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NXT TakeOver: The End [OT] My Only Friend, The End...

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Just not feeling Joe vs Balor. I mean I think Joe's great and I'm glad they put the title on him, but I'm still not that bothered about Balor. Plus this is there 3rd match now (4th if you count Lowell). I dunno, I hope they prove me wrong.

Fully expecting Nakamura and Aries to steal the show.

They've actually had several house show matches...I think they're up to 8 or 9 now.


Just not feeling Joe vs Balor. I mean I think Joe's great and I'm glad they put the title on him, but I'm still not that bothered about Balor. Plus this is there 3rd match now (4th if you count Lowell). I dunno, I hope they prove me wrong.

Fully expecting Nakamura and Aries to steal the show.

I am the opposite.
I like Joe but he gets tiring after a while, he is boring on the mic and Kevin Owens is everything Joe was but better as a fast agile big guy.
Sneer, grunt, mean mug = Joe.
Either way three in a row is a bit much.

Hell, I DARE them to do the right thing and have Finn say fuck it and the club comes out and leaves Joe and half of NXT laying including HHH


The hell? Samoa Joe is anything but boring on the mic.

How long have you been following Joe?
I have been following Joe since he was was brought in to take out Low Ki in ROH.
It is not that he is bad, it is that he is Joe. He will always be Joe. You know this if you have been following him for a while.
Joe can promo well against someone for a bit, but this thing with Finn has dragged on and then Joe starts drag on the mic. At that sit down last Wednesday I personally think Joe did not come off well.
I think part of it to is knowing that Finn is on the way out.


I really hope American alpha gets new music. The tune itself is okay but the sequencing and vsts used are just so generic that they must be presets because they're used in multiple different entrance songs.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Something is going down tonight.

There's a Breaking Ground update after NXT and HHH is doing a live thing on Facebook after the show. Presumably to explain whatever shit went down.


Almas/Dillinger will a good showcase to introduce the former La Sombra.

Asuka had a good match with Eva Marie so she can carry Jax. That could be a better match than Corbin/Aries.

I agree that the card isn't quite as good in that we've seen Joe/Balor a bunch and AA/Revival have already wrestled.
Though we have seen Joe/Balor a bunch, it is a cage match, so that alone makes it for me. I absolutely love cage matches. Not to mention, it is a different match type, so the style of match we're getting is probably going to be very different than what we've had before.
I see that the pre-show starts at 730...are there any matches then?

NXT dont do that. Actually, the way NXT usually does things is the pre-show itself is recorded (as live) as the arena is allowing admission and finish it before the dark matches start. They then air the pre show for the Network audience as the dark matches are happening for the live audience. Takeover then starts as the pre show ends on the Network and as the dark matches end for the audience.

Things are more complicated for the Saturday events (pre Summerslam and pre Mania), as they record extra stuff, but the Wednesday events are usually done this way. It's a better way to do things, as forcing the live audience to sit through a not very compelling pre show can be a bit draining. The main shows need to figure this out too.


I'm ready for this.


I know this happened a few months ago and I've seen it a hundred times..

... But it still gives me goosebumps

Jamie OD

Getting a little worried Jax is going to beat Asuka. The last few weeks felt more like Jax Vs Bayley III is the endgame for this storyline and not Asuka Vs Bayley II. Also nepotism can rear its head, Rock's cousin and all that. But then I think Asuka Vs Bayley should be set for Takeover Brooklyn as this year's follow up to Bayley Vs Sasha and the worry goes away.


oh my fucking god that would be amazing
but is obviously never happening

I know, just thought of it after HHH was talking about the Evolve relationship. Then you could lead it up to a Survivor Series style match at Brooklyn.

My serious guess would be a new signing who's going to do a run in at some point. Could probably get away with Roode, or maybe even someone they've got under wraps.
New Finn shirt:

I like it, but I'm still aiming to get the first Balor Club shirt.

NXT dont do that. Actually, the way NXT usually does things is the pre-show itself is recorded (as live) as the arena is allowing admission and finish it before the dark matches start. They then air the pre show for the Network audience as the dark matches are happening for the live audience. Takeover then starts as the pre show ends on the Network and as the dark matches end for the audience.

Things are more complicated for the Saturday events (pre Summerslam and pre Mania), as they record extra stuff, but the Wednesday events are usually done this way. It's a better way to do things, as forcing the live audience to sit through a not very compelling pre show can be a bit draining. The main shows need to figure this out too.

Gotcha, I was hoping it wasn't booked like UFC and the undercard fights are before the actual start times.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Im at work so I have to enjoy it through you guys ;_;
Just got in the building. Steel cage is hanging above the ring. Show name is shown on the tron as "NXT Takeover: The End of the Beginning"
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