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NPD Sales Results for May 2009


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Methinks the effect of Natal on the 360 will be the same as Wind Waker, SSBM, MKDD and SMS had on the Gamecube - a bump and nothing more.

I really think you're choosing not to see the underlying market forces here.
If you are going to compare it to game, more like Wii Sports, Wii Play and/or Wii Fit, but I think it's going to be bigger than that. As HC gamer, I don't give a shit about the Natal, but I am not oblivious to seeing this thing will be huge.


donny2112 said:
I pointed out that it was the lowest weekly average ever for the PSP last month, and it's lower this month. Probably will continue being sluggish until PSP Go! unless there's a price drop.

Which begs the question how the consumer reponse will even be for PSP Go at $250 in light of these sales.

ViperVisor said:
Punchout!! discussion is meh. It did alright and will keep selling little by little.

The Conduit will be more fun and Tiger with that good commercial has big potential.

Conduit sales are going to be interesting either way, but I'm still thinking not gonna be so hot.


Jtyettis said:
Which begs the question how the consumer reponse will even be for PSP Go at $250 in light these sales.

I expect a Bump due to people who just have to have the latest and greatest right away then it will drop back to oblivion. There is absolutely no way a 250 dollar PSP will sustain any kind of good sales.
knitoe said:
If you are going to compare it to game, more like Wii Sports, Wii Play and/or Wii Fit, but I think it's going to be bigger than that. As HC gamer, I don't give a shit about the Natal, but I am not oblivious to seeing this thing will be huge.

Really? Bigger than Wii fit/sports?



only 100k PSP sold?? wow just wow. And Sony pretend to sell the "same" system at $250?? if the saw this NPD maybe they change they mind (or lower the psp-3000). BTW the Ds/Dsi is a beast.
yankee666 said:
only 100k PSP sold?? wow just wow. And Sony pretend to sell the "same" system at $250?? if the saw this NPD maybe they change they mind (or lower the psp-3000). BTW the Ds/Dsi is a beast.
100k for hardware is sad, software for the PSP is most likely terrible. :/


Raist said:
Why do people think it will be huge exactly? I'm confused.
I'm like you.

Casuals with a Wii will think they have enough and don't need a new huge amount of $ spent on a game (it's what they will think when Natal is shown) when they can just got Wii Fit 2 or Wii Sports Resorts for 50$

And new people will buy either one, but the huge mass of their casuals friends will tell them to buy the Wii, because it's the only thing they know
donny2112 said:
I pointed out that it was the lowest weekly average ever for the PSP last month, and it's lower this month. Probably will continue being sluggish until PSP Go! unless there's a price drop.

Will a 249 handheld really do much?


Jtyettis said:
Which begs the question how the consumer reponse will even be for PSP Go at $250 in light of these sales.

I don't think it'll be new people buying the PSP Go!, but I think hardware sales will be brisk as current PSP owners upgrade.


SimpleDesign said:
100k for hardware is sad, software for the PSP is most likely terrible. :/

It would be nice to have some kind of idea of any sales numbers for SW for the thing. Since we never see any. A general idea of how PSP SW sales in the US are would be a great thing indeed.

laserbeam said:
I expect a Bump due to people who just have to have the latest and greatest right away then it will drop back to oblivion. There is absolutely no way a 250 dollar PSP will sustain any kind of good sales.

My thoughts exactly.


knitoe said:
There's life outside GAF. Look around.

Look what?

The 360's audience is not really a casual one. It's likely the most hardcore of the 3. Natal will really have to make its proof to appeal this audience. Not to mention that it won't work for many genres.

Now what. Casual audience? This market is most likely half eaten by Nintendo. This is an audience who bought a Wii, occasionally plays with Wii Sports, maybe bought Wii Fit, a couple of other games like that, and that's about it. Not the kind of people who will buy a new console + a pricy hardware 3 years after they bought a Wii because it has fancy new tech.

Hardware bump? Yeah, probably. But huge, like it's a whole new start for the 360? I really, really doubt it.


What does Sony have to do to sell a 1st party game? Its not like there bad games but what the shit are the 7.7 million PS3 owners doing with there system? Door stop? Grill accessory? They just don't seem to want to buy shit.

O well I got my copy of infamous and it is awesome.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Protip: Console owners don't just buy games in the first month.

I'm told Wii owners don't buy any games. Let alone one that's priced well over $50
I'm sorry but I need to say something.

Can all these armchair marketers shut the fuck up?

"I haven't seen ads"

"I've seen like ONE ad on TV"

"I don't see any posters".

Well fuck, SURELY the fact that they haven't reached YOU as an individual MUST mean they've completely not marketed their product.

You guys realise that these companies have MANY forms of advertising? And SOMETIMES they don't advertise in the places you'd think they would?

Here in Australia I'm starting to see way more ads for games on Cable television than Free to Air now, which never happened before.

Radio, Cinema, Posters, Website Ads, there's soooooooooooo many mediums used now, so just because YOU haven't seen advertising, doesn't mean others haven't.
Psychotext said:
A challenge for the sales agers....

Which PS3 / 360 games have shown up in a second month of top 10 figures after only having 1 week or less of sales in the first month?

(I'm looking into it, but I know some nutter here has those sorts of figures on hand!)
Final list... or as best I can tell unless someone can find one that's missing:
  • Forza 2
  • GTA IV
  • Guitar Hero 2
  • Guitar Hero 3
  • Killzone 2
  • L4D
  • MLB 2K7
  • Oblivion
  • Soul Calibur IV
  • Spider Man 3
Bearing in mind that's only games which had a week or less in their first month in the top 10, rather than all games which have had multiple months in the top 10.


I just dont see how people can See Natal as a Wii "gamer" stealer.

Why would anyone want to pay 300+ dollars to get a Microsoft Natal Sports when they can just keep buying the latest and greatest Wii Sports for the console they already own.


laserbeam said:
I just dont see how people can See Natal as a Wii "gamer" stealer.

Why would anyone want to pay 300+ dollars to get a Microsoft Natal Sports when they can just keep buying the latest and greatest Wii Sports for the console they already own.

it's really too early to say. it's a year out at least, and probably much longer, and we don't know what the competitive response will be at the time of Natal's launch. And it seems to have some issues related to technology, though I don't want to get into that here.

of course the xbots will say the usual things about how great it is.


Jtyettis said:
It would be nice to have some kind of idea of any sales numbers for SW for the thing. Since we never see any. A general idea of how PSP SW sales in the US are would be a great thing indeed.
In December, where PSP sold 1.02 million units in hardware, it sold 3.7 million units of software.
That's the closest measuring stick I know of.


Oh, cool, thanks to all who have quoted Mama Robotnik's gifs, I didn't notice them the first time, or the second time, or the third time. Thanks!

Infamous put up solid but not spectacular numbers. I thought Punchout!! would do a little more but it also had good sales as well. The PS3 and 360 are getting closer and closer every month. When the PS3 drops its price things will get interesting. The Wii doesn't need to do anything differently, it's still smoking the competition.


JudgeN said:
What does Sony have to do to sell a 1st party game? Its not like there bad games but what the shit are the 7.7 million PS3 owners doing with there system? Door stop? Grill accessory? They just don't seem to want to buy shit.

O well I got my copy of infamous and it is awesome.

Gee. I wish they hadn't called it Natal. Every time it makes me think pre-natal, peri-natal, post-natal, and birthing fluid. Hopefully they have a less pregnant name for it by the time it's ready to sell.


knitoe said:
What's so funny about that? Casual users mostly only buy 1 system. Right now, it's the Wii. Put in another choice, Wii will surely loose sales and 360/PS3 gain sales. Only question is how many.
You have to consider installed base though. Even if a casual gamer is just now buying a console, why would they buy the 360 when all of their friends have the Wii and they got hooked on gaming from Wii Sports?


bmf said:
Gee. I wish they hadn't called it Natal. Every time it makes me think pre-natal, peri-natal, post-natal, and birthing fluid. Hopefully they have a less pregnant name for it by the time it's ready to sell.

The next peripheral is the Nipple, and it will be for the Wii.


lawblob said:
So is Bionic Commando this month's official bomba?

I think UFC shows just how powerful a demo can be.

I think that the UFC brand was even more powerful than the excellent demo THQ gave us.
laserbeam said:
I just dont see how people can See Natal as a Wii "gamer" stealer.

Why would anyone want to pay 300+ dollars to get a Microsoft Natal Sports when they can just keep buying the latest and greatest Wii Sports for the console they already own.

Maybe because MSFT isnt stupid enough to price it at $300. And also they just might have a game lineup akin to the Wii's where it would actually appeal to the casuals more? Who knows...no one knew what the wii would do when it launched.


Psychotext said:
Final list... or as best I can tell unless someone can find one that's missing:
  • Bioshock
  • Forza 2
  • GTA IV
  • Guitar Hero 2
  • Guitar Hero 3
  • Halo 3
  • Killzone 2
  • L4D
  • MLB 2K7
  • Oblivion
  • Soul Calibur IV
  • Spider Man 3
Bearing in mind that's only games which had a week or less in their first month in the top 10, rather than all games which have had multiple months in the top 10.


Halo 3
Guitar hero 3
Gears 2
Call of duty waw
Killzone 2
Resident evil 5
Tom clancy's graw
MLB2K7 (360),
Guitar Hero 2 (360)
Spider Man 3 (360)
Forza 2
Madden 07
Cod 3
Lost planet
Madden 08
Assassins creed
Cod 4
Rock band
Soul calibur 4
Maddeon 09

Devil may cry 3, Metal gear solid 4 disappeared quickly.

It was a lot more than I thought it would be.

Edit: actually i think some of those have more than just 1 week ack


Revelations said:
Maybe because MSFT isnt stupid enough to price it at $300. And also they just might have a game lineup akin to the Wii's where it would knock the casual market to its knees? Who knows...no one knew what the wii would do when it launched.

I mean cost of console+natal+games not that Natal itself will be 300.


Deku said:
no one is amazed WiiFit sold more units than Wiis?

Not really.

Pachter's been telling anyone who'll listen that WiiFit is its own platform.

Now, those poor fuckers who bought it are trying to figure just how the hell to hook it up to their tv. :(

I picture an Idiocracy-like moment, in which Ma, Pa, and ReRe Kettle return from the Wal-Mart in their American flag-adorned, plum-colored Kia Rio, and settle down in front of the ilo, laughing maniacally as they heave their McDonald's beef-injected carcasses onto this thin slab of plastic in front of a screen barren of a signal, mistaking the visuals for an eerily accurate blizzard straight outta' We Ski.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Revelations said:
Maybe because MSFT isnt stupid enough to price it at $300. And also they just might have a game lineup akin to the Wii's where it would actually appeal to the casuals more? Who knows...no one knew what the wii would do when it launched.

Well so far, only Nintendo has been able to produce the casual software you are speaking of. I'm somewhat skeptical that Microsoft can find something similar.
laserbeam said:
I just dont see how people can See Natal as a Wii "gamer" stealer.

Why would anyone want to pay 300+ dollars to get a Microsoft Natal Sports when they can just keep buying the latest and greatest Wii Sports for the console they already own.
I think what they're hoping to do is reach the non-gamers Nintendo hasn't gotten to yet. I can see what they're aiming for, I just don't think the 360 is exactly the best vehicle for it. A console "relaunch" is going to result in some very confused branding.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
I'm sorry but I need to say something.

Can all these armchair marketers shut the fuck up?

"I haven't seen ads"

"I've seen like ONE ad on TV"

"I don't see any posters".

Well fuck, SURELY the fact that they haven't reached YOU as an individual MUST mean they've completely not marketed their product.

You guys realise that these companies have MANY forms of advertising? And SOMETIMES they don't advertise in the places you'd think they would?

Here in Australia I'm starting to see way more ads for games on Cable television than Free to Air now, which never happened before.

Radio, Cinema, Posters, Website Ads, there's soooooooooooo many mediums used now, so just because YOU haven't seen advertising, doesn't mean others haven't.

That's true, but completely paradoxal at the same time. Because if they have a shitload of way to advertise, it's likely you'll see more ads. Especially gaffers who spend a shitload of time online, read mags, watch TV, etc. Unless we all lie and post from our iPhone from a small hutt in the canadian countryside. :p

I dunno :/
I'd like to know how Klonoa did... or would I? :(

Also, Nintendo needs to stop resting on its laurels already. The Wii is still doing really well compared to the competition, but it's experiencing quite a drop off. Now that they've got factories churning Wiis out at a fast pace they had better be aggressive enough to keep them from sitting on store shelves and in warehouses. What happened to not getting arrogant and complacent (like Iwata was preaching at the start of this gen)? It's amazing that they've been able to launch at $250 and hold steady, but it's time to start at least offering more options. Announcing the Black Wii for NA would be a good step, as would offering a $200 basic sku without Wii Sports like they have in Japan. Or, and I know this is crazy talk, after 3 years on the market making money hand over fist on each and every hardware sale they could actually consider a meager price cut.


knitoe said:
Adding more content (value) won't get more casual users interested. Why. It just makes console more complicated. Sure, some will be attracted, but majority won't give a shit. They are happy with cable / satellite box for watching movies/TVs, console for games and so on.

You think casual users will know how to program a universal remote?

Yes it will cos I ain't talking about 'casual' gamers, I'm talking about 'casual' users.

'Casual' users ain't going to be playing games period. So to brand it as your all encompassing entertainment experience box - where I get to watch on demand content, sky tv.

Heck wouldn't suprise me if Sky decides users the xbox to get into the sitting rooms of users which can't actually get a sky dish.

And I mean this:

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