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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


Congrats to Microsoft, they deserved it with all the promotions etc.

But, I cannot fathom how they could justify keeping the price that low permanently.

The losses would be horrendous and the shareholders would be baying for blood at the Xbox division.
Just came to me but what if Microsoft's aggressive holiday push is because they know they will raise the price in January and go back to bring outsold by PS4. So the price cut is there to reduce the gap as much as possible before the new year.


Yea, there shareholders are going to be vying for blood when outselling their competitor by 50% for the month lol.

If they can keep this trajectory, I think MS will happily stay at $350.
Sony lowers the price for the ps4 to 99$ and will outsell Microsoft 4:1. Imagine how happy the shareholder's will be, when they hear the news.


Yea, there shareholders are going to be vying for blood when outselling their competitor by 50% for the month lol.

If they can keep this trajectory, I think MS will happily stay at $350.

Yes they will if it means Constant Red Ink. The price cut and bundles was not cheap for M.S. also it was not about profitability, imo it was a hail Mary to gain back some market share in their most important territory for them.


MS's bundle approach is different from Sony's bundle approach though.

MS essentially 'deleted' its non-bundle SKU, and replaced it with the ACU SKU. And the CoD SKU was their equivalent of Sony's Destiny bundle, which was limited and no longer available.

Unlike MS, Sony doesn't bundle for 'free' for extended periods of time. (well, except their latest COG bundle)

XB1's bundle strategy is largely centered around replacement of their non-bundle SKUs.

They don't need to bundle for free, just at reduced price (-$10 or -$20) like they do in Europe.


Just came to me but what if Microsoft's aggressive holiday push is because they know they will raise the price in January and go back to bring outsold by PS4. So the price cut is there to reduce the gap as much as possible before the new year.
Actually the whole time we Knew the price was scheduled to go back up on January 4th, that's M.S. official position the whole time, talk about the price cut being permanent is 100% pure speculation.


I would say so but without numbers from October and this month I'm not sure when.
I believe PS3 has finally surpassed 26 million, while Xbox 360 is now past 42 million. Wii is just below 42 million.

So, yes, I think the Xbox 360 has finally bested the Wii in the U.S.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I believe PS3 has finally surpassed 26 million, while Xbox 360 is now past 42 million. Wii is just below 42 million.

So, yes, I think the Xbox 360 has finally bested the Wii in the U.S.
Agree on the PS3, not sure about 360 and Wii LTDs. This is where we were at the end of May 2013:

Months added after seem to have both <42 million.


Junior Member
Yea, there shareholders are going to be vying for blood when outselling their competitor by 50% for the month lol.

If they can keep this trajectory, I think MS will happily stay at $350.

Yeah, totally makes sense for a division to sell 1.2 million consoles in the US in November at what is probably a significant loss when price cuts, promotions, and major titles such as Assassin's Creed Unity being bundled free.

Yes, that makes perfect financial sense.

Anyone with even a tiny sliver of business sense would know that this situation is completely unsustainable, and potentially very damaging to the Xbox division going forward if cumulative losses keep snowballing.

The accountants at the Xbox division must be pulling their hair out trying to makes the figures work with mounting losses.
Yea, there shareholders are going to be vying for blood when outselling their competitor by 50% for the month lol.

If they can keep this trajectory, I think MS will happily stay at $350.

Why don't they just give them away for a dollar and outsell the competition by 5000%. Shareholders would be going wild.


Yep, happened in October. And not a peep around it. Shows you just how long and unimportant console wars are, really.

Must have been some NPD adjustments for past data in the last 6 months, then. We got LTDs in June 2014, and the monthlies since then would've had the switch happening in November and definitely not October.


Yep, happened in October. And not a peep around it. Shows you just how long and unimportant console wars are, really.

They apparently are with the consumers ¯(°_o)/¯
Anyway, no. If the shareholders where really on route to kill/spin off the Xbox division we would not have seen these aggressive sales tactics from MS. We would have seen nothing. When that happens we can worry.


Anyway, no. If the shareholders where really on route to kill/spin off the Xbox division we would not have seen these aggressive sales tactics from MS. We would have seen nothing. When that happens we can worry.

Better to pretty up the pig before selling it at the market.


Agree on the PS3, not sure about 360 and Wii LTDs. This is where we were at the end of May 2013:
My sense is that not one of those May 2013 LTDs is right. Did Kyle get them directly from NPD at that time?

Edit: Looking at the text of the original article, perhaps not. The notes suggest he's relying on figures released by NPD publicly and statements from console manufacturers.


One thing i do know for sure, when i eventually decide to purchase a xbox one, i will wait until i can get one with 2-3 games (AAA games) bundled in and other retailer incentives (e.g. target's $50 gift card). You would be a fool to buy a standalone Xbox one at msrp.

In my mind this is the biggest blunder microsoft has done (devalue their console).


One thing i do know for sure, when i eventually decide to purchase a xbox one, i will wait until i can get one with 2-3 games (AAA games) bundled in and other retailer incentives (e.g. target's $50 gift card). You would be a fool to buy a standalone Xbox one at msrp.

In my mind this is the biggest blunder microsoft has done (devalue their console).

Anything goes during the holiday season.


My sense is that not one of those May 2013 LTDs is right.

Wii and 360 @ May 2013 are close. PS3 is significantly off, though. You were correct with your 26/42 statement earlier, as far as I can tell. Missing some Wii numbers, though, so it may have eeked past 42m this month, too.

Mikey Jr.

Hmm, I wonder what Sony's next move is right now.

Gonna go out on a limb and say they have every country except US and UK on lock. Unfortunately for Sony, those 2 countries/kingdom? are both pretty damn big and it seems like Sony is gonna have to fight MS for every inch for those.

Right now the momentum is in MS's favour based purely on Amazon. I know its not super reliable, but Xbone is #1 in US while PS4 is in the twenties or something, so that says a lot.

But does Sony even want to fight MS in those countries? Or are they content tying with MS there and just reaping the benefits of being #1 everywhere else? At the end of the day, Sony still sold 840k in US without doing anything drastic at all. They simply lost momentum. I wonder how important it is for Sony to win NA.

Also, anyone know how PS4 is doing in UK relative to the Xbone?
How is SCEE able to offer compelling holiday deals, but not SCEA?

Why is only SCEA concerned with maximizing profitability at $399?

IIRC, with exchange rates, technically the PS4 sells for more money in Europe than it does in the US (I.E. $399 is less than 399 Euro), which would give them a little more money to play around with. But beyond that, I would think that because Nintendo and MS are much less successful in Europe, SCEE is probably more focused on building market share (they know they won't be supplanted, so lets just try to sell as many consoles as possible as fast as possible) than sustaining high profitability (SCEA knows that getting into a price war with Microsoft on US soil might lead to a race to the bottom that they definitely do not want).


lol exactly.

I swear, people think the Xbox division has daddy's wallet and can spend all they like.

Yes, they most likely do.

Unless MS/Nadella/Major Investors say otherwise, we can assume the Xbox division has full financial backing.

Finances as a talking point are completely irrelevant when dealing with mega companies like MS.

If this were Sony, who can no longer afford to keep under-performing divisions, only then should financial concerns can be considered legit.


Better to pretty up the pig before selling it at the market.

That's a valid point to have yes. Personally I don't see it even being on the table till late 2017. If by the third years end and Xbox are only doing "ok", with the help of the other divisions wallets, in the US and UK I could believe it was actually happening but with everything coming up with W10 and the tied in services to it as well. Techdays showed a lot of interesting stuff from MS that could be incorporated for both business and private life. Nothing substantial or real(whispers in the crowds).

Problem is how they will convey the message to the target groups.
I'm still waiting for the Azure to be proven to work with a Xbox as a end station for "my business" needs.

So have we figured out what the best course of action is for Sony?

More games, more adds, keep on dickriding that Crash hype nostalgia and stay the course.
But does Sony even want to fight MS in those countries? Or are they content tying with MS there and just reaping the benefits of being #1 everywhere else? At the end of the day, Sony still sold 840k in US without doing anything drastic at all. They simply lost momentum. I wonder how important it is for Sony to win NA.

Also, anyone know how PS4 is doing in UK relative to the Xbone?

They will want to fight them but I suspect they will not be dragged into a dog fight to match them if MS basically just undercut them on price/value in a way that is not very financially sensible (but that MS can obviously afford to do to get consoles sold)

If the PS4 continues to sell well in RoW and MS go hard for US/UK - lower price, offering bundles etc in the lower selling month seasons then at some point I think considering they are making money Sony won't react to that because it simply wouldn't make sense to.

I still expect price cuts, bundles etc from Sony but if MS are getting aggressive I can't see Sony finding the justification when they're still selling really well

Yes, they most likely do.

Unless MS/Nadella/Major Investors say otherwise, we can assume the Xbox division has full financial backing.

Finances as a talking point are completely irrelevant when dealing with mega companies like MS.

If this were Sony, who can no longer afford to keep under-performing divisions, only then should financial concerns can be considered legit.

I think what we need to consider is whether realistically the Xbox division could even spend such a large amount that it would be anything more that a tiny dot on the finances. Mojang/Minecraft is obviously a big deal but offers them much more than just a game series (merchandising, education etc)

If MS can get consoles out there they can sell live subs and games which will go towards offsetting the hit they are taking however big or small on the consoles
Oh, and I don't see $299 for the PS4 at E3 at all. $349 I'd probably bet on, but not $299. Honestly, I see $299 for the PS4 either coming with Morpheus (selling the headset for $199 so the bundle comes in around $500 with some extra software and probably a Move controller), or being their Holiday season (if sales start tailing off somewhere in the middle of next year)/Black Friday price with a return to $349 after that.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but no-one announces price drops at E3
- Xbox One Kinectless sku wasn't a price drop in the traditional sense
. The worst selling months of the year... bad time to do it.

I think Sony did it once to clear stock of old Skus for the PS3 iirc (and new ones came in at the original price) but if they're going to drop the price they'll either do it soonish for their Q1 stuff or they will do it August/September/October for the holidays.


Meh, the way I see it, Sony really does not have to do anything. Even if MS outsells them in December once again. The gap worldwide is too big. They can do a slim announcement at E3 with a pricedrop to $300 to coincide with that launch next fall. They will coast on exclusive game releases until then.

This is based on the assertion that once January roles around the two will be neck and neck again or the PS4 will handily be outselling the One like it has been for most of the year. If that's not the case Jan-Mar, then I expect an April-May pricedrop to $350 for the PS4.
MS's bundle approach is different from Sony's bundle approach though.

MS essentially 'deleted' its non-bundle SKU, and replaced it with the ACU SKU. And the CoD SKU was their equivalent of Sony's Destiny bundle, which was limited and no longer available.

Unlike MS, Sony doesn't bundle for 'free' for extended periods of time. (well, except their latest COG bundle)

XB1's bundle strategy is largely centered around replacement of their non-bundle SKUs.

Destiny bundles are pretty easy to find at Bestbuy and Gamestop,etc.


Sony probably doesn't have anything to do even if MS outsells them again in December (which is looking very likely right now). At best, it looks like MS might come close to nullifying the gap (as in within 100 - 200k of it), but in that process MS is burning a ton of cash while Sony is making some. Then, the rest of the year is wide open to grow that gap right back up. We are talking about MS home backyard here, their own turf.

What I could see I guess is a $50 price drop between Feb (The Order), March (Bloodborne), April (Until Dawn?), May (new Ratchet?) and June (MGS V TPP?) 2015, before E3, IF they feel they have to maintain the momentum that way
It's sometimes a bit frustrating to try and figure out wth they're doing, but Sony's strategy is worldwide, and not dictated by the US/UK combo, as big as they are.


Hey the November numbers are out!

Haven't done this in awhile, sorry about that...

*click to enlarge
Dreamcast and WiiU are nearly tied again going into their third christmas. The DC will no longer be available in December, so this is nearly the end for Sega as final shipments and the last price drop take effect.

WiiU 3.1m
DC 3.9m
GC 5.6m


So MS won over a few more hundred thousand people looking for the cheapest COD box this Xmas... Who's surprised?

What ALMOST surprises me is that no one's buying the WiiU despite having the best selection of games you can't play on PC. I say almost because Nintendo didn't even try when it came to BF deals


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but no-one announces price drops at E3
- Xbox One Kinectless sku wasn't a price drop in the traditional sense

Think the 360S+price drop was announced at E3. Anyways, no one, except possibly Microsoft, announces price drops at E3. :p


What ALMOST surprises me is that no one's buying the WiiU despite having the best selection of games you can't play on PC. I say almost because Nintendo didn't even try when it came to BF deals

Nintendo has a brand image problem to deal with after the Wii.
So MS won over a few more hundred thousand people looking for the cheapest COD box this Xmas... Who's surprised?

What ALMOST surprises me is that no one's buying the WiiU despite having the best selection of games you can't play on PC. I say almost because Nintendo didn't even try when it came to BF deals

that's because your average console buyer isn't like "hmm what can I get on these consoles that's not on PC"


So MS won over a few more hundred thousand people looking for the cheapest COD box this Xmas... Who's surprised?

What ALMOST surprises me is that no one's buying the WiiU despite having the best selection of games you can't play on PC. I say almost because Nintendo didn't even try when it came to BF deals

Console buyer

Go figure.


I know Sony is more interested in WW sales then just 1 territory, and I am guessing they are almost 2:1 against the xbox one? . If they keep losing month after month in usa by a big margin, will they do something about it ?
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