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NPD Sales Results for October 2014 [Up3: All of Nintendo's 3DS million sellers]


I think we might be getting a bit too hung up on the more minor quantitative aspects.

To me the system is at the point where it wouldn't really matter if it sold 55K or 85K this month, but that the overall message is that while the system responds to software, overall it's still not going anywhere.

Given that it's not really reasonable to expect Nintendo to keep doing the same thing they are and actually see a notable uptick using the same model next generation, we're at the point where they have to completely reinvent their strategy if they want to stay in the home console hardware business.

They're quite unlikely to be able to compete with Sony and Microsoft on the high end given that tends to be expensive and they don't have the same demographics. The slightly cheaper system with a new control scheme avenue doesn't seem to be working so hot anymore either now that everyone carries a great casual gaming device in their pocket all day and many have one on the coffee table to boot.

Looking at what's actually selling, it appears to be a mix of games that sell to a wide swath of Nintendo's most faithful audience, who generally seem willing to play on basically anything Nintendo releases, and some kids oriented games like LEGO, Skylanders, and Disney Infinity, who are going to be very price sensitive gamers (well, at least their parents probably will).

Given that anyone who doesn't buy almost every Nintendo game is unlikely to be happy just having a Nintendo home console, I think positioning their next attempt (assuming they're making one, which I believe they said they were) as a notably cheap system you buy in addition to whatever you are going to primarily play games on might be their best option. They could go after way more impulse buyers that way ("I want Smash, and I'll pay $150 to play it!") and cheap things sell very well to both kids and holiday shoppers.

That's been my stance on it for a while. Drop all the gimmicks and make a super cheap companion console that's easy to develop for. People will buy a PS4/Xbone and a Nintendo whatever to go along with it.
Yeah... that too. I think the top two titles for November will definitely be Smash Bros U and Dragon Age Inquisition though. Just my personal wager though.

Smash Bros will most certainly drive hardware sales. More than you think. Watch.

I would LOVE to see Dragon Age on top but I don't think there's any way GTAV is not in first place.


Insomniac first months since the start of last gen (for whenever we get an approximation of Sunset numbers):

Resistance: FOM - 286k (Nov and Dec combined)
Ratchet & Clank Future: ToD - 66k
Resistance 2 - 385k
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time - 100k
Resistance 3 - 180k

Don't see anything here for Ratchet: Into the Nexus.

For some reason I always thought resistance series was a bomb.

Decent numbers.
Was totally not expecting Evil Within to chart that much higher than Sunset Overdrive.

It was a little surprising to me as well, but you have to remember it's on 5 platforms and bundles don't count. I'd bet that Sunset Overdrive outsold the XB1 sku of The Evil Within by a fair margin.


yeah it was "new" when it came out and the ds sales propelled nsmb sales also, nsmb2 feels too samey and with the 3ds underperforming this really isn't surprising, i just thought it would have done a bit better though.
2.3 million is still really good. It sold 70% of what 3D World did which probably stole some sales.
Insomniac first months since the start of last gen (for whenever we get an approximation of Sunset numbers):

Resistance: FOM - 286k (Nov and Dec combined)
Ratchet & Clank Future: ToD - 66k
Resistance 2 - 385k
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time - 100k
Resistance 3 - 180k

Don't see anything here for Ratchet: Into the Nexus.

These are just US numbers though, right?

Surely Insomniac would make more money on their PS3 games in Europe/ROTW compared to SO on the Xbone, as it's pretty much dead outside the US.


Sunset will finish with over a million sales. Seriously if you haven't tried it and are tired of gray and brown shooters and like platformers it will tickle your fancy. I suspect a sequel will be multiplatform with some sort of dlc/ extra content for microsoft since sony sort of told them no with the first game. I see the same sort of deal with Titanfall 2.

Both those games were made to please reviewers,imo. Vertically isn't something regular people look for unless it is of the low-skill kind in AC; mechs and SO's aesthetic aren't exactly mainstream either.


yeah it was "new" when it came out and the ds sales propelled nsmb sales also, nsmb2 feels too samey and with the 3ds underperforming this really isn't surprising, i just thought it would have done a bit better though.

I imagine releasing another New Super Mario Bros game in the same year (though a different platform), and then releasing an expansion the year later (along with a 3D Super Mario), and also following a 3D Super Mario game the 9 months prior (to New Super Mario Bros 2) had a hand in lowering overall sales for each game as well.
Seriously, their handling of Mario during 2011 - 2013 was an absolute mess.


Nintendo needs to get Wii U component manufacturing cost as low as humanly possible.

Next gen, re-release it with slight CPU bump and a little more ram/HDD space. Develop a mature Nintendo engine, and crank out as many fucking games as possible to position their $199 home console as a fantastic value companion to whatever else people buy.

No gimmicks. Sell the gamepad separately for off-tv play.

Also, no more Wii or whatever branding. Just call it Nintendo.


Evil Within did fantastic, I'm happy for the team at Tango. Game has its problems but when it's good it's good.

Bomba Overdrive is really not all that surprising. Insomniac games don't seem to sell for one reason or another.



I love your avatar, meso.


I don't know.

Last year Nintendo seemed more aggressive with their bundle offerings - Skylanders Bundle could be seen between 220-250$ (though that was most likely to shift excess 8G inventory stock), targeting family audiences.

Now this year, Microsoft is offering Xbox One at 349.99$ with two games comparatively to last year at 499.99$ - 150$ difference shed in 1 year.

Nintendo seems to be playing it safe this holiday season.

They will have a better November due to Smash, but December could be equivalent to last year. I'm hoping not but that's what I am predicting.

I am also predicting a big adoption rate in amiibo figurines ;)

The $350 bundle is a different SKU. It doesn't include Kinect. I couldn't imagine using my Xbox Ones without Kinect. That is the one thing I use everytime my Xbox Ones are on.


Junior Member
Why can't Nintendo go high end? I think Nintendo games and a good supply of third parties would satisfy a lot of people. They keep staying away from current tech and third parties keep running away. They have not tried to be current since the gamecube.

Now, I know third parties treated the game cube like crap but casuals are gone. $99 won't get people to jump in. A steady stream of Nintendo games won't get people to jump in. They need to bow to third parties and completely revamp their approach. They may have to sacrifice profit for some money hats.

The people have spoken.


Sales between august and october (3 months):
SM3DL: 250k
MK7: 140k
ACNL: 60k
NSMB2: 50k
LM2: 30k
PkmnXY: 30k
OOT3D: 20k
ALBW: -30k (?)

These numbers seem strange overall. Even disregarding the baffling -30k for ALBW, 250k seems too high for 3D Land in that period of time especially in comparison to everything else.


I guess my feelings there would be:

1.) The GameCube did do a lot better than the Wii U.

2.) I was thinking even cheaper. Like a $150 launch and down to $99 quite quickly.

3.) There are more people who play games these days to potentially sell a notably cheap game device to.

Were I in charge of Nintendo I'd probably not even be launching another home console, but I'm just attempting to think of what someone could do if their marching orders were "You have to make another home console."

They could be the one company to pull off the $99 box. Make it tiny, package it with a wireless controller and sell it on the premise of having access to Nintendo's back catalog and new games, all delivered digitally.

It's their only hope at recapturing families.


Surprised and pleased that TEW did well. It's a game that needs and deserves a sequel, and every sale will help that get off the ground.


Why can't Nintendo go high end? I think Nintendo games and a good supply of third parties would satisfy a lot of people. They keep staying away from current tech and third parties keep running away. They have not tried to be current since the gamecube.

Now, I know third parties treated the game cube like crap but casuals are gone. $99 won't get people to jump in. A steady stream of Nintendo games won't get people to jump in. They need to bow to third parties and completely revamp their approach. They may have to sacrifice profit for some money hats.

The people have spoken.

Well they can try certainly. I'm not convinced they will be able to pick up the audience especially easily, but it is an option if they're willing to fight cut-through, potentially money losing battles and prioritize third parties over their own wants.


The Amiga Brotherhood
If you mean me, from what I read, they were using non-lethal ammo.

Edit: But just in case, I'll pull the gif.

If that's the case then I overreacted. Sorry. I'm just irked over the frivolous use of images like that.
I guess my feelings there would be:

1.) The GameCube did do a lot better than the Wii U.

2.) I was thinking even cheaper. Like a $150 launch and down to $99 quite quickly.

3.) There are more people who play games these days to potentially sell a notably cheap game device to.

Were I in charge of Nintendo I'd probably not even be launching another home console, but I'm just attempting to think of what someone could do if their marching orders were "You have to make another home console."

I suppose there are differences (the Gamecube was going against more similarly priced competition).

I wonder if a Vita -> Playstation TV model would work for them, if implemented more comprehensively (ie. full compatibility). Nintendo's greatest asset is their software and at the moment that is being split between supporting mutlitple devices. I know they've talked about moving to a more unified development enviroment, but IIRC they are still talking about them as separate systems. I think that may not go far enough. Imagine if instead of developing a NSMB2 then a NSMBU, or a Mario 3DL then a Mario 3DW, or separate Smash games, they could just make one game and free up resources to develop their software lineup more. Of course this could mean the end of third party support for Nintendo but that could happen anyway.


I guess my feelings there would be:

1.) The GameCube did do a lot better than the Wii U.

2.) I was thinking even cheaper. Like a $150 launch and down to $99 quite quickly.

3.) There are more people who play games these days to potentially sell a notably cheap game device to.

Were I in charge of Nintendo I'd probably not even be launching another home console, but I'm just attempting to think of what someone could do if their marching orders were "You have to make another home console."

I wouldn't be surprised if they recycle the Wii U chipset and add a cheap motion controller to keep costs down. Add value by having it play handheld games.


Why can't Nintendo go high end? I think Nintendo games and a good supply of third parties would satisfy a lot of people. They keep staying away from current tech and third parties keep running away. They have not tried to be current since the gamecube.

Now, I know third parties treated the game cube like crap but casuals are gone. $99 won't get people to jump in. A steady stream of Nintendo games won't get people to jump in. They need to bow to third parties and completely revamp their approach. They may have to sacrifice profit for some money hats.

The people have spoken.

The customers they usually appeal to are more price-sensitive and nintendo doesn't want to send loads of money on an audience that does not traditionally buy there consoles.


NSMB2 sold 2 million? Now I am depressed...

Eh, I don't really see how anyone could feel anything other than apathy about NSMB2's sales. At worst it's just decent and phoned-in, and the series has huge selling power anyways so I would expect it to sell somewhat well no matter what.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
The $350 bundle is a different SKU. It doesn't include Kinect. I couldn't imagine using my Xbox Ones without Kinect. That is the one thing I use everytime my Xbox Ones are on.

Of course it's a different sku.

But the point of entry back in November for an Xbox One was 499.99$ - now it's 350$.

The difference is staggering.


I suppose there are differences (the Gamecube was going against more similarly priced competition).

I wonder if a Vita -> Playstation TV model would work for them, if implemented more comprehensively (ie. full compatibility). Nintendo's greatest asset is their software and at the moment that is being split between supporting mutlitple devices. I know they've talked about moving to a more unified development enviroment, but IIRC they are still talking about them as separate systems. I think that may not go far enough. Imagine if instead of developing a NSMB2 then a NSMBU, or a Mario 3DL then a Mario 3DW, or separate Smash games, they could just make one game and free up resources to develop their software lineup more. Of course this could mean the end of third party support for Nintendo but that could happen anyway.
Yes, a set top version of a handheld I feel isn't an unfeasible avenue.

Miyamoto even said they want to have the same games on both systems, and that would fit perfectly with that model.

Effectively all they need to do at that point is support one platform and just sell two SKUs of it.


Why can't Nintendo go high end? I think Nintendo games and a good supply of third parties would satisfy a lot of people. They keep staying away from current tech and third parties keep running away. They have not tried to be current since the gamecube.

Now, I know third parties treated the game cube like crap but casuals are gone. $99 won't get people to jump in. A steady stream of Nintendo games won't get people to jump in. They need to bow to third parties and completely revamp their approach. They may have to sacrifice profit for some money hats.

The people have spoken.

Sony and Microsoft have access to so much more resources than Nintendo does, they can leverage that talent and research to build a console and infrustrature for it. Nintendo would have to spend an insane amount of money to even come close to matching that, and that isn't even considering how expensive the console will be to produce (remember, Nintendo aims for profitability on their hardware, losing money on a console is something new for them). After that if the console bombs Nintendo is done for, they wouldn't be able to recover from something like the PS3, while Sony and Microsoft can.


As someone who only has a ps4, I kinda wish the xbox would start winning these for a bit, Sony needs a wake up kick in the butt, I feel they have been coasting ever since MS handed them the generation with the original xboxone concept presentation, meanwhile I see MS lately in try hard mode releasing cool games and fancy next gen looking OS features left and right. Might be a bit of a case of the grass looking greener on the other side though.

Sony's only real problem is OS related. It may seem like a MS is pushing harder to try to catch up but truth is most of these games were already planned before anyone knew how much of a success the PS4 would be. Next year will be when we see who is pushing harder software wise.

It's going to be a good time to own a PS4 or XB1.

Bet Insomniac feels stupid about ditching Sony for MS now. Does this mean we can expect a Resistance 4 soon?


Im sure they will be fine.
Why can't Nintendo go high end? I think Nintendo games and a good supply of third parties would satisfy a lot of people. They keep staying away from current tech and third parties keep running away. They have not tried to be current since the gamecube.

Now, I know third parties treated the game cube like crap but casuals are gone. $99 won't get people to jump in. A steady stream of Nintendo games won't get people to jump in. They need to bow to third parties and completely revamp their approach. They may have to sacrifice profit for some money hats.

The people have spoken.

Unlike Microsoft and Sony, they don't have the hardware tech giants to support them, nor can they afford to take such huge R&D risks. Additionally, GCN was a huge failure despite being very impressive from a technical perspective, so they decided to try a different approach with the Wii, which was a gigantic success. They tried that route again with the Wii U, which is understandable, but it ended up backfiring big time. Still, I can't see them going the traditional route ever again since that hasn't paid off for them since the SNES, when their only real competition was other relative tech fledglings. If anything, they may go with a hybrid portable/home console.
For some reason I always thought resistance series was a bomb.

Decent numbers.

It was only a "bomb" relative to the insane expectations of it being a Halo/Gears killer. Remember the infamous "Gears 2 will outsell Resistance 2 " Shane Kim quote thread? I think it started the Bear/Salmon meme on GAF.

These are just US numbers though, right?

Surely Insomniac would make more money on their PS3 games in Europe/ROTW compared to SO on the Xbone, as it's pretty much dead outside the US.

I'm not going to speculate on the Euro sales of Sony's PS3 games, but Ratchet was not a big seller for any of last gen. And as I posted above, Sunset isn't doing bad in PAL territories, even in Germany, considering the One is just about dead there.


It was only a "bomb" relative to the insane expectations of it being a Halo/Gears killer. Remember the infamous "Gears 2 will outsell Resistance 2 thread" Shane Kim quote thread? I think it started the Bear/Salmon meme on GAF.

I'm not going to speculate on the Euro sales of Sony's PS3 games, but Ratchet was not a big seller for any of last gen. And as I posted above, Sunset isn't doing bad in PAL territories, even in Germany, considering the One is just about dead there.

We do know ToD, after debuting at 66k like you said, reached over 1 million worldwide.

It's an important distinction; Ratchet does just fine in the long run, usually. Hopefully the same is true for SO.
If that's the case then I overreacted. Sorry. I'm just irked over the frivolous use of images like that.

I watched the full video, it's obvious they aren't using lethal ammo. After what happens in that gif, he continues running down the hill into the street where there are dozens of other officers who are trying to take him down physically. He keeps fighting them off and eventually breaks away and runs off. They finally catch him and he's taken away in an ambulance, all while yelling obscenities at both the cops and whoever is filming. He seemed okay from what I saw.

But yeah, I can see how people would get upset with the gif without context. He's obviously being shot with something, but it was either rubber bullets or paintballs, so he wasn't really harmed.

Just in case anyone else was wondering.


Why can't Nintendo go high end? I think Nintendo games and a good supply of third parties would satisfy a lot of people. They keep staying away from current tech and third parties keep running away. They have not tried to be current since the gamecube.

Now, I know third parties treated the game cube like crap but casuals are gone. $99 won't get people to jump in. A steady stream of Nintendo games won't get people to jump in. They need to bow to third parties and completely revamp their approach. They may have to sacrifice profit for some money hats.

The people have spoken.

Therein lies the problem. It's not a question of tech. Third parties are staying away because Nintendo appeals to a demographic third parties aren't interested in. No amount of power under the hood changes anything.

Nintendo would have to rebuild their brand from scratch to appeal to third parties.


Unlike Microsoft and Sony, they don't have the hardware tech giants to support them, nor can they afford to take such huge R&D risks. Additionally, GCN was a huge failure despite being very impressive from a technical perspective, so they decided to try a different approach with the Wii, which was a gigantic success. They tried that route again with the Wii U, which is understandable, but it ended up backfiring big time. Still, I can't see them going the traditional route ever again since that hasn't paid off for them since the SNES, when their only real competition was other relative tech fledglings. If anything, they may go with a hybrid portable/home console.

Ratcliffja, Nirolak, and skinnyrattler with lots of things I like to read in this thread. Very reasonable speculation. I'd be delighted to see a combined handheld and console for the big N the next time around, and I'm hoping the New 3DS serves as a stopgap to just that. (and thank goodness I don't need one for Majora!)

ETA: I'm calling this the Nintendo ELI. See if you can guess what that stands for....


They could be the one company to pull off the $99 box. Make it tiny, package it with a wireless controller and sell it on the premise of having access to Nintendo's back catalog and new games, all delivered digitally.

It's their only hope at recapturing families.

or they could put their home console games on pc/ps/xb and make lots of money. A $99 home box is going to sell very little 3rd party stuff, or at least not enough to offset lost sales of their software not being on other platforms.
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