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NPD Sales Results for March 2014 [Up4: FFX/X-2 HD]


Junior Member
I'm surprised the retailer price cut deals alone didn't push it much higher, but combo'd with a hugely hyped and free bundled game like Titanfall. That's a stinger.


GAF's Bob Woodward
So... what do you do if you have all your eggs in one basket... and drop them. I'm honestly curious if Titan Fall XBO out sold ISS... I'm inclined to think it didn't.

It probably did outsell ISS in the US but maybe not by much. Globally probably ISS outsold Titanfall.



Devil's advocate: Darksiders II and Prototype 2 were both top-sellers for their release months, though those months were pretty terrible in general.

Titanfall is obviously in a much better position than that, but I'm just saying. (You know I'm not a Titanfall hater, I'm friends with you on Origin and you've seen me playing it. :p)


"playing" dumb? unpossible
but then again Xbox is only sold in 13 countries compared to Ps4's 48.

*standing ovation* You, sir, are good. lol.

Damn impressive considering the Xbox One is in less than half the markets that the PS4 is in. Come on, Let's not exaggerate. Titanfall is a very important release, no doubt about it, a very big release for MS and the Xbox One, but let's not start pretending like it's Halo. It has the potential to be a lot bigger, I still believe that, but it isn't there yet. As a multi-plat release I can see it being as big or bigger. Once everybody can play it there will be a lot less reason for people to keep forcing out "Meh, nothing special." :)

Come one guys. The Xbox is a two region console. None of those markets where the X1 hasn't launched, give two cents about the console.

Isn't the X1 like considerably ahead of the 360 at the same point?. I swear the amazing success of PS4 is clouding peoples minds when it comes to X1 sales.

The Xbox 360 was severely supply constrained when it launched. It took me over a moth to receive my pre-ordered console from EB Games. Others had to wait a lot longer.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Well great thing is an actual price cut (and hopefully no Kinect) will be offered for the XBO come E3. Good news for us.

Also, I would assume Titanfall 2 is now a lock for PS4.


What's that got to do with my post?? I am curious what all the other systems sold and wanted to know what the 60k figure represented.

No what I was trying to say was I couldn't tell if you were making a bad joke about Wii U sales being poor or not. As I said I think the console would've done better this month in comparison to last month. Mainly because of the extra week March has.


Like Steve Race (former head of Sony America) once said of 3DO, "If it smells like three-day-old fish..."

Xbone, you gots a problem.


Actually, it's worse.

It's on top of NPD. It was a system seller.

But it was the only system seller. People in January and February bought the console JUST to wait for Titanfall, months later. So it was spread out over the entire quarter due to anticipation and the logical assumption that there'd be no price drop so soon after launch.

The scarier thing to imagine is April. Now that Titanfall is out and sold, the multi-month anticipation, artificially inflating numbers, is gone.

April is definitely going to be nasty, lol. Regardless of if the sales were spread out. MS has more than just a price issue. They have to combat a system that has an incredibly great public perception. That is hard to overcome regardless of price.


[Ground Zeroes]
Did you think it wouldn't? Mass market had no idea it was a demo. Tons of my casual gamer friends bought it, just cause they love the series. They were all confused when it ended in two hours though, haha.
Argh, that's probably so true. Sad, but true. Guess many people also were surprised when they found out that Titanfall is multiplayer only. Goddamn.


Well if the theory is true that it was a system because it was spreading out its 'sales boost' through Jan and February, then it would follow that there must be a huge drop in April or at least by May. So we'll know soon enough. That would be really ominous though for Microsoft.

I was thinking it'd had been a system seller starting from launch. If I were interested in getting Titanfall on the Xbox One, I would have just gotten one at launch, since I'd figure there wouldn't be any price drops any time soon, so if I'm going to spend the money, might as well get the most of it. Of course, I would have been proven wrong....


Do we have any PC/XB1 Titanfall numbers? Comments on IGN's facebook post claim the following: "titanfall only sold 0.20m on pc and sold 1.35m on xbox one."

Is there any validity to the above comment?
GAF has a short-term memory. I guess we should've given up on the 360 and PS3 after the Wii gained an enormous lead. Competition doesn't exist on GAF, apparently.

We're too busy making stupid Microsoft jokes and banning their people from posting on here to pay attention to that system.
Xbox 360 and PS3 never caught up with that initial lead, even with Wii dying two years early.

I don't think PS4 will die two years early


Probably not going to happen. It clearly didn't meet whatever absurd projections people had, although it probably sold decently well.

But, decently well will translate to bomba for enthusiast blogs and forum trolls, so they probably won't say anything at all.

It would be nice to know how close inFamous was. One was a legit platform exclusive while the other was on PC as well, so seeing how much a title like Titanfall benefited from that PC port might be interesting. At the very least the master race could use it as ammo to show the hunger for PC ports of massive console titles. Wouldn't have mattered for inFamous, of course, but other third and second party exclusives would certainly benefit, I think.
It would seem that people may have seen past Microsoft's Xbox One "exclusive" marketing, and went for it on PC or waited for 360. Honestly this result isn't all that surprizing considering Infamous was a pretty big hit for Sony, in addition to PS4 going like hotcakes leading up to March.


Gold Member
It's a bit funny how so many GAFers seemed certain that the XBO would beat the PS4 in this month's NPD. I never really understood what they were basing that on, and I still don't.

Miles X

No what I was trying to say was I couldn't tell if you were making a bad joke about Wii U sales being poor or not. As I said I think the console would've done better this month in comparison to last month. Mainly because of the extra week March has.

March is usually down over February because Feb has the benefit of the tax thing (don't know exactly I'm not American).

Last year for instance sales dropped about 10% in March.

That and DK gave WiiU a boost last month, so if it reverts to form along with the natural decrease, around 60k is feasible. Alas it wasn't anyway.
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