Just imagine the NPD Sales when Uncharted, Gran Turismo or God of War is out....
Holy Mother
Holy Mother
If the developer has to rely on updates and because of that they ship games with lots of problems, of course is a bad thing.
Hmm, you expect a decline for December?I think we will get 250k in Nov and 450k in Dec for Wii U honestly.
Timdog vs. MikeWarrior. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
No doubt. Solid racer, only going to get betterToo bad for Drivwclub but I bet that game has massive legs. The base game is just too good.
That Nintendo million sellers list is great and all but it's kind of obvious why they're going with MM3D next. A brand new game, ALBW, was outsold by a remaster of a game from 1998.
A lot of that will be digital purchases by then. ..Just imagine the NPD Sales when Uncharted, Gran Turismo or God of War is out....
Holy Mother
Ugh, you guys need to shutup. Sunset Overdrive is far from a bomb. A new IP on a console with only a couple million installed base is not going to sell 500k in a couple days.
Insomniac doesn't have the brand power of Naughty Dog or Rockstar or Bungie. It's a harder sell.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune sold 117k in its first month. 117k. And look where that series is now.
Was totally not expecting Evil Within to chart that much higher than Sunset Overdrive.
I am at work so I cant shop this, can someone do this for me?
Bye Bye SO, Hello TEW
A shame that Insomniac backed up the wrong console. Would they have chose multiplat or PS4 then they could have easily hit the 1m milestone already like every Sony 1st party game this year (except DriveClub?). I think the PC version is inveitable. All 3rd party exclusives Xbone games will need the PC to recover some of the costs. But hey they have the rights for their IP so this must be good for something I guess.
Bye Bye SO, Hello TEW
A shame that Insomniac backed up the wrong console. Would they have chose multiplat or PS4 then they could have easily hit the 1m milestone already like every Sony 1st party game this year (except DriveClub?). I think the PC version is inveitable. All 3rd party exclusives Xbone games will need the PC to recover some of the costs. But hey they have the rights for their IP so this must be good for something I guess.
So we're really not gonna get any HW #'s today are we? :/
Nope! Check out "CrapGamer" and "Tim Dog".PSN_Mikewarrior is seriously insane. Most delusional console warrior I've ever seen.
Tooooo many games man.
I didn't buy evil within, assassins creed, and I'm skipping far cry too. Will make it back around when they price drop.
I think we will get 250k in Nov and 450k in Dec for Wii U honestly.
they were preemptive.No PR from MS?
That ain't good...
LOLOL @Driveclub. I think if any game de#erves to be lsughed at this gen as an unmitigated disastea, it's easily that one. Oh, there are worst gamesrertainly, but fewcimed so high and fell as low as #Driveclub. It's likeaeeing a golden chariot in the sky, then taking a few seconds to realize it's a falling piece of debris from a NASA space rocket that's blown up in a thick blanket of clouds. If #Driveclub were a guy, it'd probably have a poster of Forza in its shower locker, just hoping to one dayseasure up, above and below. A year delay (probably 'cuz it only started dev after that trailer at that February event was shown, lol), network problems out of the gate that persist to this day, demo copy for PS+ members failing to release as promised, piss-poor 70 Metacritic (Horizon 2's got that perfect 86) ....and to top it all off it doesn't even look that good!m
With the torrent of bad news I'm not surprised it didn't chart; at this point it'll probably be a PS+ freebie and a standard bundled game ahead of Knack. Hopefully this convinces Soony to give better properties like Wipeout or Motor Toon or Crash Team Racing their due respect. Hashtag Driveclub can skid back to the pit stop with it's broken trans-axle until it's ready to race for real in a couple of years. Hopefully w/ a team owner who isn't (de)Evolution. Lol.
translate this post
Jesus, i hope this is a joke post.
Boy what is your major malfunction![]()
Wipeout would bomb. Sony doesn't have the rights to making Crash, Activision does. I have no idea how you entered Motor Toon into the conversation or what these games have to do with Evolution bombing the Driveclub launch.
Just imagine the NPD Sales when Uncharted, Gran Turismo or God of War is out....
Holy Mother
No PR from MS?
That ain't good...
I hope Sunset Overdrive becomes a strong IP and they don't give up on it. It has a lot more identity than many of the games it borrows from, and deserves to have its spot in the field. I wouldn't read too much into four days of sales, because I don't think anyone truly expected it to fly off the shelves.
Same with Driveclub, and I wouldn't be surprised if it "relaunches" as a premium edition or half sequel in 6 months.
No PR from MS?
That ain't good...
No PR from MS?
That ain't good...
Eh, ymmv, but 37% is more than a little lower imo. If that holds overall for the quarter then it will end up closer to 1M for the quarter.
It's also around Dreamcast 2001 levels I believe, just from eyeballing some graphs.
I think November has growth potential, considering it how low it was last year; although for some reason SM3D world is seemingly completely forgotten when people talk about Y/Y comp. But I think December has more limited potential to increase because the number was (for the Wii U) quite high/good i.e. I don't really expect it to sell 650K right now, although November might give a better picture.
Still amazes me how Sony keeps dodging bullets from the doubters.including me
Driveclub is also a pretty great game.
Is this why my video games are being pushed off my bookshelf?They're spinning the PR text through so many people that the spin got out of control and is creating a black hole in Redmond as we speak.![]()
Sunset will finish with over a million sales. Seriously if you haven't tried it and are tired of gray and brown shooters and like platformers it will tickle your fancy. I suspect a sequel will be multiplatform with some sort of dlc/ extra content for microsoft since sony sort of told them no with the first game. I see the same sort of deal with Titanfall 2.
That's fucking sick. Check your judgment module, I think it's faulty.
Is this why my video games are being pushed off my bookshelf?
The footwork, the stance, the punches, dude practices.....goddamn!
damn it -_-lol.The spoiler tags guys,it's the spoiler tags...
i honestly can't see someone making that decision just to get a few extra sales. sony has had their share of bombas in the past that they are not going to risk all the bad publicity when ps4 is doing well.