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NPD Sales Results for November 2015 [Up3: Combined Hardware For PS4 + XB1 + Wii U]

It shrank twice didnt it?

Once in April by 13k and 28K in Halo month. But where it counted, Sony made big gaps in the months that mattered. Not sure what being a fan of any console is, the evidence is there. The final blow... thats a pointless statement, when is the final blow, when the consoles are no longer available.

So that means Sony have won 9 months this year and the gap has grown by 621k in what was last gen a massive market for Xbox. I see a non contest at the moment and it would take a massive price cut (and remember XBO was selling less consoles even when it was cheaper than PS4).

PS4 ~192k | XBO ~152k

PS4 - 342k | XBO - 276k

PS4: 336k | XBO: 233k

XBO 187k | PS4: 174k

PS4 ~ 152,000 | XBO ~ 139,000

PS4: ~370k | XBO - ~297k

PS4: 218k | XBO: 189k

PS4: ~209k
 | XBO: 202k

PS4 - 354k
 | XBO - 293k

XBO: 303k | PS4: 275k

PS4: 1.5m | XBO: 1.23m

40k in favour of PS4
66k in favour of PS4
103k in favour of PS4
13k in favour of XBO
13k in favour of PS4
73k in favour of PS4
29k in favour of PS4
7k in favour of PS4
61k in favour of PS4
28k in favour of XBO
270k in favour of PS4

I don't understand why you don't get this, final blow is obvious and it simply means pulling ahead, which the PS4 is not, so it's still contested. If the gap keeps gong 200k-500k, and growing back to near 1 million or over 1 million, and then going back to 200-500k, just an example, that's called contested.

To be honest all Sony really needs to do to reach that point is keep the PS4 at $299 and ad an alternative bundle to uncharted. I doubt the Xbox One is going to keep the price.


Titanfall sold well so I don't follow, why a temporary exclusivity like Tomb Raider would kill the franchise?

Zampella and Respawn couldn't be more open about the fact they can't wait for the sequel to go on PS4 as well. They also were not happy with Ea's decision of making the first game a total exclusive.
I doubt Microsoft will be able to get a timed exclusive. With the original game it was easier, Ea was under the assumption that Xbox would dominate in the west this gen.
Making the sequel a timed exclusive means they're not serious about building a fanbase for the game outside Xbox and that doesn't make any sense considering the current market situation.
But I think that marketing deals and timed exclusive DLC will go to MS.

Hahahahaha! More like curtains. Microsoft can't afford Nintendo even if they tried.


For me, it's a shit attitude like you said when you do a third-party game become an exclusive (even 1 year) whereas the first game was multiplat and the licence has peaked with the PlayStation gamers ...

And don't lose your mind, I don't even like the Street Fighter 5 exclusive (console exclusive) for PS4 because there are, any doubts, many SF gamers on Xbox One, especially if you release a game multiplat (Street Fighter 4 on PS3/360) and don't release the sequel then ...

So, yes I hope it will bomb on PS4 next year, next time, don't play with gamers Square Enix, don't ignore a community because of "MS's check" :)

And I hope for PS4 gamers that Tomb Raider will be at 40$/€ max with all the DLCs !
It's really still shitty to hope a game sells poorly when the dev team worked hard to make a great game.
Timespliters, Medal of Honor, Half-Life, Red Faction, Tribes, 007, SWBF

of the games I just listed, a lot of them were not released on Xbox with some or all installments, the ones that did usually did not sell well in comparison tot he PS2 by a margin of which the Xbox version may as well be a niche title. Some were pretty much remembered for being ont he PS2, a lot of these series had games that sold millions..On the PS2 with I think maybe 2 exceptions.

of course I'm talking about installments during the active years of the PS2 and Xbox.

Now with a line-up such as this, none of these games reached the levels close to Halo other than, and anybody correct me if i am wrong, Metal of Honor Frontline was the closest a game got to the lowest selling Halo Xbox title. And Xbox had just as many choices as the PS2 pretty much.

This is similar for the PS2, With Sly, Ratchet, and Jak, along with other PS2 favortie multiplats such as TY the tiger, Rayman 2, Spyro, Crash, and Tak, the closest that PS2 got to coming to the sales of SMS was the first Jak game.

Different times, Halo isn't as popular as it used to be, Halo 5 charting so low is evidence of that.


I'm just glad things are selling well. I have no real care as to who wins the console wars as that's never been my thing, but I'm just happy to see the industry is relatively healthy. Adding in the NX next year I really hope we see some amazing works of art.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important

Holy fuck, 200k for X1+X360. Abysmal sales, unfathomable, unthinkable.
I can't think of a biggest bomba *EVER* at the moment.
Biggest bomba of all time, unless you count (and you shouldn't, completely different situations with also "digital download only first" releases) Wii Sports Club and Wii Fit U).
Unbelievable. If there's a worse one I'd like to know, sucks because everything I heard points to a much better game than TR2013 and the only reason I haven't picked it up is because I knew its price would be slashed to £17/60%off territory in a couple months and foreseen that it would hardly set the charts on fire... but nothing like that.
Not. Like. That. :(

Purest 78

This is why MS winning halo month by so little was a loss for them. Sony being down YOY in Oct was no big deal with these Nov numbers.
How many Black Ops III PS4 bundles were sold? Would it be enough to make it the higher selling version? Not really fussed either way, just curious.
You said install base has nothing to do with it, which simply can't be true. If a marketing campaign convinces 5% of a given base to buy a game, then install base matters. Games can obviously sell more on less popular platforms, but to say that hardware numbers don't matter is just silly, no matter how many examples you can come up with involving Halo (a series with an absolutely ridiculous attach rate at one time) versus third party titles or one of Sony's now dead or almost dead franchises. That's called cherry picking, by the way.

Except what I clearly said is it does not instantly mean a game will sell higher. Which can't be argued, and I gave examples.



I know right. It's kind of funny. The wars make the thread interesting at least I suppose.[/QUOTE]

Ha, fortunately I'm just in a position to own all 3 of the most recent consoles from each.

The 'wars' are good watching how microsoft and sony react to each other and seeing how it develops. The bitterness that fills this thread is a tad annoying as its hard to find decent discussion or bias, its a fucking video game console. Nintendo kinda do their own thing and I guess since sales are lower representation is lower on here so less bitterness from that side

EDIT: Only real surprise for me here is how poorly Tomb Raider has done, haven't picked it up yet but seems quite good but terrible release timing, like myself I'm sure many others are far too busy with other things or all the other games that are out. Hopefully it does well on PC and PS4 (and continued sales on XBO i guess)
Halo 4 walked on Uncharted 3. How's it more popular?

Halo 4 sucked, Masterchief Collection sucked big time, Halo 5 hasn't sold that well, it's pretty obvious in a downward trend since 4. Maybe I am wrong that Uncharted is more popular, but it's pretty close. It will sell more then Halo 5 when it's released I don't doubt it.
I love these threads, great comedy from those emotionally invested in their purchase. This gen has been settled for well over a year now, looking forward to even more focus on the games next time around assuming lessons have been learnt.

Hoping both these can still go strong and Nintendo serves up better with the NX, we're getting some pretty good games at the moment.
I'm weak in the knees at this thread. I love them so much.
I didn't see the numbers yet but I'm feeling that Battlefront is the flop (relative speaking) of the year, or maybe the second flop because Halo 5 sold bad.

If it had similar opening month to BF3 is that really a flop? BF3 went to ship over 15 million worldwide (probably also over 20 million as the 15 million update was during the middle of next year after the launch). It also had similar opening to BF3 in UK.


Neo Member
In other notes, well deserved for Black Ops 3. It's the best Call of Duty game this generation.


Weird when my friends/industry people shit on the game *cough bombcast cough*. It's the first CoD I've bought since maybe the first Blops & it's easily the most in depth best shooter out now
besides Fallout 4
despite being the same 'ol model

A very strong holiday for both PS4/Xbox, a very good year for the industry.


This is why MS winning halo month by so little was a loss for them. Sony being down YOY in Oct was no big deal with these Nov numbers.

Still don't understand what Halo month has to do with this.

October is usually far less than November in overall sales anyway and the Xbox One doing better this November vs. last November with far tougher competition with the PS4 is nothing to scoff at. Both systems did great.
No, you cherry picked specific examples to make your point. Something anyone can do. You should have taken my advice.

Didn't you use Super Mario Sunshine as an example? It sold around 6.3 million. Halo: Combat Evolved has sold 5 million

There are 7 PS2 games that dwarf both of those. Enough.

Halo CE sold over 6, SMS sold over 6.

Metal of Honor Front Line sold nearly four, Jak 1 sold nearly 6.

i am giving you data based on the same genre and popularity of that title. Which was insane on the PS2, yet, the PS2 did not win in either case. Theres isn't any cherry picking you're wrong.


Wow, next year is gonna be a bloodbath, GG MS you tried with the greatest lineup in Xbox history and all that jazz.
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