Obama asks the french people to vote for Macron in the presidential election



Sunday is the second and last round of the french presidential election between far-right candidate Marine Le Pen and center-left candidate Emmanuel Macron. Obama has come out of retirement to show his support for Macron in a video that was tweeted by the official twitter account of the liberal candidate.

When was the last time Obama showed his support for a candidate in a foreign election ? I know he campaigned against Brexit.

Anyway Obama is a popular figure in France so this is a good thing for Macron.

Also just like most french Gafers I will be voting for Macron


Everything is moe to me
This is literally equivalent to russian wikileaks and the left will ignore it.

On an unrelated note, alt-right talking points are literally indistinguishable from satire.


This is literally equivalent to russian wikileaks and the left will ignore it.

Obama endorsing a candidate is not the same as hacking into their email and selectively leaking embarrassing material at a steady rate to disrupt the campaign.

Sunday is the second and last round of the french presidential candidate between far-right candidate Marine Le Pen and center-left candidate Emmanuel Macron. Obama has come out of retirement to show his support for Macron in a video that was tweeted by the official twitter account of the liberal candidate.

When was the last time Obama showed his support for a candidate in a foreign election ? I know he campaigned against Brexit.

Anyway Obama is a popular figure in France so this is a good thing for Macron.

Was he able? Thought that was a no-no as a president.


This is literally equivalent to russian wikileaks and the left will ignore it.

On an unrelated note, alt-right talking points are literally indistinguishable from satire.
Russian Wikileaks involved a foreign nation's leadership illegally hacking a campaign and releasing damaging information while also colluding with an opposing campaign. This a former politician cutting an ad. How is it the same?


This is literally equivalent to russian wikileaks and the left will ignore it.

On an unrelated note, alt-right talking points are literally indistinguishable from satire.

Yeah and Trump absolutely did not made his choice clear regarding the candidate he would chose.
This is literally equivalent to russian wikileaks and the left will ignore it.

On an unrelated note, alt-right talking points are literally indistinguishable from satire.

Literally equivalent. But you got me with the first sentence and then I read the second.


So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Let's hope Obama's support is enough to keep the scales from tipping in Le Pen's favor.
When he came out in support of the UK remaining in the EU before the Brexit vote I actually felt like it did more harm than good in that the ultra-nationalist, Brexit-supporting right wing took the tack of "how dare this foreigner tell us what to do, he can get fucked" to it all. There were a lot of "fuck this guy" thinkpieces in the newspapers and stuff the following days.

France is a lot less close than Brexit, mind. Less danger there.
Obama's one of the few people in the world who actually likes Macron for his terrible policies rather than as a lesser evil compared to a damn nazi.


So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Let's hope Obama's support is enough to keep the scales from tipping in Le Pen's favor.

What are you even talking about ? She was ahead of the polls for years. At her apex she was at 30% and she kept slowly falling in the polls. She got 21% of the vote in the first round. Everyone knew she was going to make it to the second round but she would have no chance of winning the election in the second round.

French polls were EXTREMELY accurate. French pollsters were celebrated for the accuracy of their polls.


So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Let's hope Obama's support is enough to keep the scales from tipping in Le Pen's favor.

Who said that ? she was leading the poll for a year and went never below the second place.
There was little doubt that she wouldn't be in the second turn (sure, there was hope).
When was the last time Obama showed his support for a candidate in a foreign election ? I know he campaigned against Brexit.

That wasn't an election though, it was a referendum. Ironically he just whipped up the right wing press and little Englanders into a frenzy by supporting Remain.
brexit (even though he will probaly be right about us being back of the queue) and then hillary

best hope that's not the start of a streak


Obama has good intentions but I wonder if this will backfire.

When I hear "USA getting involved in foreign affairs", it doesn't sound positive.


This is literally equivalent to russian wikileaks and the left will ignore it.

On an unrelated note, alt-right talking points are literally indistinguishable from satire.

Two line post and people still don't read the whole thing.

Two lines, people! 😂


Obama has good intentions but I wonder if this will backfire.

When I hear "USA getting involved in foreign affairs", it doesn't sound positive.

I don't think so, Obama has a really good image in France and many foreign leaders already expressed their preferences.


This is literally equivalent to russian wikileaks and the left will ignore it.

On an unrelated note, alt-right talking points are literally indistinguishable from satire.

What the hell did I just read. This comparison makes no fucking sense at all.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I hope Macron does a good job if he wins. It's a little scary that the best choice is a dude under 40 whose political party only came into existence a year ago

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Really feel like foreign figures shouldn't be officially endorsing anyone in foreign elections. Like, voicing a preference in an interview is one thing. Putting up official campaign videos seems muddy enough to warrant some caution.
Obama has good intentions but I wonder if this will backfire.

When I hear "USA getting involved in foreign affairs", it doesn't sound positive.
Basically this
So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Let's hope Obama's support is enough to keep the scales from tipping in Le Pen's favor.

Lol, show me the receipts. Everybody knew she'd make it to the second round. The "France is not the US" comments are in regards to the second round and always have been.
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