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NPD Sales Results for November 2007

I've got an analysis up over at http://niceskybox.com/.

Overall, and I know this has been talked about already, but the PS3's goose is cooked (well done). I just don't see them being a major competitor in the US. It's not going to happen.

Of course, we all saw this coming months ago. But in the back of my mind, I thought that maybe things would turn around this month. It didn't work out that way.

Also, Wii and DS was to be expected, but COD4 blew me away. Wow, talk about unexpected (and fantastic).

I look forward to seeing how software holds up in December.


DayShallCome said:
Also, Wii and DS was to be expected, but COD4 blew me away. Wow, talk about unexpected (and fantastic).
I see several people saying it, but I just don't get it. CoD is an incredibly popular series, 4 was hyped up to a large degree in the media, it had an extensive ad campaign, it's fantastic, and it was released in November. How could anyone NOT see this coming?


doomed1 said:
i call them spoiled.

whenever i play a PC game, i always put it to the lowest settings to see if the gameplay holds up. a game is only as good as its lowest settings IMO, and if a game can't provide entertainment, the visuals mean NOTHING. all the power in the world will never change that.

So you gimp you're experience on purpose? You gameplay Nazis are insane.


Matt said:
I see several people saying it, but I just don't get it. CoD is an incredibly popular series, 4 was hyped up to a large degree in the media, it had an extensive ad campaign, it's fantastic, and it was released in November. How could anyone NOT see this coming?
Nearly everyone expected it to be a hit, but moving 1.5m copies is exceptional, by any standard.


What is the ratio -- 770/466? 1.65:1? BS, I thought it was supposed to be 2:1. Disappointaton.

I'm curious to see how well the PS3 did in other territories. <500k is bad, but for a while there I thought it was gonna pull retardedly low numbers; 300k or something. I'm kind of surprised by the PSP numbers, for all the hate it gets, it sold quite a few units. The only thing that Sony can hope for (and I'm assuming they're expecting) is that all of those PS2 users eventually migrate to a PS3 and since the PS2 is still selling (still?) MORE than the PS3, it could actually be a long damn time before that happens. If it's too long or if the same people that bought PS2s also got 360s, then it really is over for the PS3.

For the record, I'm planning on getting Z&W for Christmas, and if I don't, I'm gonna buy it boxing day.
Matt said:
Z&W selling like it did has NOTHING to do with Wii being a "casual" system. If the game had been released on the 360 it would have sold (proportionally) just as badly. It's an incredibly niche game, despite its high quality.

Honestly, I'd have liked the ability to be able to see how it could've done. If I were Capcom, I'd have pushed it to PS3 as well as the 360. I think even the PS3 fans would've supported it better.....dunno bout that, thinking about it. :p

Still, it's sad to see such a large number of great games being IGNORED this generation by so many folks when they should be gobbled up by the truckload. Ratchet & Clank... and ... Uncharted should've been a freaking 50/50 tie in rate with PS3 machines. To me, it's like PB&J. They just go so well together.


argon said:

I love it how some journalists try to spin things to make it look like Sony is gaining on its competitors.

The Economist and now Bloomberg.

What the hell?™

Zzoram said:
WoW brought in revenue of USD$1.1 Billion for fiscal 2007. Considering NPD said:

Video Game Software (US)
$2.63 billion

And that the US is the biggest games market in the world, it's unlikely the global industry is more than $7billion, so WoW is like 15% of the games industry software revenue.


I mean yeah the numbers are off, but I keep forgetting about WoW.

When Blizzard said they 'had no budget' for Starcraft 2 what they really meant was "they have no budget for Starcraft 2." :lol
legend166 said:
I agree with this.

Also, this may have been posted, but I couldn't be bothered looking through 50 pages or whatever. Anyway, do we have the numbers on the percentages of software sold for each platform? I'd like to see how it matches up to the userbase percentages.
Taking the Wii $10 price disadvantage into account:
Software Nov. '07:

Hardware % LTD:


GhaleonEB said:
Nearly everyone expected it to be a hit, but moving 1.5m copies is exceptional, by any standard.
Oh, it's exceptional to be sure. I just have trouble being surprised by it's sales.

DiatribeEQ said:
Honestly, I'd have liked the ability to be able to see how it could've done. If I were Capcom, I'd have pushed it to PS3 as well as the 360. I think even the PS3 fans would've supported it better.....dunno bout that, thinking about it. :p
Doubtful. What audience would the game appeal to on those systems? M and other more "adult" games sell, not E games like Z&W.

Of course, there is also the fact that, without the Remote, Z&W would be a lot less compelling....

Edit: Sorry -Rogue5- :)


Matt said:
I see several people saying it, but I just don't get it. CoD is an incredibly popular series, 4 was hyped up to a large degree in the media, it had an extensive ad campaign, it's fantastic, and it was released in November. How could anyone NOT see this coming?

CoD4 was obviously going to make the top ten, but nobody could've predicted it would sell 1.5 million in the first month. That's insane and is the best selling third party debut on next-gen. It beat even Gears of War debut month by 500,000 units.


Matt said:
Oh, it's exceptional to be sure. I just have trouble being surprised by it's sales.

Doubtful. What audience would the game appeal to on those systems? M and other more "adult" games sell, not E games like Z&W.

Of course, there is also the fact that, without the Remote, Z&W would be a lot less compelling....

I didn't write that.


Sean said:
CoD4 was obviously going to make the top ten, but nobody could've predicted it would sell 1.5 million in the first month. That's insane and is the best selling third party debut on next-gen. It beat even Gears of War debut month by 500,000 units.
Like I said, I know CoD4's sales are spectacular, I'm just not shocked by them. Maybe I should be, I don't know.


Junior Member
Piper Az said:
Five games can still make the PS3 successful in the USA:

Metal Gear Solid 4
Final Fantasy 13
God of War 3
Killzone 2

If all 5 of those hit within a 6 month period of time (and I mean within 6 months apart not 6 months from now), that could be pretty huge. It seems doubtful though.
Robert R1 said:
Journalist by day, fanboy by night! A word like Douchebag was invented because someone foreshadowed that people like Kevin were bound to exist one day.

He included his email address in the article. Why don't you send your post to him and let us know how he responds?


Mindlog said:
The Economist and now Bloomberg.

What the hell?™


I mean yeah the numbers are off, but I keep forgetting about WoW.

When Blizzard said they 'had no budget' for Starcraft 2 what they really meant was "they have no budget for Starcraft 2." :lol

The WoW figure is by far the most impressive number in this thread.
It isn't funny to see good developers lose out on deserved profits, but it IS funny to see those that spent two years talking up the PS3 as though it were the second coming now calling foul.

-Rogue5- said:
What is the ratio -- 770/466? 1.65:1? BS, I thought it was supposed to be 2:1. Disappointaton.

For the MILLIONTH time, that was for the Black Friday week not the whole month.
Mindlog said:
The Economist and now Bloomberg.

What the hell?™


Wow, just wow at the slant of the article. Not a single mention that the 360 sold 770,000 units, 300,000 more units than the PS3. The article should be re-titled, "Playstation 3 sucking less in November, still losing ground."


I wonder how things will start to look once the Ps2 is a non-factor.
When do you think that will happen?
I mean outside of some ports, I don't see it getting many new exclusives, but even ports sell better on it.


GhaleonEB said:
Then next month, you should enter the software predictions. You'd do fabulous! :p

The GAF average for those who sacked up and made one was 757k, from about 50 participants - half what it ended up selling.
I don't know what's causing the aggression. I never said I would have predicted it selling that well, my jaw just didn't drop when I saw the number.

Damn, people take this prediction business way too seriously :D

GhaleonEB said:
No, the key is to not make any predictions and then say you're not surprised by anything!
OK, now you are really taking this too seriously. I never said I called it, and I never particularly thought about what number the game would sell. I just wasn't shocked when I saw was it pushed. Maybe I should have been. It's not a big deal either way.


WinFonda said:
Oh for fuck's sake, have you even played the game? It's one of the best games all year.

i played the demo and that was more than enough.

you liked it good. but apparently not many other people did. I always play a demo and base my decisions on it. as a multi console owner as many are this gen there are to many games to spend 60 bucks on a game that had me going meh.

theres just no hook. and to think ti will excel after the holidays is foolish. it bombed. move on. It just seems its hard for you to accept. ut3 just came out, haze is on the horizon. uncharted was a internet hit. the next big saving ps3 game. More than anything i felt many were latching on to it cause the ps3 neesd a IT game. It looked good and had huge potential. they should have not released a demo ala assassins creed. than it would have likely been middle of the road as i might have gotten and imagine many others would have as well.

so once again move on. 117 in November iits first month out speaks volumes for the perception of the game. bomba
Penguin said:
I wonder how things will start to look once the Ps2 is a non-factor.
When do you think that will happen?
I mean outside of some ports, I don't see it getting many new exclusives, but even ports sell better on it.

Not for a very long time if November NPD is any measure. The goddamn thing still hasn't dropped to $99, let alone $79 or $49. At this rate, it could go on selling 100K/month for years to come.
Penguin said:
I wonder how things will start to look once the Ps2 is a non-factor.
When do you think that will happen?
I mean outside of some ports, I don't see it getting many new exclusives, but even ports sell better on it.

I'm just waiting for some "industry official close to Sony, but remaining anonymous" to say how "PS2 Hardware/Software cannibalized PS3 Hardware/Software sales...." after Xmas 2007 sales #'s come out. It's bound to happen. You know it to be true.


bendak said:
Only 117k for Uncharted?

PS3 exclusive is like a death sentence.

Truest words have never been spoken. PS3 exclusives are dangerously close in sales to abysmal, dead-like PC exclusive sales like Crysis, UT3.


Lefty42o said:
i played the demo and that was more than enough.

you liked it good. but apparently not many other people did. I always play a demo and base my decisions on it. as a multi console owner as many are this gen there are to many games to spend 60 bucks on a game that had me going meh.

theres just no hook. and to think ti will excel after the holidays is foolish. it bombed. move on. It just seems its hard for you to accept. ut3 just came out, haze is on the horizon. uncharted was a internet hit. the next big saving ps3 game. More than anything i felt many were latching on to it cause the ps3 neesd a IT game. It looked good and had huge potential. they should have not released a demo ala assassins creed. than it would have likely been middle of the road as i might have gotten and imagine many others would have as well.

so once again move on. 117 in November iits first month out speaks volumes for the perception of the game. bomba
You can't be serious. Since when are sales the end-all measure of a game's quality?


-Rogue5- said:
What is the ratio -- 770/466? 1.65:1? BS, I thought it was supposed to be 2:1. Disappointaton.

2:1 was the claim for Black Friday sales. Given the month's numbers, that could have been accurate.

Sean said:
CoD4 was obviously going to make the top ten, but nobody could've predicted it would sell 1.5 million in the first month. That's insane and is the best selling third party debut on next-gen. It beat even Gears of War debut month by 500,000 units.

To be fair, how many more consoles are out there now than when Gears launched?


-Rogue5- said:
What is the ratio -- 770/466? 1.65:1? BS, I thought it was supposed to be 2:1. Disappointaton.

I'm curious to see how well the PS3 did in other territories. <500k is bad, but for a while there I thought it was gonna pull retardedly low numbers; 300k or something. I'm kind of surprised by the PSP numbers, for all the hate it gets, it sold quite a few units. The only thing that Sony can hope for (and I'm assuming they're expecting) is that all of those PS2 users eventually migrate to a PS3 and since the PS2 is still selling (still?) MORE than the PS3, it could actually be a long damn time before that happens. If it's too long or if the same people that bought PS2s also got 360s, then it really is over for the PS3.

For the record, I'm planning on getting Z&W for Christmas, and if I don't, I'm gonna buy it boxing day.

2:1 for black Friday week. not for the month. pay attention :lol
Matt said:
You can't be serious. Since when are sales the end-all measure of a game's quality?

I was going to say. Sales Age is a preoccupation of the GAF base but using sales to measure and thereby discard the merits of said game is thoroughly assinine.


Matt said:
You can't be serious. Since when are sales the end-all measure of a game's quality?

i based that off the demo released for the game. a demo i played and considering the hype for the demo, the crashing of the psn store i suspect alot of ps3 owners tried the game out.

and they spoke with their wallets

117,000 in november a holiday month.


Lefty42o said:
2:1 for black Friday week. not for the month. pay attention :lol

So the disappointaton is my reading comprehension, got it.

Seriously though, how many were expecting the PS3 to do worse than it did?

OH, and in Uncharted's defense, buying the system as a gift doesn't necessarily mean that they'll get a game as well. I don't expect it to do magical numbers in December or January, but I don't think it'll do particularly horrible (as I don't expect any of the major releases this month to do particularly terrible in the short term.) I think if they pimped the Uncharted commerical as much as the AC commercial, it'd do better with new PS3 owners.

Did it launch in all the other territories at the same time? I'm really friggen curious to see the world wide numbers now. Euro + Jpn at least. Is there a thread with the totals from media create and whoever does the euro count?


Just for comparison, past Call of Duty debuts on the 360:

CoD2 - 250,000
CoD3 - 333,000
CoD4 - 1,500,000

That's a pretty huge leap right there.


Stuneseht said:
I guess Ps3 owners now know how it feels to be a dreamcast owner of last generation.
Those were my lowest days:lol


I'm not saying PS3 = Dreamcast. Just pointing out karmic justic. PS2 owners here on GAF back then were total Assholes!


-Rogue5- said:
So the disappointaton is my reading comprehension, got it.

Seriously though, how many were expecting the PS3 to do worse than it did?

at this point, sub 100,000 months , i am never surprised by the faltering of the ps3. But the sales are low for a price drop, holiday month. and basically cements the trend of the ps3 pulling in in 3rd atleast here in the usa


Sean said:
Just for comparison, past Call of Duty debuts on the 360:

CoD2 - 250,000
CoD3 - 333,000
CoD4 - 1,500,000

That's a pretty huge leap right there.
Like Splinter Cell, COD is basically now a franchise associated with xbox.


These hardware sales trends were set six months ago.

What do some people think, that one day the loser console is going to suddenly turn the corner and shit a shitload for no reason?

1. Wii
2. 360
3. PS3

That's it, they're the rankings. They're the rankings today and they'll be the rankings in 2011 when this cycle is finished. Done and dusted.


C4Lukins said:
If all 5 of those hit within a 6 month period of time (and I mean within 6 months apart not 6 months from now), that could be pretty huge. It seems doubtful though.
PS3 will improve next year. It's just a matter or how much (or how little), and what 360 and Wii will put in the way to stop it
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