come up with something funny in the case X1 had outsold PS4.Did you have a response ready if MS won? If so what was it? I would thoroughly enjoy reading it.
How many more ps4 sold then x1 ???
So what were the big games in March 2007 for X360?
But that's not the only problem. If they reduced the system to $399.99 tomorrow, it'd still be a system in which every multiplatform game is inferior, in which apps are all locked behind a paywall, in which is poorly competing with PS+ amazing month on month offerings, in which is burdened with a peripheral virtually nobody wants anymore, does nothing for games, and still has yet to have even a single genuinely well received dedicated title yet for the XBO. On top of that, policy-wise, they continue to stand by a damaging ID@Xbox policy that is hugely damaging to small indies.
Good post. I personally think it's a good system but there are drawbacks. Not many people are clamouring for a Kinect, it's not as powerful in the hardware stakes as it's competition aswell as being more costly and they do not have the depth of first party as Sony.
While they may continue to make deals with third party, it may be futile should the current sales trends continue. Third party publishers will look at the sales and simply look at the higher install base.
In my opinion the biggest problem of Xbox One is Xbox One itself. Some at Redmond are probably still getting a pay cheque for making choices that have flattened the momentum it's predecessor built.
And they had PS4 at 6.9 million before the 7 million figure was announced by Sony.
I know you guys like to shit on them, but they do a decent job with what they have.
On a serious note though, I think the PS4 being the dominant console is good news for Japanese devs, especially the niche ones. They now have the best of both (halves of the) worlds. They can release a game on PS4 and have a larger userbase in the west to sell to, while also having the largest userbase in their home country as well. Unlike last gen where if they released on PS3, they had less western userbase, but if they released on 360, they would get 0 sales in Japan.
I'm late! But wow, Titanfall didn't really help move systems at all. Neither did the promotions. I'm actually somewhat surprised that the PS4 beat out the Xbone. Now the question is by how much.
There's no mystery here: Titanfall sold well, but it simply wasn't enough of an attractive game to the average consumer to overcome the negatives the Xbone is saddled with, particularly a (still) higher price tag, no Kinect-less sku, and a weaker system than the less-expensive PS4.
I'm late! But wow, Titanfall didn't really help move systems at all. Neither did the promotions. I'm actually somewhat surprised that the PS4 beat out the Xbone. Now the question is by how much.
Brazil is also Xbone country. And Brazil is a huge video game market nowadays.
We'll see if that market also will elevate consoles.
Minecraft is still in the top 10. Is this a record or something?
Make one of the correct size and I'll apply it, and a mod can change my tag (and link) to my silly wager.
LmaoMy favorite bit is "hyperbole" pronounced "hyperbowl."
Well if anyone liked MAG, they will get to see a hell of a lot better rendition of it. PS2 is my main multiplayer game now.Comparatively, the PS4 has some pretty big console exclusives coming soon in MLB The Show and Planetside 2 (I really think this game will make a big impression among console gamers)
As consumers, people should be pretty excited about Microsoft getting their asses handed to them by Sony. Microsoft has a history of being pretty awesome when their backs are against the rope, and hopefully that's the case here. My only worry is that we won't see the fruits of Spencer's labor for a few years, as was the case with Sony last generation. Should be interesting to see Microsoft's gameplan moving forward. The only thing that might royally fuck them over from a first party standpoint, is the possibility that it'll basically be Matrick, Balmer and company's gameplan that'll be guiding the XB1 for the next 1-2 years.
Not calling in to question anything. NPD is a perfectly valid metric for comparison, but, by their own admission, their numbers do not represent actual total sales of these consoles because they do not have access to the point of sale data for all retailers. It's not like XB1 magically sold an extra 60k units at smaller retailers while PS4 sold none.
Software sales is a whole other issue. The lack of Digital sales data, at this point, is becoming a significant skew.
Imo North America isn't the problem. Whatever this thread might indicate the XBO is doing alright in NA. The problem is that besides the UK, nobody in this world gives two shits about the thing. Its there where Sony is doing most of the damage. I don't think most of this board is aware how truly aweful the XBO is selling outside their two main markets. It's WiiU level bad!
Me sayin they prob lost march npd was in the 7m ps4 sold thread. My prediion for the month was ps4 would beat x1 but after sony announced the 7m figure I thought maybe it was preemptive strike.Grimløck;108578883 said:
I'm late! But wow, Titanfall didn't really help move systems at all. Neither did the promotions.
My God...So wha...what happens when Sony decides to price cut or bundle in a game??
Even the cancelled Stig game thrown in?Yeah, that's the thing with Xbox One; MS wanted to go beyond gaming and it was expensive. That deal alone must have cost more money than all of Sony's first party exclusives combined.
They're too busy w/ their QOL project to remember what today is?2 hours and still no Nintendo PR.
Zune begs to differ.
What about a FFXIII Trilogy Definitive Edition on PS4/Xbox One instead?
Everyone believed Titanfall was systemseller bro, even after the poor performance (60fps is king debacle) on Xbone, and the deafening silence of EA/MS, even to this day of it's precise performance. Still 95% of GAF predicted a win for MS for march due to Titanfall.
This is the game from the makers of CoD.
Nintendo's silence is even more deafening when you consider that for March they had the "get a free digital pokemon game" promotion all month. Through Club Nintendo, but still.
I want to see a "The First Hours of Xbox One".
Nice try Mid. You're not fooling anyone.
? Wha? Ha ha.. because I'm not surprised that the PS4 beat the X1 in sales in NPD numbers? Ok, explain the "freak out".mini-freakout
It's not even price that's mainly preventing the sales parity it seems. They were practically throwing it in the bargain bin this month with what amounted to ~$100 discount at several major retailers and still couldn't move more than the PS4? With 1mil a month, sony is likely moving at least 2:1 over the xbox WW. That's probably being generous as it seems dead in the water outside of the US.
This is why we like to shit on them:
The website calls their guesses "weekly unit sales." Nowhere does it indicate that these are just predictions.
They deceive people into believing that these are real sales numbers, when in reality they're just a bunch of crap.