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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


Someone just suggested that maybe cboat meant 710k difference in US now, and not that the gap was 7 to 10k for the month since his posts are usually garbled

heh. i don't know if that's plausible :p

Either way, he didn't technically say anything wrong. People just assumed wrong.

Not as good as Square's troll but it's been a rough week for Playstation fanboys. :p
Competition is hype.
The only thing disappointing is Dragon Age but I guess the series lost a lot of good faith after DA2 and SWTOR. Bioware is pulling daggers out of its own heart in order to regain that good faith. It'd be even worse if their C&C remake wasn't cancelled. Free to Play bullshit, glad it's dead.

I don't think Inquisition had much marketing either, and thus was a bit of a loss to the mainstream. DAO and DA2 had quite a bit of air time iirc.

Which is odd. MCC, Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed Unity, Advanced Warfare and even Destiny still are everywhere. Not to mention Nintendo with Smash Bros U/3DS and Pokemon. But nothing for Inquisition when EA generally floods airspace with ads (DS3 a big one).

Edit: Then again, I think its numbers aren't far off and maybe even better than past DA games, so it may also be the limited appeal out the gate.
Come on guys, buy Dragon Age Inquisition. Don't you want to win her heart?


Nothing like a tsundere to win my heart.


Probably not even close to 1 million, I suspect it might be around 400k, but of course it's all anecdotal based on leaderboards so I don't want to talk numbers too much.

Still, I think Sony would probably be happy with a number like that considering it's a new IP and had such a disaster of a launch.

Drive Club sold really well actually. According to Digital Sales in UK.


Tbf, these Xbone sales could be as front loaded as much as launch sales were. MS effectively brought 2 price drops worth of new customers to the table. Dec NPD will give us more insight but it could be too soon to call 2015 a lock for MS at a presumed $349.

I think a lot of people bought the X1 cause they think the price will go back up after the holidays(as Microsoft advertised it)
Frontloaded sales - People wanted to get the 200$+5 Games or whatever you could get in November before its over.You could still sell it for more value after the price went back up(which it won't in reality)
On par with Origins launch and better then Dragon Age II launch.

I'd say it's pretty good after how much DAII sullied the series' reputation and good will.

That's good to hear I guess. I'm sure DAI cost more to develop though considering 5 SKUS and 2 8 gen consoles to contend for though

I think The Order is going to bomb too with the way Sony is handling the PR for the game.

Sony sure makes some bizarre choices in terms of their software, as brilliant as they can otherwise sometimes be :p

They really need to rethink their planning strategies for software releases. GT6, LBP3???
Just passing by to say thanks for the Arrow spoiler.

I like gifs too but this episode just aired YESTERDAY, ffs.

Not all of us live in America.

Anyway, low price + plenty of new games = victory. Well done MS.


They (Sony and SE, but especially SE) need to do something to amend that, and fast. I thought it disgusting the moment it happened but that could create some real bad blood and people may unfairly (or fairly, depending on your POV) hold that against Sony for a short while, and that could benefit Microsoft.

Hell, just a public "please forgive SE for being asshats...to make up for it here's such-and-such-and-such-free-games as an apology for any hurt fans" from Sony would be better than pretending it never happened.

Because the internet...the internet never forgets...yo.

That and gamers in general are BIG TIME grudge holders. They will make sure the most that the Internet never forgets about things like that.

I also hope Sony amends for it, by pretty much being like, "hey guys, sorry about SE CEO. Apparantly he forgot to take his pills again, here's all of SE published/developed games from 5 years ago and on. Enjoy!"


What if cboat ment 710k is now the difference? but accidentally pressed - ?

If that's what he meant, then he put the - there on purpose to take away MS's good news for a few hours. He clearly has an agenda against MS/Xbox. Now whether this is a recent thing I don't know, but after xbone launch, Titanfall and now this there's definitely something going on


That's good to hear I guess. I'm sure DAI cost more to develop though considering 5 SKUS and 2 8 gen consoles to contend for though

They really need to rethink their planning strategies for software releases. GT6, LBP3???

honestly SwiftDeath I think you and me should offer ourselves to Sony strategic software planning initiatives, we could probably do a better job than the team there currently at deciding how to market games and when to release them :p


What I am most curious about is the numbers for Assassin's Creed: Unity.

That position on the chart seems awfully low for the series and I really wonder if the brand has been seriously damaged.
I wonder if this will precipitate Sony dropping the PS4 price.

They clearly underestimated how much of a difference that price drop would make,


honestly SwiftDeath I think you and me should offer ourselves to Sony strategic software planning initiatives, we could probably do a better job than the team there currently at deciding how to market games and when to release them :p

They gotta release something for the Holidays. You saw how 1/2 of GAF was crowing about "no games" even though Sony typically spreads their releases out through the year.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
honestly SwiftDeath I think you and me should offer ourselves to Sony strategic software planning initiatives, we could probably do a better job than the team there currently at deciding how to market games and when to release them :p

Me and Aqua will be on the opposite side for Nintendo :p

Amir0x & SwiftDeath vs. Aquamarine & Vinnygambini


I didn't know what your prediction was, but I made a similar gap prediction and had a multipage debate with people over how much I was overestimating.

I think people just were skeptical after how frequently XBO was still beat by PS4, despite multiple big events on the calendar (drop Kinect in June, Titanfall release, August deals, etc).

Yup, those got me along with the incredibly subdued MS PR. I expected an absurdly smug, chest-pounding declaration of victory with even the smallest win so I figured something had to be going on when they put out their simple quote.


Please. What guy comes in in first page, writes that and then leaves and then the next like 30 pages are basically reactions to his post. He knew exactly what he was doing. Look at all the reaching being done to try and say oh no, it was a typo.

People aren't saying it was a typo, they are saying it was the current difference 7-10k (710k) between the two consoles in NA given in a cryptic msg. CBOAT always spoke in riddles, I guess it cost em this time.


Good job Microsoft on the gang buster holiday sales. Sony and Nintendo did well too. Healthy competition is a very good thing.

I wonder if PS4 sales pick up in Q1 2015 with some significant exclusives hitting. I think Microsoft will be relatively quiet at the time release wise. Most of my friends picked up X1 once Forza, Sunset Overdrive, and Halo started dropping. The PS4 will have The Order, Bloodbourne, etc. at the onset of the year.
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