sony and microsoft have held off making a product affordable for the mass-market since around 2004. sony eventually made the ps2 $100 when it was nine years old. the ps3 and 360 should have hit the $149.99 price at some point in 2010 or at least when the third version of each platform actually made it to the market. but if sony and microsoft want to make an expanded user base by making dedicated gaming hardware too expensive to buy in or drop the price on comfortably as time goes on, that's the bed they'll have to sleep in.
and yes, systems made to sell at $300 or $250 would be great. i feel like $400 was too much to ask for in 1995 and it's too much to ask for in 2014.
edit: and Nintendo is super guilty of this too. $349.99 for a video game system - what were they thinking. and over $149.99 for a handheld is crazy (and i still believe handhelds should be $100 with $30 games).
- Playstation when it was first released was released in 1995 for 299.99. Games drop in price much faster than they did back in the 90's as some people pointed out.
- Compared to the technology that's out and what is in their Box, 8GB of GDDR 5, 500gb HD, Multicore CPU, x6 Bluray drive, and Technology in the controller for 399$ out the gate is actually a accomplishment for them as a company.
If you take out the Kinect for Xbox their box is also for what your getting a decent buy, although not as much bang for the buck you get power wise as the PS4 still a decent investment.
Since they are not using Power PC components like they did Previously, prices for the cpu/gpu AND MEMORY CHIPS will get cheap year over year.
I don't know why your complaining on 2 companies that have actually made strides in what they manufacture and what they are giving you for your money.
The Original PS2 and Xbox may have only been 299 out the gate, but add in things you need to play like Memory cards, and for Xbox a DVD play kit for movies, and it get's pricey.
Out the box for 399 your getting a mid range gaming pc like experience that can play a bunch of F2P games out the gate for minimal investment.
Try and see what it cost you at PS2 launch for a console, memory card and a game.
We are seeing prices drop with bundles sooner than any console generation.
- It took PS3 at least 2 years to have an official price cut on the main model (60,80gb). Same went for Microsoft.
[*]Now within a year Microsoft is slashing the price for the Holiday's and probably going forward(349.99 set price).
Sony will follow soon since they have been actually making money on each console sold, and their price for the GDDR5 chips are getting better.
You have very little basis on why your pushing this idea that the console maker's are not efficient. If your argument was to have any valid points it would be on NIntendo, but if they had not thrown in the gamepad, and gone power PC architecture the price would have been 249.99.
But that's one instance as well with the release of 3DS that they over priced their product.
Nintendo has always kept it a family price, and SO has Microsoft and Sony.
For what you were getting for 299 during the PSX and PS2 days was a bargin to shoppers because you could use them for other things other than video games.
People see the value proposition then, and they see it now which is why record sales have been seen this generation.
Don't knock company products just because your personal taste's don't see value in that they are making.
Same could be said about Apple products how they are over priced. Which they kind of are, but the value proposition makes up for it, when people see the ease of use. And quality software behind it.
Compared to Apple Sony and Microsoft are angels.