I'm going to make a similar post to what I did in the "Sony Unfazed" thread regarding what we're seeing in the retail channel since the start of the month.
In short... The PS4 has once again overtaken the XB1 in sales on a weekly/daily basis... handily. I haven't had a chance to check if it has totally overcome the initial explosion of price-cut purchases, but it's certainly eating away at that buffer rather quickly.
Not only that, but the response to our BF ad has led to some interesting anecdotes. Getting an extra $20 off the XB1 deal doesn't seem to have elicited much interest beyond those that will already plan to be there, whereas we're getting questions about how early customers can line up for guaranteed placement for the PS4 bundles. I'll clarify that I fully expect both bundle offers to sell out that weekend, but from the disparity in interest/questions, it seems likely the overall velocity of those sales will be quite different.
We've also had a Sony rep in the store confirming some numbers with our management, in case we need to add additional stock for those sales. Sony doesn't seem to be brushing this off. (Interestingly, for those of you that are interested in this sort of thing, the fact that the GTA bundle comes with a physical copy of the game is actually a selling point for some customers.)
I don't really want to call the month one way or the other, but the people assuming that MS had this in the bag may want to reconsider.