The manufactured hype bullshit is just that. People(both the press and public) liked the game for clear identifiable reasons.
It definitely sold systems, the question is how many. The Xbone is really unattractive hardware and people would rather get TF for PC or 360.
Saying the game itself underperformed is pretty early until we get the numbers for the bundles/Xbone/PC as well as the 360. It beat out an established quality franchise release.
People were buying the system at release for TF. Also TF is now bundled with Xbone everywhere going forward. It definitely didn't have a huge effect but that can be more easily attached to how toxic the Xbone is, rather than anything to do with TF.
The irony of your posts and attempts at damage controlling Titanfall is that you are doing precisely the same thing that EA and Microsoft tried with this game: Force a narrative on what Titanfall is.
They hyped this game as the best thing since oxygen, it had just about as much hype, awards, coverage as something massive like GTA5. And yet it produced a minor blip of a bump in sales for the Xbox One, showcasing that nobody but existing Xbox One owners gives a shit about it, hence topping software but having almost impact on hardware sales.
Dont get me wrong, i like the game a lot, its really good, ill argue the game's quality against anyone here, but the whole push for this game to be the second coming of Jesus was a gigantic farce, manufactured by EA and Microsoft, and then spread by Xbox One owners to be the second coming, to be the next FF7, WoW, GTA3, Halo, Modern Warfare, and now reality finally rears its ugly head.
Its absolutely not a system seller, not even close. And the time to push some agenda and narrative on this game is finally over. Results speak far louder than hopes, wishes and marketing campaigns.