I have a dream that ps3 will rain supreme/ shurs chantsShurs said:Hey everybody, it's a strawman party!!!
I have a dream that ps3 will rain supreme/ shurs chantsShurs said:Hey everybody, it's a strawman party!!!
grandjedi6 said:You are counting all the 360 hardware since 2005 yet only counting the software since 2008. That's not a trend, its a fallacious argument.
grandjedi6 said:You can not count the LTD hardware sales and then only count a certain timeframe of the software sales. If the hardware sales are LTD, then you do the same to the software sales. You can't just pick and choose what timeframes are convient for your argument.
as a software maker if I had to choose between making a game between 360 and ps3, who would I choose... hmmmm the average since 2007 or the console that has them beat almost 2-1 in 3rd party sales this year... hmmmm by console by consoles ps3 is doing alright, since 2007 but in general 360 is still kicking their ass...hmmmmm who to make a game for...hmmmm need some help here....Shurs said:The 360 owners bought way more software than PS3 owners in 2007. Since that time, the average PS3 owner has bought more games than the average 360 owner. Therefore, the argument that PS3 owners don't buy software is simply not true.
What's fucked up is how everyone got it, except for you.
Shurs said:Therefore, the argument that PS3 owners don't buy software is simply not true.
Jewbacca said:Alright.
The Batman game was featured on most live demos in Walmart and Target stores for the PS3. Im pretty fucking sure that created the rift between the 360 and PS3 version. Hell I didnt even know it was coming out for the 360 till it actually did. (I didnt care enough to read.. lump me into the casual sector)
But anyways... the demo was impressive and I am pretty sure that attributed to the sales difference. So quit with this OMG OMG SEE LOOK DER IT OUTSOLD 360 PS3 GAMES SELL. If that was the case what the fuck happened to Rockband The Beatles (for ps3), or Madden ect ect.
Shurs said:Since 2008 PS3 has sold more software per console than the 360.
if it doens't fit itsSigh. It's simple math, really. And your chart is irrelevant. /shurs
[Sigh. It's simple math, really. And your chart is irrelevant. ]
Shurs said:If there are two 360s for every one PS3, and each console owner bought one game each, the 360 should sell 2 pieces of software to every 1 piece sold on the PS3. This hasn't been the case since 2007.
AnIco said:Just look at the Madden and Batman figures. Madden used to straight up dominate on the 360 over the PS3, and yet the PS3 is gaining share each year and I believe the 360 went down. There's not much separating the two this year, despite the 360 having twice the userbase.
It's definitely getting closer as each year passes, and worldwide a lot of studios make more money on the PS3 than the 360 for software.
Scottlarock said:as a software maker if I had to choose between making a game between 360 and ps3, who would I choose... hmmmm the average since 2007 or the console that has them beat almost 2-1 in 3rd party sales this year... hmmmm by console by consoles ps3 is doing alright, since 2007 but in general 360 is still kicking their ass...hmmmmm who to make a game for...hmmmm need some help here....
rpgs?Thetallywacker said:Make a game for the system that best fit the market. If it's a FPS or some low budget game that gets in the holiday bundle to brag about tie in ratios. Than the 360 is for you. Sports would be best if on both and unusual games would fit PS3. Adventure/Platforming/RPG's or anything that is designed for world appeal you'd have to choose between the Wii or PS3. If you make for both, it wont always go perfect on both systems. Strictly done for the money grab.
That's perfectly normal. When an installl base increases, more and more of those are consoles are owned by casual gamers who don't buy so many games. When (or if) the PS3 install base doubles in the US to hit the current 360 level, you'll see a similar drop-off in ratio.Shurs said:Since 2008 PS3 has sold more software per console than the 360.
jvm said:Article is in the system and will get posted tomorrow, if all goes well. I hope to be around to make a thread about it, but work and all.
See you guys tomorrow.
Scottlarock said:as a software maker if I had to choose between making a game between 360 and ps3, who would I choose..
Scottlarock said:as a software maker, who would you make software for? the red isn't looking so good.
I don't agree, they prefer to buy big franchises over the smaller ones. COD4 got the biggest spike from the PS3Slim release in the UK, because it's apparently 'the' game to get if you have an HD console. Whether it's on another console doesn't really matter.OldJadedGamer said:So when the PS2 had 9 times the user base of the original Xbox did PS2 software sell 9X the amount?
Again, console owners tend to favor exclusives for their systems.
Scottlarock said:rpgs?
A 'software maker' wouldn't just be limited to the US market.Scottlarock said:as a software maker, who would you make software for? the red isn't looking so good.
Pureauthor said:Actually, jRPGs go to the DS right now.
manueldelalas said:OK, this is getting retarded.
Personally I don't think U2 will sell more than 300k for October; the first game didn't even crack the top 20 in the first month (it was "uncharted"), and the public awareness was pretty much the same as the sequel. I'm thinking of 250-300k in the first month.
I think Ratchet will not even be in the top 10, the first one sold like shit and is not really the kind of game PS3 owners look for.
Then "a dozen of RPGs coming for PS3 next year" is not saying much; the only relevant one I can think of is FFXIII (and I really don't think VS will get released in 2010); and there are the ports, Vesperia and SO4, which I don't really see as relevant. Oh and maybe some WKC sequel will get released, and a couple of NIS games.
I don't think Forza 3 will sell very well in the first month, I'm thinking 300k ish.
Plus I don't think it's doing anything to expand its audience.AniHawk said:R&C doesn't have much of a chance of charting. It's coming in too late and it's getting overshadowed by Naughty Dog's latest thing.
manueldelalas said:Then "a dozen of RPGs coming for PS3 next year" is not saying much; the only relevant one I can think of is FFXIII (and I really don't think VS will get released in 2010); and there are the ports, Vesperia and SO4, which I don't really see as relevant. Oh and maybe some WKC sequel will get released, and a couple of NIS games.
szaromir said:Plus I don't think it's doing anything to expand its audience.
DMeisterJ said:Im thinking 650-750k for Uncharted 2 first month, and about 300k for Forza 3 (only 1 week). Wii Fit Plus is going to be the real doozy next month. Will people upgrade cause it's only 20 bucks? Even when it's only a marginal update? Does that matter? I have no idea, so I don't know what it will do.
There are about as many Wii Fit boards out there as there are PS3's so I'm guessing it'll be a grudge match between Wii Fit Plus and Uncharted 2.DMeisterJ said:Im thinking 650-750k for Uncharted 2 first month, and about 300k for Forza 3 (only 1 week). Wii Fit Plus is going to be the real doozy next month. Will people upgrade cause it's only 20 bucks? Even when it's only a marginal update? Does that matter? I have no idea, so I don't know what it will do.
Crisco said::lol :lol
Gotta love the armchair CEOs on this forum. How in the world could you possibly know this or make any sort of evaluation on it? The industry has been going like this for the past 2 decades, what's changed other than it's larger and producing more revenue than ever before?
Road said:Per "official sources":
manueldelalas said:OK, this is getting retarded.
Personally I don't think U2 will sell more than 300k for October; the first game didn't even crack the top 20 in the first month (it was "uncharted"), and the public awareness was pretty much the same as the sequel. I'm thinking of 250-300k in the first month.
I think Ratchet will not even be in the top 10, the first one sold like shit and is not really the kind of game PS3 owners look for.
Then "a dozen of RPGs coming for PS3 next year" is not saying much; the only relevant one I can think of is FFXIII (and I really don't think VS will get released in 2010); and there are the ports, Vesperia and SO4, which I don't really see as relevant. Oh and maybe some WKC sequel will get released, and a couple of NIS games.
I don't think Forza 3 will sell very well in the first month, I'm thinking 300k ish.
AniHawk said:Uncharted 2 has had a pretty big marketing campaign and lots of buzz. Killzone 2 and infamous both managed to hit the top ten despite coming out at the end of the month. Uncharted 2 will do very well, and I don't think those 600k estimates are too far off, though 400k-500k may be more reasonable.
R&C doesn't have much of a chance of charting. It's coming in too late and it's getting overshadowed by Naughty Dog's latest thing.
freitax said:Hasn't uncharted 2 like done 400k in its first week? and 300k on its first day? So how you suppose it's going to end up in 300k by the end of the month?
Well, if you want to discuss chartzz numbers; I think you are in the wrong forum.freitax said:Hasn't uncharted 2 like done 400k in its first week? and 300k on its first day? So how you suppose it's going to end up in 300k by the end of the month?
lowrider007 said:That still makes me sad :-(, such a good game, I hope it's a slow burner at least.
Jax said:to be honest, I don't even know if I want to buy the new R+C. Not hyped for it AT ALL.
AnIco said:Talk about tie ratios all you want but the trend going forward is in the PS3's favor.
Just look at the Madden and Batman figures. Madden used to straight up dominate on the 360 over the PS3, and yet the PS3 is gaining share each year and I believe the 360 went down. There's not much separating the two this year, despite the 360 having twice the userbase.
It's definitely getting closer as each year passes, and worldwide a lot of studios make more money on the PS3 than the 360 for software.
lowrider007 said:That still makes me sad :-(, such a good game, I hope it's a slow burner at least.
AdventureRacing said:I'm not sure what to think with uncharted. The original had very mediocre sales in the US however the sequel is apparently a lot better and actually has a strong advertising campaign.
I think it will perform similar to KZ2 in that it will outsell the original but not by anywhere near as much as people on here are hoping.
I don't understand this logic applied to alot of PSP games. Motorstorm on the PSP is just a much shittier version than the one on the PS3, i think it sold 3K more than it deserved.
Devs need to learn to actually make their games different on handhelds. If your game is nothing but a dumbed down PS2/PS3 game than it will struggle most likely.
AnIco said:Talk about tie ratios all you want but the trend going forward is in the PS3's favor.
Just look at the Madden and Batman figures. Madden used to straight up dominate on the 360 over the PS3, and yet the PS3 is gaining share each year and I believe the 360 went down. There's not much separating the two this year, despite the 360 having twice the userbase.
It's definitely getting closer as each year passes, and worldwide a lot of studios make more money on the PS3 than the 360 for software.
Scottlarock said:as a software maker, who would you make software for? the red isn't looking so good.
lowrider007 said:Actually for the most part I agree with this but there are certain games that I think are an exception to the rule, the GTA franchise, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy etc, and Also Motorstorm, Arctic Edge is certainly not a poor game (but then that is subjective), it's very pick up and play and suits being portable quite well tbh, and it certainly deserves more than 3k sales out of the gate.