So your examples are:
The N64 which launched with a key Nintendo franchise (Mario) and did well?
The GameCube which didn't and faltered?
And the Wii U which didn't and faltered?
While I suppose Nintendo could certainly make the same mistake, I think a reasonable company would look at the N64 launching with Mario 64 and the Wii launching with Zelda (and yes Wii Sports) and see there's a better way.
What other reason is there to delay Zelda and even bar it from appearing at E3 (an E3 which by the way will not discuss the NX) unless Nintendo realizes that it's better to stay coy about its platform status and have a full reveal with the new system?
Few points of contention here.
The N64 did "well"? If you are talking about its launch then the GC did just as well. If you mean in general then no, no it did not. Other than that Melee was basically a launch title and was way bigger than Zelda or Mario on the GC.
Secondly I am not so laser-focused on launch, my point was that those systems show a clear decline in fortunes for Nintendo's traditional efforts, and that even if all of Nintendo's "hardcore" gamers got on board day one it would not be enough to sustain the system. If Nintendo does not attempt to go "blue ocean", if they do not attempt another "Revolution", they may as well not show up. If they do show up with the goods, it will not matter if they have a Zelda, a Mario, a Metroid and an F-Zero day one as long as they bring their "Wii Sports".
Zelda will be an afterthought if it launches on the NX/if the NX is indeed a platform that can play Zelda U.