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NYT: At least 110 Republican Leaders Won't Vote Trump

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I didn't realize his David Duke waffling caused as much of a backlash as it had (I wasn't paying as much attention then).




I'd love to see the NYT calendar for stories they will be releasing from here until election day, they are on Trumps ass day and night. Love it.


If Democrats don't use this as ammo against the people who didn't denounce Trump after he said all of this stuff then they deserve to lose midterms.

The people still supporting him and refusing to speak out need to feel some damage when Trump crashes and burns in November.

Davey Cakes

The Khan and Purple Heart statements really hurt Trump. Those marked the true turning point. He was on a roll before then, even with his own deranged base, but went too god damn far. He went full retard. You never go full retard.

Disclaimer, I'm not trying to be offensive. Just referencing a joke from Tropic Thunder.
Thats it?

That's only the prominent ones who will come out and say it. I figure a lot of GOP leaders are terrified of Trump but don't want to be seen as traitors to the party and be rejected by their base or the establishment that wants everyone to fall in line. It really depends on how the polls go and which way the wind seems to be blowing w/r/t the electorate. If Trump's numbers remain poor (or continue to deteriorate), you'll see a lot more Republicans turning against him. It's all politics.
Just how many people named William Middle Initial dot Last Name are there in the Republican party? There must be hundreds of thousands of them.


We'll see. I imagine the bulk of them are a handful of teleprompter speeches away from reversing course and "voting Trump, but not endorsing Trump" or some such horseshit. You'll have to forgive me if I don't place too much stock in the integrity of Republican leaders.


We'll see. I imagine the bulk of them are a handful of teleprompter speeches away from reversing course and "voting Trump, but not endorsing Trump" or some such horseshit. You'll have to forgive me if I don't place too much stock in the integrity of Republican leaders.

most of them are "former" whatever, so i doubt they have much to lose


Man, that's great. Wish there were more, though. Makes me realize it's been a while since a major fuckup from Trump. Come on Trumpy, open your mouth and spew bullshit, I know you want to.


How many are actually doing it though? A lot of these are before he clinched the nomination. I imagine a decent amount of willing to walk the party line despite his bullshit like Ryan and McCain.


No Scrubs
I didn't realize his David Duke waffling caused as much of a backlash as it had (I wasn't paying as much attention then).

Between that and Khan putting the knife where it belongs, a lot of the GOP is looking to jump ship. Honestly, I'm really glad to see it. Actions should have consequences.


The Khan and Purple Heart statements really hurt Trump. Those marked the true turning point. He was on a roll before then, even with his own deranged base, but went too god damn far. He went full retard. You never go full retard.

Disclaimer, I'm not trying to be offensive. Just referencing a joke from Tropic Thunder.

Reference or not, it's still offensive to people with Intellectual Disability.

That said, I definitely agree with those being the turning points. Trump was throwing lies, hate speech, and baseless insults in every direction ever since he started this never-ending trainwreck. But when he started to go after the things white, male Republicans hold dear (Veterans, in this case), Trump's finally touched a nerve with the one population he was doing favorably with.
That's a whole lot of "former".

I mean, good for them, but a list where nearly every entry say's "former" really underscores what current office holders will stomach.
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