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NPD Sales Results for November 2014 [Up3: NPD Data Error, AC:U #5]


Honestly, if they both sold a million then that's not bad for MS at all. Like Aqua said in that topic, it shouldn't matter if they win or lose as long as they hit expectations and it seems like they did.

Honestly, these PS4 and Xbox One numbers are both just insane. Unprecedented for second November. It's very good for this industry, though something tells me they'll slow down. But still, that's insane for the PS4 without any price cuts.

Also, random question: How was the Pokemon ORAS double pack counted?


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!


Banstick Emeritus
I always knew you had a horse in this race. There's no doubt in my mind you work in retail but ever since that little stint with Explosive --> Excellent ---> very good, it became obvious to me you look at at the numbers from a skewed perspective.
Please don't. Thanks.


Neo Member
Struggling to keep up here.

So XB1 takes US and UK difference only 10k at most?

Sony still leads in global sales?

MS pulled out all the stops didn't seem to work?


Exciting times,

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Microsoft would be fucking insane to bump the price back up.

I reckon the PR for keeping the price down will almost exactly match my post from that older thread.


Uhhh no it didnt? Do you know how to count? How is this a Pyrrhic victory? Stop trying to use words when you dont know what they mean.

Wait... Do you actually know what pyrrhic means? It means when something comes at too great a cost. That's pretty fitting here considering MS definitely lost money on each console sold for a marginal victory.

Pyrrhic: (of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor.
MS PR statement only made reference to those two territories, so that's why I was asking.

December NPD is going to be insane.

I don't see the insanity. Chobel will vouch for me being unconvinced of MS winning November. PS4 has momentum and a lot of good will which MS don't have because of their own stupid decisions/mistakes.

I would consider this November to be something of a good start on a potential recovery, rather than anything else.


What devastating costs? Are you a MS stock holder? Do you know their detailed financial plane?

It comes down to this, the brand is healthy and you guys are talking out of your ass.

You really have no clue, haven't you? Microsoft's Xbox division lost money for sure. If they made it up with extra Office sales, it doesn't matter, we're talking about this particular marketing campaign which resulted in hefty promotion and price cuts, resulting in almost imperceptible victory.

Therefore, as Amir0x rightfully pointed out, by all accounts it is LITERALLY a pyrrhic ictory for Microsoft's Xbox division.


I wanted to get an Xbone this past month but I needed to get new tires instead :(

Stupid fucking safety concerns. Why don't we have hover cars yet.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
No Dragon Age, fuck the market. Doesnt even know a good thing when it comes...

Maybe BioWare shouldn't have pissed everybody off with DA2 and ME3. You can't release shit products and expect people to keep buying without hesitation.
And people laughed at me when I said the Wii U would barely sell 10 million units by the end of its lifetime. It was at 7.29 last quarter. It will literally take another 5 years to reach GCN levels, and that's assuming there will be no YOY decline. What the fuck are they doing?
I don't think Smash is as big a draw for mainstream audiences as Mario Kart is. It's not an excuse for the Wii U's sales (and far from the only problem), but I feel like Smash is more of a "you already have the system to play it" kind of game. I'm not even sure why, since Melee was a genuine system seller and sold incredibly well deep into the Gamecube's lifespan.

Melee was essentially a launch title. The problem for Wii U is a large portion of the potential Smash fanbase already owns a Wii U, so its bump being less than MK isn't terribly unexpected


Just a question.. Are we really taking CBOATS 1 post on the first page as definitive proof with no corroborative evidence?

Do we forget the last year of his posts?

I'm gonna guess that if he was way off someone would have called him out.


Seriously, we're gonna freak out about a CBOAT post?

If it were a 7-10k difference they wouldn't release press about it. That's way too small of a difference with error involved.
yup. 15 million worldwide sounds about right.

maybe too optimistic.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; they'll sell the 12 million they have parts for from launch, and move on. They know they can't recover the sales, and producing more units will just make them a loss financially. I very much doubt well ever see another official price cut again now either.


MS has VERY deep pockets.

However the high-ups don't like selling hardware @ cost or a loss. New CEO clearly isn't on the same bandwagon that Ballmer was about creating MS specific hardware. Chances are we won't see another price-cut regardless of future sales figures.


Neo Member
I really don't understand why people give MS such a hard time but overlook the fact that the Xbox One is outselling the Wii U 4-1. MS might be second but still. I swear Nintendo could realease a game called crap and was literally just video's of people taking dumps and gaf would be like wow, Go nintendo.


If MS won the first 2 months of November, then Sony had to really turn it around on Black Friday.

That would make the anecdotal evidence and Black Friday Retail Musings pretty hilarious. Cause if the gap was less than 10k, the anecdotal evidence was slightly, well, off and/or Sony really kicked ass in online sales.
November has 2 months??
I'm afraid MS may have fallen into the indie discount trap. You do too many big discounts & people expect even bigger discounts AND people stop buying your product when it's not on sale. If they return the price to $399 in January, they're going to get murdered. For that matter, even dropping it permanently to $350 might not be enough given that you could get it with 3 games for the equivalent of under $300 in November ($329 w/$50 gift card).
I think 399 after the holidays is MORE likely now honestly. Depends if they want to bleed money for minimal results or just coast on ok sales without losing money on every console sold
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