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Obama’s Former Director of National Intelligence Says Obama Behind Entire Russia Witch Hunt!


James Clapper was on CNN yesterday and he stated that Obama was behind spying on President Trump and all the corrupt and criminal actions involving the government, including the Mueller investigation –
According to Obama’s former spy chief, James Clapper, who appeared on CNN to say it was Obama who set the entire Russia witch-hunt into motion by tasking the intelligence community assessment.

“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.”


Is Clapper trying to save his own skin? The walls seem to be closing in and the rats are boarding the lifeboats.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I dont think you know what this means. Its actually unreal that Clapper stated this when you look at everything as a whole.

I am honestly shocked.
Unless I am misunderstanding the story this implies that Obama set in motion the series of events that directly led to the Mueller investigation.

Is that right or did I miss something?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Unless I am misunderstanding the story this implies that Obama set in motion the series of events that directly led to the Mueller investigation.

Is that right or did I miss something?
I think Trump was being monitored during the campaigns. If that led to them actually finding something that justified a more thorough investigation, then there it is.

But this shouldn't be shocking at all to anyone. Edward Snowden literally revealed that everyone in the world is being monitored at all times. All phone, email records are accessible by NSA and grouped into data sets.

At this point it's naive to think that we'll ever have a presidential candidate ever again that is not being fully monitored by intelligence agencies during their entire campaigns.
Seems like Trump was wrong about Obama not doing something about Russia. I also think some people try from the right are trying to spin what Clapper says.


I think Trump was being monitored during the campaigns. If that led to them actually finding something that justified a more thorough investigation, then there it is.

But this shouldn't be shocking at all to anyone. Edward Snowden literally revealed that everyone in the world is being monitored at all times. All phone, email records are accessible by NSA and grouped into data sets.

At this point it's naive to think that we'll ever have a presidential candidate ever again that is not being fully monitored by intelligence agencies during their entire campaigns.

The NSA scandal got memoryholed though.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Seems like Trump was wrong about Obama not doing something about Russia. I also think some people try from the right are trying to spin what Clapper says.

Of course they are trying to spin. Thats all they have left lol They have been forced to spin Tariffs and insults to world leaders over Twitter. They will of course spin a CNN interview.

Even though they constantly claim CNN is fake news. Its real though when it suits them lol
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Lil’ Gobbie
Dev1lxyz this is the part where noone takes you seriously because in the last thread you were saying Michelle Obama is transgendered.


Is Obama responsible for the dick sucking session that Trump and Putin had in their private meeting?
Dev1lxyz this is the part where noone takes you seriously because in the last thread you were saying Michelle Obama is transgendered.

To be fair Dev1lxyz isn't the one claiming this version of events is how it unfolded, he's just reporting what has been said on the news.

The Michelle Obama trans rumor is still hilarious to me for some reason though.


Nice spin lol

The Mueller investigation is a criminal action?

It's not secret Obama started all this, because he had the Intel that trump and the GOP were up to illegal treasonous shit.

If anything, he treated it too softly. He should have delayed the elections and has trump and co arrested.


Nice spin lol

The Mueller investigation is a criminal action?

It's not secret Obama started all this, because he had the Intel that trump and the GOP were up to illegal treasonous shit.

If anything, he treated it too softly. He should have delayed the elections and has trump and co arrested.

Turn off MSNBC
Nice spin lol

The Mueller investigation is a criminal action?

It's not secret Obama started all this, because he had the Intel that trump and the GOP were up to illegal treasonous shit.

If anything, he treated it too softly. He should have delayed the elections and has trump and co arrested.

You're right that Obama had the Intel. But he treated it softly because there's no "there" there. He could've gotten to the bottom of what was going on as a national security concern but no treason occurred. It's an excuse.


this is like blaming a bank robbery on the detective who first showed up on the scene

"he was there man... we're only doing this 'investigation' BS because of that asshole..."


Clapper is a proven liar. I usually take whatever he says with a grain of salt.

Funny ntil he spoke out aginst Obabam not one person I have seen state this. CAn you link to any recent articles or posts you have to back up your 'Clapper is a proven liar' remark.
Obama lied about closing down git-mo and having your own doctor - is he a proven liar now? I just want to understand your logic.


Rodent Whores
Funny ntil he spoke out aginst Obabam not one person I have seen state this. CAn you link to any recent articles or posts you have to back up your 'Clapper is a proven liar' remark.
Obama lied about closing down git-mo and having your own doctor - is he a proven liar now? I just want to understand your logic.
"Are you collecting intelligence on American citizens unlawfully?"


Womp womp

If you haven't seen one person talk about James Clapper in this fashion, you need to diversify your sources.
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You were warned and decided to ignore it. Take a few days to learn from your error.
So many low IQ peeps lapping this shit up like a kitten to milk.

Enjoy your diet treason!

Can someone translate this into an English sentence for me? I have no idea what you are trying to say. Are you referring to your low IQ, if so then maybe thats why you cant string a coherent sentence or argument together.
If you are trying to insult others with a low IQ - then you must qualify yourself as having high IQ - please demonstrate how you are more intelligent using any qualifications or experience you have. You would have a lot of add to the forum with your superior IQ in all discussions, so should be delighted to enlighten the rest of us.
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Nice spin lol

The Mueller investigation is a criminal action?

It's not secret Obama started all this, because he had the Intel that trump and the GOP were up to illegal treasonous shit.

If anything, he treated it too softly. He should have delayed the elections and has trump and co arrested.

This. I'm not sure if he ever came out or if anyone has that they think the GOP were directly involved, but he started the investigation into the meddling.

This isn't new news and why are people treating this like a smoking gun?


Dev1lxyz this is the part where noone takes you seriously because in the last thread you were saying Michelle Obama is transgendered.

If you weren't so inempt in reading why I was posting it, perhaps you shouldn't be coming into my thread with nothing to add but vemom.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The proliferation of "Fake News" in this forum is frightening and its beginning to take far too much effort and will to continually fight it off day after day.

For context this is the full interview.

Here is the assessment document:

I'm out of this thread before it gets more toxic and polluted.

How don't know how you put up with all this silliness bro. How do you have the mental energy to keep pushing back on all of this?


Not having an effect on voters?

We will see this November.

The only reason the dems are not winning more is because the only difference between the dems and gop is that the dems are more level headed,

This is both a strength and weakness because the the GOP is playing marvel Vs capcom while the dems are playing Street fighter 3 if that makes sense.


The proliferation of "Fake News" in this forum is frightening and its beginning to take far too much effort and will to continually fight it off day after day.

For context this is the full interview.

Here is the assessment document:

I'm out of this thread before it gets more toxic and polluted.

How about how the 'fake' Steele dossier was used to open the whole investigation in the first place? The FBI/Justice Department then denied using the 'fake' dossier information to pursue the investigation but the recently disclosed Lisa Page filed FISA warrant really puts them in a position where it appears they were lying.


"The warrants are controversial because the FISA court was never told that the key information justifying the requests came from a “dossier” that was created by Fusion GPS, a paid agent of the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee. The initial Carter Page warrant was granted just weeks before the 2016 election. Today’s document release supports criticisms by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee who released a memo that criticized the FISA targeting. The memo details how the “minimally corroborated” Clinton-DNC dossier was an essential part of the FBI and DOJ’s applications for surveillance warrants to spy on Page."

Link to warrants filed here:
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Trumpers: “Why didn’t Obama try to investigate Russia and stop it?! He was weaker on Russia than Trump!”

(Intelligence guy says he did)

Trumpers: “Why did Obama try to investigate Russia and stop it!? He was trying to screw with Trump!”

How about Trump and his campaign not fuck around with Russians trying to make backdoor deals if they don’t want to get investigated
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Not having an effect on voters?

We will see this November.

The only reason the dems are not winning more is because the only difference between the dems and gop is that the dems are more level headed,

This is both a strength and weakness because the the GOP is playing marvel Vs capcom while the dems are playing Street fighter 3 if that makes sense.
This makes absolutely no sense.
Democrats are level headed....bwahahahaha Maxine Waters says no.


The Steele dossier wasn't fake and each month or week, more info is corroborated.

I'm surprised how many peeps are drunk on fake news and diet treason!


1) Many parts of the dossier have already been corroborated by other investigations.

2) The dossier was originally funded by a conservative think-tank, then a democratic one. And regardless, the funding has no relationship to the validity of the claims, as Christopher Steele had a long, prestigious career working with intelligence agencies, and is highly respected in his field. In fact, this is explicitly stated by the FBI in the FISA application:

Notwithstanding Source #1's reason for conducting the research into Candidate #1's ties to Russia, based on Source #1's previous reporting history with the FBI, whereby Source #1 provided reliable information to the FBI, the FBI believes Source #1's reporting herein to be credible.

The FBI disclosed the funding of the dossier, and the 4 Republican judges who determined the validity of the FISA application still ruled in the FBIs favor:

Judges weighing the application — all four Republican appointees — were made aware of the circumstances of the Steele dossier, and they were provided with evidence beyond its contents anyway.

3) The dossier wasn't the only basis for the FISA warrant. The other sources are still heavily classified due to this investigation being on-going, as is the case with all on-going investigations.

The ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee, Rep. Adam Schiff, told NPR on Monday that there was more evidence beyond the Steele reporting in the FISA application, but that he could not discuss what it was because it remains classified.

If you look at raw numbers, the dossier (Section 3) becomes less and less relevant as other intelligence gathering (section 4 & on) is used in renewing the FISA warrant.



1) Many parts of the dossier have already been corroborated by other investigations.

2) The dossier was originally funded by a conservative think-tank, then a democratic one. And regardless, the funding has no relationship to the validity of the claims, as Christopher Steele had a long, prestigious career working with intelligence agencies, and is highly respected in his field. In fact, this is explicitly stated by the FBI in the FISA application:

The FBI disclosed the funding of the dossier, and the 4 Republican judges who determined the validity of the FISA application still ruled in the FBIs favor:

3) The dossier wasn't the only basis for the FISA warrant. The other sources are still heavily classified due to this investigation being on-going, as is the case with all on-going investigations.

If you look at raw numbers, the dossier (Section 3) becomes less and less relevant as other intelligence gathering (section 4 & on) is used in renewing the FISA warrant.


So much "fake news" in one post.

Make it staaaahp, you're making Trumpers cry
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Super Mario

The proliferation of "Fake News" in this forum is frightening and its beginning to take far too much effort and will to continually fight it off day after day.

For context this is the full interview.

Here is the assessment document:

I'm out of this thread before it gets more toxic and polluted.

One piece of fake news that doesn't favor Obama, and you feverishly defend it, while demanding we read the facts. If only you demanded the same fairness on the daily sensationalized Trump stories from a clearly left-leaning media system.

I do agree with you on one thing. Fake news is tiring. It is what happens when deceptive news becomes big business and only is magnified by the masses who get their own opinion, without needing any facts.


1) Many parts of the dossier have already been corroborated by other investigations.

2) The dossier was originally funded by a conservative think-tank, then a democratic one. And regardless, the funding has no relationship to the validity of the claims, as Christopher Steele had a long, prestigious career working with intelligence agencies, and is highly respected in his field. In fact, this is explicitly stated by the FBI in the FISA application:

The FBI disclosed the funding of the dossier, and the 4 Republican judges who determined the validity of the FISA application still ruled in the FBIs favor:

3) The dossier wasn't the only basis for the FISA warrant. The other sources are still heavily classified due to this investigation being on-going, as is the case with all on-going investigations.

If you look at raw numbers, the dossier (Section 3) becomes less and less relevant as other intelligence gathering (section 4 & on) is used in renewing the FISA warrant.


There isn't a pundit, media source, or politician that will put a stake in that dossier being a credible source. The FBI/DOJ has seemingly been caught in an embarrassing lie and are hiding behind calling things "classified" to avoid being shown as inept at best and corrupt at worst. I personally look forward to the trials of a few of these individuals during Trump's second term.


There isn't a pundit, media source, or politician that will put a stake in that dossier being a credible source. The FBI/DOJ has seemingly been caught in an embarrassing lie and are hiding behind calling things "classified" to avoid being shown as inept at best and corrupt at worst. I personally look forward to the trials of a few of these individuals during Trump's second term.

You literally addressed none of my points. But I should've expect as much from a conspiracy propagandist. It is hilariously ironic when you constantly posts conspiracy fueled fake outrage headlines from websites like TRUE PUNDIT and THE GATEWAY PUNDIT and then talk about the credibility of media sources. What happened to LISA PAGE DIMES OUT CLINTON-CHINA CONSPIRACY? Oh, that's right, that was total garbage conspiracy fueled by your literally fake news websites. You are a walking poster boy for the "post-truth" fake news propaganda machine.

Besides this, your statements about pundit/media source/politician is false. There are plenty of left leaning pundits who find the dossier credible, just as Trump supporters think it's part of a CONSPIRACY. There are plenty of media sources that repeatedly state that a good amount of the dossier's information has been verified by other sources, which speaks positively to it's credibility. As for politicians, democrats clearly support the assertions of the FBI, as they state in their memo:

DOJ explain the FBI's reasonable basis for finding Steele credible: The applications correctly described Steele as (redacted). The applications also reviewed Steele's multi-year history of credible reporting on Russia and other matters, including information DOJ used in criminal proceedings. Senior FBI and DOJ officials have repeatedly affirmed to the Committee the reliability and credibility of Steele's reporting, an assessment also reflected in the FBI's underlying source documents. The FBI has undertaken a rigorous process to vet allegations from Steele's reporting, including with regard to Page.

And here is an article by media source businessinsider detaililng how Carter Page's testimony ended up corroborating key parts of the dossier:


I mean, do I need to keep posting more articles and sources? Or are you just going to mouth off again, cite nothing other than conspiracy websites or gut feelings, and then scuttle back into your pro-Russia conspiracy corner?
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