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NYC nixes kiosk browsers after homeless commandeer their use

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I can see the value of having free WiFi in NYC streets. Why the NYC government thought that including internet access directly through the kiosks was a good idea though is anyone's guess.
Our city is always years behind other big cities when it comes to this stuff, and instead opt for stupid fucking ideas like these kiosks.

It boggles my mind that WiFi is not widely available to the public here, other than a lot of cafes and bars.


Our city is always years behind other big cities when it comes to this stuff, and instead opt for stupid fucking ideas like these kiosks.

It boggles my mind that WiFi is not widely available to the public here, other than a lot of cafes and bars.
I don't see how it's a stupid idea. It's much a much better public resource than payphones, and it's the first step towards blanketing the city in free WiFi.

What was the point of these street tablets in the first place?



I don't see how it's a stupid idea. It's much a much better public resource than payphones, and it's the first step towards blanketing the city in free WiFi.
Why not start working on WiFi across the entire city first? You know, the thing people here actually want.


Because it's payed for by advertising at the kiosks? I don't think some folks would be happy with any plan they came up with.
I'm already pissed that subway fare is being hiked up yet again to 3 bucks, I guess after a decade of living here I'm just really testy about anything regarding the city's infrastructure, since it's always felt behind the times and constantly in progress.


I'm already pissed that subway fare is being hiked up yet again to 3 bucks, I guess after a decade of living here I'm just really testy about anything regarding the city's infrastructure, since it's always felt behind the times and constantly in progress.
I feel you there. Never been happier since I moved within walking distance to work. Subway stress and expense is aggravating and other cities do it much better, though I get that NYC's underground is really old at its core and difficult to truly revamp.


I don't blame the homeless for using them and don't think that they should be shut down even if used exclusively by the homeless. They have no less right to the system than anyone else.

If the system is being used in a way that our society deems socially inappropriate (ie porn use) then block those sites, and nothing else. If people are monopolizing them without a good reason then impose time limits.

The concept that the homeless might be using them for entertainment isn't a horrific one. We do so little for the homeless already - that we have homeless at all is already a massive collective screwup.

The Beard

Just because you are homeless doesn't mean you have worse germs and stuff than non-homeless.

I've seen absolutely disgusting keyboards and tablets from "rich" people.

Not always having access to clean restrooms, showers, and soap, has no effect on hygiene? Ok


Just because you are homeless doesn't mean you have worse germs and stuff than non-homeless.

I've seen absolutely disgusting keyboards and tablets from "rich" people.

Oh that wasn't a jab at the homeless it was at everybody, I see/hear people at work who don't wash their hands after having a shit. These are the same people touching the poles and hand holds on your train home, shaking your hands etc...


Our city is always years behind other big cities when it comes to this stuff, and instead opt for stupid fucking ideas like these kiosks.

It boggles my mind that WiFi is not widely available to the public here, other than a lot of cafes and bars.

You know these kiosks *also* provide public wifi, right?
You would think they would have tested something like this first.I mean time limits and filters are pretty basic things. They should have consulted with how the libraries deal with these issues.


what the hell did they think was gonna happen?

at the college I worked IT at we used to call the 4th floor open access labs the spank labs.


May I have a cookie?
Checked out the website, looks like a pretty good idea in general. What I don't understand is why do these "tablets" have internet browsers and not just service apps that only connect to specific sites?

Also, calling them tablets is a bit misleading as they are essentially inseparable from the Link units and function as a screen and touch interface, similar to an ATM interface.
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