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Nurse in the UK charged with the murder of 8 babies, tried to murder 10 more before being arrested.


A nurse has been charged with murdering eight babies and the attempted murder of another 10 at the Countess of Chester Hospital.
Lucy Letby, 30, was previously arrested in 2018 and 2019 as part of a probe into deaths at the neo-natal unit.
The charges relate to baby deaths and non-fatal collapses at the hospital from June 2015 to June 2016.
Ms Letby, of Arran Avenue, Hereford, is due to appear at Warrington Magistrates' Court on Thursday.

She was rearrested by police on Tuesday as part of the investigation into the hospital which began in 2017.
A statement from Cheshire Police said: "The Crown Prosecution Service has authorised Cheshire Police to charge a healthcare professional with murder in connection with an ongoing investigation into a number of baby deaths at the Countess of Chester Hospital."
On Tuesday, the force said parents of all the babies involved were being kept fully updated on developments and were supported by officers.

What in the actual fuck?! How can a person be so inhuman and evil?!

Shocking, really shocking.
This is such an odd case. She's been under suspicion for ages. She is either an evil murdering cunt or completely hopeless at her job. Police have blood on their hands if she has indeed killed again after the initial investigations.

Well this is my concern, because it sure sounds like the Police might be at fault here. She was arrested during a previous investigation and somehow still was able to work at the Hospital, carrying on killing? Why the hell was she allowed back to work in the Hospital in the first place? It sounds like child protection services, The Police and The Hospital seriously failed in their duties of care here.
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Unconfirmed Member
Are we sure she is actually women? Only men can be this evil.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Well this is my concern, because it sure sounds like the Police might be at fault here. She was arrested during a previous investigation and somehow still was able to work at the Hospital, carrying on killing? Why the hell was she allowed back to work in the Hospital in the first place? It sounds like child protection services, The Police and The Hospital seriously failed in their duties of care here.
That doesn't seem to be the case. The articles state the charges stem from deaths and attempted killings in 2015 and 2016, and the investigation started in 2017. She was out on bail, so unlikely to be working.
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Isn't it the bitter, ugly women who commit these sorts of crimes? Not the fit ones. I'm willing to wait to hear her side of the story before passing judgement.


Gold Member
Isn't it the bitter, ugly women who commit these sorts of crimes? Not the fit ones. I'm willing to wait to hear her side of the story before passing judgement.
what is she going to say? “Uh oh spaghettio’s! I killed another baby. Guess I should just keep working around babies who need urgent care.” :messenger_clapping::messenger_clapping::messenger_beermugs::messenger_musical:
There’s really no excuse
Isn't it the bitter, ugly women who commit these sorts of crimes? Not the fit ones. I'm willing to wait to hear her side of the story before passing judgement.

I'm genuinely curious what fucking shithole you live in that you consider that ugly dyke fit.



Well this is my concern, because it sure sounds like the Police might be at fault here. She was arrested during a previous investigation and somehow still was able to work at the Hospital, carrying on killing? Why the hell was she allowed back to work in the Hospital in the first place? It sounds like child protection services, The Police and The Hospital seriously failed in their duties of care here.

Agreed, seems to be an issue with the Police investigation. However, knowing my experience of NHS HR departments, it's actually quite difficult to get rid of someone (and yes the gravity of this case is significant, I understand that) if the Unions become involved. I know of one case of a person who was under suspicion for having cp on their computer being allowed to carry on working before the Police stepped in to order the Hospital to suspend them. They were eventually sacked, but it wasn't a quick process (the person was eventnually convicted of paedophilia and sent to prison).
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Well this is my concern, because it sure sounds like the Police might be at fault here. She was arrested during a previous investigation and somehow still was able to work at the Hospital, carrying on killing? Why the hell was she allowed back to work in the Hospital in the first place? It sounds like child protection services, The Police and The Hospital seriously failed in their duties of care here.

You hear of this happen way too often in the UK.
I always look for the "previously" "under suspicion" in articles like these and it's blowing my mind how they kept on working.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Concrete boots ought to do it.
Sick bitch. Throw her in a cage with all those parents
For someone that does something so sick and depraved like this, throwing them in a cage with the deceased babies parents is far too easy.

Someone like this needs endless torture. I'd advocate for endlessly waterboarding the fuck out of this bitch until her lungs explode in her rib cage. Suffer for weeks, months and then let her die a slow agonizing death.

Seriously, for paedo's and other sick fuckers. Slow, painful deaths until they start begging for a bullet to the head is the only way to deal with the scum.
How do you kill 8 and not get stopped sooner? Like, so you just pretend to be really bad at your job for the first few, but why the fuck didn't anybody ring the alarm bells on her sooner.

So much wasted life, what sort of troubled soul could do such evil.

I don't even want to imagine what the parents must be going through knowing they died needlessly.

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