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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]

I know Sony is more interested in WW sales then just 1 territory, and I am guessing they are almost 2:1 against the xbox one? . If they keep losing month after month in usa by a big margin, will they do something about it ?

Of course they would, but as is there's really no reason to do anything.


Of course they would, but as is there's really no reason to do anything.

That's a slippery slope to set yourself on, America is incredibly important to any company in the game industry.

The PS3 did great outside of America last-gen but that barely gave it a win in overall sales, this by itself shows how important the region is.

Game Guru

On what Sony needs to do about Xbox One selling well in November and December... People should understand that Sony doesn't have to win the US and the UK to win the console generation. All Sony has to do to win the console generation is make sure MS doesn't have a significant enough lead in the US and the UK to nullify the sale advantage Sony has outside the US and the UK. As of right now, MS nullifying the PS4's lead in the US only means that XB1 will tie with PS4 in the US, which is still a console generation win for Sony. XB1 would have to win month after month over the PS4 in the US before they have a significant chance of winning the generation. However, that won't happen if XB1 returns to being $399 in January, since the PS4 will likely return to outselling the XB1 month to month starting in January.


That's a slippery slope to set yourself on, America is incredibly important to any company in the game industry.

The PS3 did great outside of America last-gen but that barely gave it a win in overall sales, this by itself shows how important the region is.

To be honest, if Sony is able to keep up or even barely lead in NA throughout the generation, then that's the best case scenario for them.

So long as they aren't blown out like they were last gen in NA, XB1 isn't much of a threat to them :/

On what Sony needs to do about Xbox One selling well in November and December... People should understand that Sony doesn't have to win the US and the UK to win the console generation. All Sony has to do to win the console generation is make sure MS doesn't have a significant enough lead in the US and the UK to nullify the sale advantage Sony has outside the US and the UK. As of right now, MS nullifying the PS4's lead in the US only means that XB1 will tie with PS4 in the US, which is still a console generation win for Sony. XB1 would have to win month after month over the PS4 in the US before they have a significant chance of winning the generation. However, that won't happen if XB1 returns to being $399 in January, since the PS4 will likely return to outselling the XB1 month to month starting in January.

Well said.
Hmm, I wonder what Sony's next move is right now.

Gonna go out on a limb and say they have every country except US and UK on lock. Unfortunately for Sony, those 2 countries/kingdom? are both pretty damn big and it seems like Sony is gonna have to fight MS for every inch for those.

Right now the momentum is in MS's favour based purely on Amazon. I know its not super reliable, but Xbone is #1 in US while PS4 is in the twenties or something, so that says a lot.

But does Sony even want to fight MS in those countries? Or are they content tying with MS there and just reaping the benefits of being #1 everywhere else? At the end of the day, Sony still sold 840k in US without doing anything drastic at all. They simply lost momentum. I wonder how important it is for Sony to win NA.

Also, anyone know how PS4 is doing in UK relative to the Xbone?

I think if they split the market with MS they'll be happy. I can't see a total drop off in sales for Sony happening now because Sony's had the mindshare for over a year as the default console, whereas last gen Xbox had a good 3 years when PS3 was either not on the market or totally overpriced which led to years of struggle for them.

I think the sales will be closer over the next year, with discerning gamers picking the more powerful PS4 and others picking the more recognisable Xbox brand (360 sold like 15 million more?)
Hey the November numbers are out!

Haven't done this in awhile, sorry about that...

*click to enlarge
Dreamcast and WiiU are nearly tied again going into their third christmas. The DC will no longer be available in December, so this is nearly the end for Sega as final shipments and the last price drop take effect.

WiiU 3.1m
DC 3.9m
GC 5.6m

lol at the Gamecube getting a massive spike

....what was Dreamcast November 2001?
That's a slippery slope to set yourself on, America is incredibly important to any company in the game industry.

The PS3 did great outside of America last-gen but that barely gave it a win in overall sales, this by itself shows how important the region is.

Absolutely, and I expect MS to take Dec. too; however, it remains to be seen whether or not the X1 can keep this up during next year. If the PS4 goes back on top in Jan and forward, Sony may just feel "winning" 10 out of 12 months is worth more than bleeding cash to win a couple of em.


On what Sony needs to do about Xbox One selling well in November and December... People should understand that Sony doesn't have to win the US and the UK to win the console generation. All Sony has to do to win the console generation is make sure MS doesn't have a significant enough lead in the US and the UK to nullify the sale advantage Sony has outside the US and the UK. As of right now, MS nullifying the PS4's lead in the US only means that XB1 will tie with PS4 in the US, which is still a console generation win for Sony. XB1 would have to win month after month over the PS4 in the US before they have a significant chance of winning the generation. However, that won't happen if XB1 returns to being $399 in January, since the PS4 will likely return to outselling the XB1 month to month starting in January.


Obviously sell themselves to MS. Cant beat em, join em.

What would a merged xbox and playstation logo look like? I am beyond curious to find out

What would a merged Phil Spencer and shu look like? I am beyond curious (and horrified) to find out
lol at the Gamecube getting a massive spike

....what was Dreamcast November 2001?

Nothing, the Dreamcast had been discontinued in March 2001.As of this month the Wii U still has yet to surpass total sales of the Dreamcast at the time of it's discontinuation despite 10 extra months of tracking time (Dreamcast discontinuation corresponds to January 2014 for the Wii U because the DC launched in September rather than November).


Nothing, the Dreamcast had been discontinued in March 2001.As of this month the Wii U still has yet to surpass total sales of the Dreamcast at the time of it's discontinuation despite 10 extra months of tracking time (Dreamcast discontinuation corresponds to January 2014 for the Wii U because the DC launched in September rather than November).

the dreamcast dropped to $49.99 in november 2001.


To be honest, if Sony is able to keep up or even barely lead in NA throughout the generation, then that's the best case scenario for them.

So long as they aren't blown out like they were last gen in NA, XB1 isn't much of a threat to them :/

Well said.

That's why I said a slippery slope, saying Xbox One isn't a threat when they just outsold them on the busiest month of the year by 1/3rd is pretty silly.

Absolutely, and I expect MS to take Dec. too; however, it remains to be seen whether or not the X1 can keep this up during next year. If the PS4 goes back on top in Jan and forward, Sony may just feel "winning" 10 out of 12 months is worth more than bleeding cash to win a couple of em.

"couple of em" happen to represent more sales than the other ten months combined. Problem with this is that if Microsoft manages to continue to win or equal the PS4 on these off months than November and December will just blow out any kind of lead they had.

What would a merged xbox and playstation logo look like? I am beyond curious to find out

What would a merged Phil Spencer and shu look like? I am beyond curious (and horrified) to find out

It would look like a Xbox logo because there would be no Playstation anymore, Microsoft would never buy Sony anyway. They have no interest in Asian insurance sales and already own a phone and console gaming business. I don't think anyone wants to buy themselves into what Sony Pictures have dug themselves into lately.

On what Sony needs to do about Xbox One selling well in November and December... People should understand that Sony doesn't have to win the US and the UK to win the console generation. All Sony has to do to win the console generation is make sure MS doesn't have a significant enough lead in the US and the UK to nullify the sale advantage Sony has outside the US and the UK. As of right now, MS nullifying the PS4's lead in the US only means that XB1 will tie with PS4 in the US, which is still a console generation win for Sony. XB1 would have to win month after month over the PS4 in the US before they have a significant chance of winning the generation. However, that won't happen if XB1 returns to being $399 in January, since the PS4 will likely return to outselling the XB1 month to month starting in January.

Microsoft managed to almost nullify Sony's lead in the US/UK in just the first year after a terrible PR storm and starting with a huge price difference; this generation isn't anywhere near over yet.


Wait the 360 out sold Wii u? Why is it still selling so well?

It was really cheap.

The idea that the Xbox group has carte blanche limitless access to resources is about as unrealistic as the idea that the division is going to be shuttered or sold.

They have around $90 billion dollars sitting in Europe with nothing to do but burn through it and compared to Sony this is limitless. Them buying Minecraft for $2 billion with this money definitely shows that they are willing to spend it on whatever they want.

This money is from their profits outside of the US so it's only getting bigger. There is a reason they are building so many data centers outside of the US and this warchest is that reason.
Nothing, the Dreamcast had been discontinued in March 2001.As of this month the Wii U still has yet to surpass total sales of the Dreamcast at the time of it's discontinuation despite 10 extra months of tracking time (Dreamcast discontinuation corresponds to January 2014 for the Wii U because the DC launched in September rather than November).

um, the Dreamcast line clearly continues going on that graph
That's why I said a slippery slope, saying Xbox One isn't a threat when they just outsold them on the busiest month of the year by 1/3rd is pretty silly.

The PS4 outsold XB1 by more than 1/3 in both Sept and Oct. XB1 received an extreme boost from both a price reduction and a holiday sale period together, when it's also been under performing prior to this. It's not Thanksgiving every month and MS can't cut the price every month, so we can't take much away from this performance for future predictions.


The idea that the Xbox group has carte blanche limitless access to resources is about as unrealistic as the idea that the division is going to be shuttered or sold.

It might have been more true (but still with at least some limitations) back in the Xbox / early Xbox 360 days, when consoles seemed like the next big thing that could provide a lucrative monopoly a la Windows. Now that it's clear that Google/Apple have found that pot of gold instead, it's far more difficult for Sony or MS to justify losing billions when there is no longer any real suggestion that there is some uber-lucrative monopoly to be had in the longer term.
Microsoft managed to almost nullify Sony's lead in the US/UK in just the first year after a terrible PR storm and starting with a huge price difference; this generation isn't anywhere near over yet.

How is it not over?

It's baffling to me how someone could actually believe the generation isn't already over. It's like looking at an electoral map. Where's the viable path? Are they gonna build a 20 million lead in the US in 4 years?


The PS4 outsold XB1 by more than 1/3 in both Sept and Oct. XB1 received an extreme boost from both a price reduction and a holiday sale period together, when it's also been under performing prior to this. It's not Thanksgiving every month and MS can't cut the price every month, so we can't take much away from this performance for future predictions.

They don't need to cut the price every month, they just need to continue staying under the price of the PS4 and continue to offer bundles year round with big releases.

You don't need to predict anything, the technology industry has shown time and time again that price is usually king.

How is it not over?

It's baffling to me how someone could actually believe the generation isn't already over. It's like looking at an electoral map. Where's the viable path? Are they gonna build a 20 million lead in the US in 4 years?

It's baffling that anyone would believe a console generation is over in a single year.


How is it not over?

It's baffling to me how someone could actually believe the generation isn't already over. It's like looking at an electoral map. Where's the viable path? Are they gonna build a 20 million lead in the US in 4 years?

Without defending the suggestion that the Xbox One could outsell the PS4 (which I agree is silly), there is question about how strong a second place the Xbox One could get. At some points it's seemed like the PS4 would run away with the generation and get 70%+ market share worldwide; I think right now it's looking more like 50% or 60% marketshare worldwide (keep in mind here that the Wii U, as paltry as it may be, is still going to soak up 5-10% worldwide marketshare).

But it's an open question, at least. I don't think it's reasonable to suggest PS4 won't win, but it's reasonable to ask how complete its victory will be. If the Xbox One ends up selling, let's say, 75% as much as the PS4 (even that doesn't seem likely, but it's an example), then that's close enough that the difference is mostly meaningless.


It's baffling that anyone would believe a console generation is over in a single year.

It can actually be far more telling than you might think. I think a good comparison here would be polls done that may only have 5,000 participants but which claim to represent the entire US; many people are shocked that such a small sample could produce meaningfully predictive results, but it can, and when done well, can produce a high degree of accuracy.

Given how sound the PS4 has thumped everything else, it would be unprecedented for it to fall to second place. Maybe it could eventually, but I'd categorize it as "extremely unlikely" at this point. You say we're only a single year in; I say we're nearly 15-20% of the way through the generation until the PS5/Xbox Two are released.
I was just going to post. If this generation lasts 5 years like we've been told it will we're already 20% of the way through it. Couple that with the fact that Microsoft is still being outsold worldwide and I'm perplexed as to what (other than hopes and dreams) one would base their prediction on.

We just had a gen that showed otherwise?

Come on now. How many threads have we had people explaining the differences and yet it goes on and on. PS3 is actually a perfect example of why Xbox One won't come back. PS3 had strength worldwide that helped counteract the one year advantage and NA dominance of the 360. Neither of those advantages are in play anymore.


We just had a gen that showed otherwise?

No we didn't. The Wii was selling significantly better than anything else after the first full year, and it ended up selling better than anything else at the end of the generation. It didn't outsell everything as profoundly as it may have seemed in the first year, but it still outsold the PS3/360 by a significant amount.
Must have been some NPD adjustments for past data in the last 6 months, then. We got LTDs in June 2014, and the monthlies since then would've had the switch happening in November and definitely not October.

Always are. Takes about 3 months before all the small variabilities are ironed out. Almost always the adjustments aren't significant, but retailers restate sometimes, extrapolation rates need adjusting, that kind of thing.


That's why I said a slippery slope, saying Xbox One isn't a threat when they just outsold them on the busiest month of the year by 1/3rd is pretty silly.

"couple of em" happen to represent more sales than the other ten months combined. Problem with this is that if Microsoft manages to continue to win or equal the PS4 on these off months than November and December will just blow out any kind of lead they had.

It would look like a Xbox logo because there would be no Playstation anymore, Microsoft would never buy Sony anyway. They have no interest in Asian insurance sales and already own a phone and console gaming business. I don't think anyone wants to buy themselves into what Sony Pictures have dug themselves into lately.

Microsoft managed to almost nullify Sony's lead in the US/UK in just the first year after a terrible PR storm and starting with a huge price difference; this generation isn't anywhere near over yet.

Nullify? dude they still have a 800k lead in US. They got done nicely in November, that's for sure.If they have a 400k lead in the next 2 months then they would have'nullified' the gap in US


It would look like a Xbox logo because there would be no Playstation anymore, Microsoft would never buy Sony anyway. They have no interest in Asian insurance sales and already own a phone and console gaming business. I don't think anyone wants to buy themselves into what Sony Pictures have dug themselves into lately.

I was just joking. And keep fighting the good fight warrior


It can actually be far more telling than you might think. I think a good comparison here would be polls done that may only have 5,000 participants but which claim to represent the entire US; many people are shocked that such a small sample could produce meaningfully predictive results, but it can.

Given how sound the PS4 has thumped everything else, it would be unprecedented for it to fall to second place. Maybe it could eventually, but I'd categorize it as "extremely unlikely" at this point. You say we're only a single year in; I say we're nearly 15-20% of the way through the heart of the generation.

There is a long road ahead of us in this generation.

How so? I think my reasoning is pretty sound.

I personally don't know what this generation is going to look like in 7-9 years but it's definitely not a one man race.

I was just joking. And keep fighting the good fight warrior

I know you were joking, didn't stop me from answering the question. You were incredibly curious after all.

Nullify? dude they still have a 800k lead in US. They got done nicely in November, that's for sure.If they have a 400k lead in the next 2 months then they would have'nullified' the gap in US

If they end up repeating this success in December than a 400k lead is pretty small for a market like the US.
That's why I said a slippery slope, saying Xbox One isn't a threat when they just outsold them on the busiest month of the year by 1/3rd is pretty silly.

"couple of em" happen to represent more sales than the other ten months combined. Problem with this is that if Microsoft manages to continue to win or equal the PS4 on these off months than November and December will just blow out any kind of lead they had.

It would look like a Xbox logo because there would be no Playstation anymore, Microsoft would never buy Sony anyway. They have no interest in Asian insurance sales and already own a phone and console gaming business. I don't think anyone wants to buy themselves into what Sony Pictures have dug themselves into lately.

Microsoft managed to almost nullify Sony's lead in the US/UK in just the first year after a terrible PR storm and starting with a huge price difference; this generation isn't anywhere near over yet.

Yes the two months are very important but the PS4 is still selling incredibly well. It's not like it ceases to sell in these months.
We just had a gen that showed otherwise?

At this moment, the standing of the three seventh gen consoles is exactly the same as it was after one year with all of them on the market (in the US and worldwide, I believe). The PS3 may/will pass the 360 worldwide at some point, but as far as we know it hasn't happened yet, and it won't happen in the US at all. And neither console is catching up to the Wii worldwide because neither one is showing anywhere near the legs that the PS2 had.
There is a long road ahead of us in this generation.

I personally don't know what this generation is going to look like in 7-9 years but it's definitely not a one man race.

7-9 years? Also, other than "well let's just see what happens and hope for the best" you really haven't offered anything substantive.


Come on now. How many threads have we had people explaining the differences and yet it goes on and on. PS3 is actually a perfect example of why Xbox One won't come back. PS3 had strength worldwide that helped counteract the one year advantage and NA dominance of the 360. Neither of those advantages are in play anymore.

Oh, are we doing one of those "ignore the Wii" discussions? In that case, the PS3/360 battle isn't remotely comparable.

Even in its early days, the PS3 was selling about 80% as well as the 360 was -- the initial gap was fairly large, but mostly a consequence of the 360 launching a year earlier. By contrast, the Xbox One is selling about 60% as well as the PS4 is. That's a huge difference.

Right now, based on what we know, the PS4 has sold ~16M units worldwide, and the Xbox One has sold ~9.5M units worldwide.

If instead we had ~16M units for PS4 and ~13M units for Xbox One, I think a reasonable person could imagine this changing. But it's not remotely that close, and as such, it isn't reasonable to expect a change.


Yes the two months are very important but the PS4 is still selling incredibly well. It's not like it ceases to sell in these months.

Neither does the Xbox One.

7-9 years? Also, other than "well let's just see what happens and hope for the best" you really haven't offered anything substantive.

I didn't know saying "I don't know" required substantive evidence.

What we do know is that Sony gained a early lead with great PR and a nice price gap at the beginning of the generation; we also know that Microsoft seems to be willing to fight tooth and nail to get this lead back.

In the end all I do know is that the real winners of this generation are the gamers if this keeps up.<- I know it's a cop out answer but it's definitely true.


They don't need to cut the price every month, they just need to continue staying under the price of the PS4 and continue to offer bundles year round with big releases.

You don't need to predict anything, the technology industry has shown time and time again that price is usually king.

It's baffling that anyone would believe a console generation is over in a single year.
Like it or not, there is no contest in terms of worldwide. The PS4 is leading the X1 by roughly 2:1 worldwide. It may still be possible for the X1 to overtake the PS4 in the US, but I doubt it. Unless you think US=Everywhere else?
Oh, are we doing one of those "ignore the Wii" discussions? In that case, the PS3/360 battle isn't remotely comparable.

Even in its early days, the PS3 was selling about 80% as well as the 360 was -- the initial gap was fairly large, but mostly a consequence of the 360 launching a year earlier. By contrast, the Xbox One is selling about 60% as well as the PS4 is. That's a huge difference.

Right now, based on what we know, the PS4 has sold ~16M units worldwide, and the Xbox One has sold ~9.5M units worldwide.

If instead we had ~16M units for PS4 and ~13M units for Xbox One, I think a reasonable person could imagine this changing. But it's not remotely that close, and as such, it isn't reasonable to expect a change.

I agree with everything said here. It's virtually impossible for Xbox One to "win" this generation based on everything I've seen.


If the Xbox One sees a huge, sustained resurgence (and that's possible), I could imagine it jumping from selling ~50% as well as the PS4 (as it did during most of this year) all the way to, let's say, 70% or 80%.

But jumping from 50% to 100%? Even that wouldn't change the results -- PS4 would still win in the end, as it already has a significant advantage. The Xbox One would need to jump from ~50% of PS4's sales on a worldwide monthly basis to ~110% or ~120% to eventually catch up in any meaningful time frame.

I'd categorize the chances of that as very low. That sort of sales jump would be unprecedented. It's not impossible in the same way that it's not impossible I'll die tomorrow, but it's very unlikely.


Well just to ask, did sales slow enough that PS3 could overtake 360 in sales outside of NA or was it like that since launch?

Brand loyalty is always there, but I'm still firm if price is right, MS can make steady progress in closing the gap.
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