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NYTimes: Peter Thiel (Paypal) Is Said to Bankroll Hulk Hogan’s Suit Against Gawker

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I'm with you on this one. Gawker fucked up and that enabled this, but 'Billionaire funds lawsuit to shutter news outlet' is still a bad scene. Especially given that he was not directly involved in this suit in any way.

I hate to be the one who breaks it to you, but a great numbers of lawyers are paid by people who have no direct connection the the case at hand....

"Rich person gets revenge on tabloid that publicly outed him without his permission" is a headline I want to read, though.

This too.


is now taking requests
Its a slippery slope though; this case is pretty cut and try on who's evil but the lines aren't completely black and white.

Dont think the Koch brothers aren't watching this with glee and keeping tabs for the second the nytimes editorial board fucks up for instance.

No problem with Hogan suing and winning, but EVERYONE should feel queasy that once again cash is influencing the legal system, even if its for good this time

But presumably, without the third party backing, HH wouldn't have the money to pay for the lawsuit and Gawker would be getting away with it - money would be influencing the legal system either way. This way is better.


The trial was pure quality entertainment. Not surprised someone was willing to pay for it.

  • Donald Trump delegate
  • Donates money to James O'keefe
  • Brings down tabloid news website because they don't grovel at his feet
I'd assume it's more about them outing him.
I feel sorry for the well-meaning staff of Gawker's tertiary sites set to lose their jobs because Nick Denton never matured past high school.

This Thiel guy doesn't sound any better. Hell, he sounds worse. But why poke the bear.


Not all of those companies started out under the Gawker banner (Kotaku for one), so it's not really fair to cast dispersion on all of them.

I hope that Gawker will have to sell the companies when/if they go tits up.

This is incorrect. Every single one of those sites started as a Gawker Media site.

Gawker has never acquired sites, only sold them off at times.

If Fleshbot is still around surely the others can survive?

Fleshbot is not a Gawker Media site anymore. They spun it off because advertisers were uncomfortable advertising with a company that ran a porn blog and had links to it on their parent site.

I believe Denton still owns it, but under another company's banner.
Bad situation all around but claiming Gawker was a news site is a freaking farce.

They never followed journalistic integrity. They never worked stories that had merit. They capitalized on situations and thought they were above court orders...

Name another News organization that is run the way Gawker is? Fox news although batty at times wouldn't even do 1/10th the shitshow Gawker actually does.
Not all of those companies started out under the Gawker banner (Kotaku for one), so it's not really fair to cast dispersion on all of them.

I hope that Gawker will have to sell the companies when/if they go tits up.

In that case It's no different from Kotaku being brought by company XYZ and going bankrupt 6 months later due to unrelated economic downturn.

Did the Kotaku staff getting screwed out of their 401k package or something?


In that case It's no different from Kotaku being brought by company XYZ and going bankrupt 6 months later due to unrelated economic downturn.

Did the Kotaku staff getting screwed out of their 401k package or something?

Again, that's incorrect information. Kotaku has always been a Gawker Media site. As has io9, Lifehacker, Deadspin, Jezebel and Gizmodo.

Gawker Media has never bought a site, only sold them.


Gawker knowing lawsuits are expensive, to basically force their celebrity victims into settlements instead facing the full legal consequences for their actions is disgusting.

So I'm fine with this.

Gawker's own behavior and actions still put them in this spot.


Peter Thiel, a billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist
1. Billionaire entrepreneur
2. Philanthropist

Choose 1.

Hogan, Thiel and Gawker are all terrible, at least Gawker is done now.
even if you hate gawker, this seems like a really fucked precident

Also saying gawker media never put out any worthwhile stories is just ignorance at a certain point. Their culture enahled garbage like the outing story but is still good people there doing good stuff.
even if you hate gawker, this seems like a really fucked precident

What precedent? Do you think this is the first time a rich man has paid someone else's legal fees with an agenda? It's actually far less sinister here because the rich man in question is a former victim of Gawker's disregard for ethics.


Unconfirmed Member


Given Thiel's actions would have achieved nothing if Gawker hadn't been performing a number of unlawful actions this solicits nothing more than an "and?" from me.

Gawker are hung out to dry because they behaved terribly several times and are subsequently vulnerable to legal action.



That's right. You just read Gawker refer to themselves outing him as "writing critically of Thiel".

This is great journalism.
They're complete scum. Trying to disguise their invasion into people's personal lives as some kind of public service.

Thiel is a visionary. He's eccentric, but he's an incredibly innovative, brilliant guy.

Gawker is probably the most toxic and loathsome media company in the world. He's doing all of us a favor here.
1. Billionaire entrepreneur
2. Philanthropist

Choose 1.

Hogan, Thiel and Gawker are all terrible, at least Gawker is done now.

wait what lol

plenty of filthy rich people also dedicate huge chunks of money and time to genuinely good causes, not all are one-dimensionally evil

And plenty of outlets have written critically of Thiel in the past. He bankrolled this case because they violated the law and had a history of violating him. There are any number of extremely wealthy people who have all sorts of media grudges; this isn't evidence of a chilling effect on the free press.
Its a slippery slope though; this case is pretty cut and try on who's evil but the lines aren't completely black and white.

Dont think the Koch brothers aren't watching this with glee and keeping tabs for the second the nytimes editorial board fucks up for instance.

No problem with Hogan suing and winning, but EVERYONE should feel queasy that once again cash is influencing the legal system, even if its for good this time

It's not like Thiel or Hogan have been pioneers in going after news sources for libel, like this is some landmark libel case... It isn't. This is fairly cut and dry case of libel and extortion, and Hogan's case is being backed by somebody who also had his personal life affected by Gawker so that Gawker could make more money. There is no slippery slope here. The law has been the law for a century on these issues.

Nobody should feel queasy that cash is influencing the legal system when dirt rags like Gawker don't follow the law, out people, write libelous articles, blackmail the people in their articles, and then profit from it.

Gawker is in the business of making money off of hurting people personally... Publishing their sex tapes, extorting them for money to prevent something from coming out, and outing famous people as homosexuals when the people aren't ready to come out yet. That's their profit engine: slander, libel, extortion, and personal attacks. The Koch brothers aren't watching this case to go after the New York Times editorial board because the New York Times profit motive isn't Gawker's profit motive. There is no analog here.


Then those journalists should actually have some ethics and standards to find stories that generally have an impact on the public instead of violating people's personal lives to make money.
This. I learned one very important thing from journalism courses/part time job at a paper, and it is this:

There are two kinds of journalists: the kind that consider the moral and ethical quandaries of their work, and the kind that dont care who they hurt as long as they get readers. Gawker was the latter and they deserve 0 sympathy.


It's not like Thiel or Hogan have been pioneers in going after news sources for libel, like this is some landmark libel case... It isn't. This is fairly cut and dry case of libel and extortion, and Hogan's case is being backed by somebody who also had his personal life affected by Gawker so that Gawker could make more money. There is no slippery slope here. The law has been the law for a century on these issues.

Nobody should feel queasy that cash is influencing the legal system when dirt rags like Gawker don't follow the law, out people, write libelous articles, blackmail the people in their articles, and then profit from it.

Gawker is in the business of making money off of hurting people personally... Publishing their sex tapes, extorting them for money to prevent something from coming out, and outing famous people as homosexuals when the people aren't ready to come out yet. That's their profit engine: slander, libel, extortion, and personal attacks. The Koch brothers aren't watching this case to go after the New York Times editorial board because the New York Times profit motive isn't Gawker's profit motive. There is no analog here.


Gawker is trash. Roping them together with the NYT is silly.

What about the appeal? Gawker has appealed right?

In the state of Florida, you have to pay a portion of the original award before you can appeal. Gawker has said that the portion of the $140M they'd have to pay is so large they'd need to liquidate the company in order to do so. So this is basically over.
In the state of Florida, you have to pay a portion of the original award before you can appeal. Gawker has said that the portion of the $140M they'd have to pay is so large they'd need to liquidate the company in order to do so. So this is basically over.

They'd have to put a fuckton of money into a holding account or something during the appeals process, basically enough to kill them.

Hoo boy. Man. I feel sorry for the legitimately good people working at the company :l But Gawker is pretty shitty....and Thiel helping Hogan out isn't surprising, seeing as how Gawker outed his sexuality way back when.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
"rich person shuts down journalists he doesnt like" is not a headline you should want to read

"Gay person getting payback against assholes at outed him against his will" kind of is though.
Also it's not like this is a hostile takeover. This is the law.


I have no ill will or good will for Gawker, they could close tomorrow I wouldn't even bat an eye but that you can have a billionaire basically get to destroy a news media because he didn't like them is a bit...19th century I'd say.
If we're going about shutting down shitty journalist outlet, we can start with cable news.


I have no ill will or good will for Gawker, they could close tomorrow I wouldn't even bat an eye but that you can have a billionaire basically get to destroy a news media because he didn't like them is a bit...19th century I'd say.
If we're going about shutting down shitty journalist outlet, we can start with cable news.

I don't understand how this became a situation of Thiel somehow destroying Gawker at whim simply because he's rich.

What happened was Gawker kept doing shitty things, slipped up and opened themselves up to a lawsuit, which Thiel subsequently acted upon by helping Hogan. It's not some super rich aggrandizement of power. It's just someone with means taking advantage of a lawful opportunity to get back at a group of idiots fetishizing airing out people's personal lives under the guise of "news and public interest"
I bet he pulled off his mask and it went down like this:



I have no ill will or good will for Gawker, they could close tomorrow I wouldn't even bat an eye but that you can have a billionaire basically get to destroy a news media because he didn't like them is a bit...19th century I'd say.
If we're going about shutting down shitty journalist outlet, we can start with cable news.

1. They are not a "news media"

2. They can only be "destroyed" because they did something they can be sued for - and lose.


I don't understand how this became a situation of Thiel somehow destroying Gawker at whim simply because he's rich.

What happened was Gawker kept doing shitty things, slipped up and opened themselves up to a lawsuit, which Thiel subsequently acted upon by helping Hogan. It's not some super rich aggrandizement of power. It's just someone with means taking advantage of a lawful opportunity to get back at a group of idiots fetishizing airing out people's personal lives under the guise of "news and public interest"

If you remove Thiel from equation it's doubtful we get to this situation.
I'm not arguing on the value of the lawsuit, Hogan rightfully won if I had an issue with that I would be commenting on the relevant thread.

1. They are not a "news media"

2. They can only be "destroyed" because they did something they can be sued for - and lose.

1. You don't get to decide if they're news media or not, they're absolutely not worse than whatever shitty rag you can see this side of Walmart that pass for news. If National Enquirer gets to be called news, Gawker is certainly not worse.
2. That's not the point.

Heck as far as I'm concerned this quote is enough to get them to close :
A judge told us to take down our Hulk Hogan sex tape post. We won't
If you're under the jurisdiction of the judge ordering you to do something, this is the stupidest defense line ever.


No Scrubs
The National Enquirer never published a sex tape, they never publicly outed someone and they sure as shit have never helped someone commit blackmail against someone they had a personal vendetta against. Gawker is beyond the pale in terms of their actions, they've been unethical since day 0 and have broken the law more than a few times.

The only shocking thing about all this is that Hogan is the only one suing them.


The National Enquirer never published a sex tape, they never publicly outed someone and they sure as shit have never helped someone commit blackmail against someone they had a personal vendetta against. Gawker is beyond the pale in terms of their actions, they've been unethical since day 0 and have broken the law more than a few times.

wikipedia said:
The news media or news industry are those elements of the mass media that focus on delivering news to the general public or a target public. These include print media (newspapers, newsmagazines), broadcast news (radio and television), and more recently the Internet (online newspapers, news blogs, etc.).
As long as they delivered some news they're part of the news media.
they're shitty news media that engage in illegal behavior but they're still news media.


No Scrubs
As long as they delivered some news they're part of the news media.
they're shitty news media that engage in illegal behavior but they're still news media.

That doesn't give them cart blanche to do what they did though. There's a reason no one else does the kind of shit Gawker does, because it opens the door to this.


That doesn't give them cart blanche to do what they did though. There's a reason no one else does the kind of shit Gawker does, because it opens the door to this.

Where did I say that?
I described them as news media because they're in that business, how successful they are at this and how some people (because otherwise they would have folded already) view them change nothing.
e: my issue is with the major difference in court outcome depending on the money you pour in the system.


I have a hard time drumming up sympathy for a tasteless company that brought this whole fiasco upon themselves. He saw an opportunity to get revenge and he took it by bankrolling a case that had a strong chance at turning in results.
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