I'm sure it will chart higher once the physical ps3 version releases.There is no such thing as a list that Minecraft is not on.
I'm sure it will chart higher once the physical ps3 version releases.There is no such thing as a list that Minecraft is not on.
It definitely sold systems, the question is how many. The Xbone is really unattractive hardware and people would rather get TF for PC or 360.
Saying the game itself underperformed is pretty early until we get the numbers for the bundles/Xbone/PC as well as the 360. It beat out an established quality franchise release.
And they had PS4 at 6.9 million before the 7 million figure was announced by Sony.
I know you guys like to shit on them, but they do a decent job with what they have. said:Smithers: [on mike] Get ready for exciting quarter-mile action at the
Springfield Dragway. It'll be motorized mayhem mayhem mayhem.
[softly] Do we need all those "mayhems"? We do. All right,
fair enough. I suppose you know your business.
[loud] Get ready for fun, fun, fun!
[soft] I... The people are already here, we don't... need to
keep hustling them like this, do we?
[angrily] Let go of me... Where are you throwing me?
Hey look, someone else gets it. Price isn't the issue, the absurd deals this past month showed that. You had Target selling the X1, Titanfall, 1-year of Gold for $449.
Then you have some people saying they would jump at a Kinect-less SKU if it was $379-399. You can do that now.
I'm predicting that the PS4 will be at $299 by holiday 2015
Please, please don't remind me. I loved my Zune HD!
I have to wonder what sales need to be at to pay for things like $500 million NFL contracts, $100 million R&D for the controller, whatever millions R&D for the Kinect2, etc.
Major Nelson
start selling ps4's?
My God...So wha...what happens when Sony decides to price cut or bundle in a game??
To be fair, 3DS sales seem to be slowing down all around this year.
I think Planetside 2 on the PS4 could be huge.They already do bundle games. They really need to put Planetside 2, War Thunder, Warframe on the box and say those games are free with purchase. Most consumers probably have no clue about those games at all.
(They'll have to actually release War Thunder (in the US) and PS2 first though. But right now they could put Warframe, Blacklight, etc right on the box. No subscription needed for multiplayer gaming for these games...)
You're still getting underpowered hardware, either way.
Price is problem one, and Kinect is the major obstacle. Drop it. If then the paywall on certain entertainment apps is problematic, make an adjustment there, as well. But that's a secondary problem, and it's addressable. I don't think the deal with indies is even the smallest blip on the radar.
The day is April 18 2014 and a somber tension hangs in the air within the Polygon offices. The offices that just one year before were bustling with activity and laughter. But now the laughter has faded. The desks are lined with workers, with catatonic stares as the employees come to contemplate the news. The horrifying truth. There is no banter in the office, all that can be heard is a small echoing sobbing from the bathrooms and the furious mashing of a keyboard from Ben Kuchera's desk. Arthur Gies kicks over a small bin and whispers "Titanfall... Titanfall was going to change everything". But in his heart he comes to realise the dream is over.
Give me a sec to figure this gif out.
Lol, you're too funny. You're saying I'm having a ? Wha? Ha ha.. because I'm not surprised that the PS4 beat the X1 in sales in NPD numbers? Ok, explain the "freak out".
You all just don't understand. It's a shame. Titanfall is going to slowly build that momentum. It's the next Call of Duty which means it has inevitable lifetime sales of around 20 million. And seeing as Xbox One is the only place to play it (lol at PC like anyone gives a shit), this means Xbox One is guaranteed around 30 million sales (2 out of 3 Xbox One owners with Titanfall is a high possibility). Same can't be said for PS4. It has no games, let alone any game. This is why such a game is so important.
weirder that one of the first, if not the first, commercial for the Xbone only talked about watching NFL on the machine.Remember that the NFL contract is a five-year deal and includes content across all Windows 8 (and beyond) devices. It was weird they tied it so closely to the Xbox One reveal.
It sold systems, as evidenced by Titanfall being the #1 game in March. It just didn't sell those systems in March.
The power difference is the one thing they can't do anything about, so it's not all that useful to discuss it, really. I personally do not see it as a real problem, and I certainly don't see it as their biggest problem (and, again, it's unchangeable, so it's still just wasted breath).
Price is problem one, and Kinect is the major obstacle. Drop it. If then the paywall on certain entertainment apps is problematic, make an adjustment there, as well. But that's a secondary problem, and it's addressable. I don't think the deal with indies is even the smallest blip on the radar.
Start at the top of the list, and the top of the list is price. Work on things that can be fixed.
So did these 54 people from the prediction thread. VGC is just guessing, same as us.
GAFfers predicting PS4 > XB1 for March 2014 NPD
Deku Tree
Dr. Kitty Muffins
Graphics Horse
Mr Swine
Randolph Freelander
Zune begs to differ.
You all just don't understand. It's a shame. Titanfall is going to slowly build that momentum. It's the next Call of Duty which means it has inevitable lifetime sales of around 20 million. And seeing as Xbox One is the only place to play it (lol at PC like anyone gives a shit), this means Xbox One is guaranteed around 30 million sales (2 out of 3 Xbox One owners with Titanfall is a high possibility). Same can't be said for PS4. It has no games, let alone any game. This is why such a game is so important.
any of these peeps 'shocked' PS4 won?, just wondering.
And they had PS4 at 6.9 million before the 7 million figure was announced by Sony.
Amir0x FFXIIICan you explain it? No one is enlightening me. I literally haven't owned a console since early 360/Wii days and this is my first time actually looking at an NPD thread rather than article. I'm guessing the meme relates to one of them
I want to see a "The First Hours of Xbox One".
Zune HD was pretty amazing, but there was no way they were going to break into that sector.
Incredible news for Sony. EA must feel like idiots now.
And MS just getting what they asked for when the generation started. Drop Kinect guys, drop the price and I'll get a Bone for Killer Instinct.
Incredible news for Sony. EA must feel like idiots now.
I think Microsoft is in trouble now.
Sony has MLB14 coming up for the Ps4.
They have exclusive marketing for Watchdogs.
They have The Last Of Us Remastered coming up.
They have DriveClub coming up.
They have exclusive marketing for Destiny.
They have The Order 1886 coming up.
They have Planetside2 coming up.
Microsoft has basically nothing until SunsetOverdrive, Halo2 Anniversary or Forza Horizon2 hit.
Microsofts really needs to knock it out of the park at E3.
By that I mean not only games wise. They need to show something amazing like Illumiroom or a VR/AR solution.
They need to drop the price below Ps4.
And they need to show a of amazing exclusives.
My God...So wha...what happens when Sony decides to price cut or bundle in a game??
weirder that one of the first, if not the first, commercial for the Xbone only talked about watching NFL on the machine.
Microsoft said:Microsoft Corp. and the National Football League (NFL) today announced a multiyear, landmark partnership that will deliver truly unique interactive NFL television experiences for the next-generation Xbox One and leverage Microsoft devices and services to evolve the in-game, sideline experience for coaches, players and other personnel.
The agreement provides Microsoft with the rights to create exclusive interactive experiences through products such as Xbox One and Surface, transforming the way fans will experience the NFL in the years to come.
Not sure. Don't remember much of the post from last E3 about TitanFall and how much it would sell and if it would save the X1. I do remember post about the X1 falling flat on it's face and not selling because of all the crap it said, and price point and less power and all... yet it's sold 60% more than the 360 in the same time.
Seems like they're doing just fine.
I'm growing impatient.2 hours and still no Nintendo PR.
I'm predicting that the PS4 will be at $299 by holiday 2015