Obama asks the french people to vote for Macron in the presidential election


He doesn't need it.

It is his destiny.

The best prepared candidate in the history of France

France, unlike the US, actually cares about its democratic systems and principles.

Yikes, if your measure is Trump well then at least the US can say Trump appeared out of nowhere, Le Pen has existed for years and his dad was a thing before her.

And hell i dislike the democracy index, but there was a thread where a lot of people said the US was a flawed democracy because of it, and well France ranks lower than the US in that index.


For you.
So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Let's hope Obama's support is enough to keep the scales from tipping in Le Pen's favor.
Polls were pretty damn accurate, and the scales are heavily in favour of Macron. You have nothing to worry about.


Marine Le Pen will win

if she manages to change the mind of more than one million voters every day until the election because that's what she needs at this point

everyone saying this "because trump and brexit", you are bad people and your feet smell.


This is literally equivalent to russian wikileaks and the left will ignore it.

On an unrelated note, alt-right talking points are literally indistinguishable from satire.

I'm shocked that so many people ignored the second line of this post. Well, I rolled my eyes before I got to the second line.
So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Let's hope Obama's support is enough to keep the scales from tipping in Le Pen's favor.

This the same Obama that told people to vote for Hillary and to vote no on Brexit?


Obama endorsing a candidate is not the same as hacking into their email and selectively leaking embarrassing material at a steady rate to disrupt the campaign.
Judging by how the campaigns of both candidates close to Russia exploded with various scandals while Macron remained unscathed, I wouldn't be so sure as to discard foreign intervention in the election process.

I'm voting white on sunday


Anyway Obama is a popular figure in France so this is a good thing for Macron.

Also just like most french Gafers I will be voting for Macron

1) There is really no reason this will change people's votes
2) I don't believe the OT is representative of the "french gafers"

So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Huh she had a really small lead on the candidates that came 3rd and 4th (around 500.000 people) and she dropped from 28-30% to 25% then 23 then finally 21,5% in the polls in the recent months. It wasn't so "obvious" so don't be arrogant.


That's actually good, Obama is more popular than most French politician in France.

Obama's one of the few people in the world who actually likes Macron for his terrible policies rather than as a lesser evil compared to a damn nazi.

Good to know that your knowledge of French politics is on par with your knowledge of American politics.

So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Let's hope Obama's support is enough to keep the scales from tipping in Le Pen's favor.

So how was your time in the cave?
For the last 2 years, polls predicted Lepen in the 2nd round and the polls were actually accurate this time.


Of course he does. So Le Pen will win.

That depends on who wins. If Macron wins, all is well. If Le Pen wins, Russia meddled. It's really that simple. Russians are ex post facto responsible for Brexit too.

Actually Russian banks have been funding FN for over a year and Lepen used manufactured fake news to spread a story straight from RT.
But sure keep telling yourself they're clean.
Even wikileaks was pretty transparent this time


That's actually good, Obama is more popular than most French politician in France.

He's really not that popular at all. We're not in 2009 anymore and he has had amplemtime to disappoint on prety mich every single foreign issue.


He's really not that popular at all. We're not in 2009 anymore and he has had amplemtime to disappoint on prety mich every single foreign issue.

Compared to the idiots in the French political circus?
We even hate fucking Bové and Hulot for the shit they pulled.

Also just like most french Gafers I will be voting for Macron

you better, or i come over and give you a knock on the head you French- Canadian bastard.

havent read the responses..

are you fucking kidding me, how is this even remotely comparable to influencing foreign elections like Russia. OMG


I wonder if he will also endorse Angela Merkel close to the election.

why would he endorse a center-right candidate, if someone from the left is running against her?
Judging by how the campaigns of both candidates close to Russia exploded with various scandals while Macron remained unscathed, I wouldn't be so sure as to discard foreign intervention in the election process.
You write this like these scandals came out of nowhere.

Fillon's campaign was as much tanked by the revelations as it was by his horrid handling of them.

You're right that Le Pen's most obvious scandal is coming from abroad though, considering she's embezzled 5M€ from the EU, it's only natural that the EU would go after her.

But both sides, though.


You write this like these scandals came out of nowhere.

Fillon's campaign was as much tanked by the revelations as it was by his horrid handling of them.

You're right that Le Pen's most obvious scandal is coming from abroad though, considering she's embezzled 5M€ from the EU, it's only natural that the EU would go after her.

But both sides, though.

Actually there's currently 6 scandals for Lepen's FN
only 1 is from abroad.

Judging by how the campaigns of both candidates close to Russia exploded with various scandals while Macron remained unscathed, I wouldn't be so sure as to discard foreign intervention in the election process.

I'm voting white on sunday

This post is hilarious because a fake scandal from 4chan targeting Macron is just the big story of the day.


listen to the mad man
So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Let's see the receipts -- Le Pen has been consistently favoured to enter the second round for the last 2-3 years. Do you pay any attention to France?

Let's hope Obama's support is enough to keep the scales from tipping in Le Pen's favor.

Give me a fucking break.
Of course he does. So Le Pen will win.

That depends on who wins. If Macron wins, all is well. If Le Pen wins, Russia meddled. It's really that simple. Russians are ex post facto responsible for Brexit too.

Oh look. You still refuse to acknowledge the role that the Russians have played in recent western elections......


The equivalent would be if Julian Assange endorsed Trump. Which, as a private citizen, he is entitled to do.

Yup. Plus Trump showed support for Marine Le Pen and Obama is no longer in office but a private citizen now. Additionally, nothing was hacked unfairly. And Merkel also went for Macron. She inserted herself more than anyone else.
Judging by how the campaigns of both candidates close to Russia exploded with various scandals while Macron remained unscathed, I wouldn't be so sure as to discard foreign intervention in the election process.

I'm voting white on sunday

He's really not that popular at all. We're not in 2009 anymore and he has had amplemtime to disappoint on prety mich every single foreign issue.

Your woke levels must register off the charts, we're all very impressed.


So much for Le Pen not making it to the second round like some GAFers claimed in another thread. Because "polls". because "France is not the US". It was obvious that she would.

Let's hope Obama's support is enough to keep the scales from tipping in Le Pen's favor.

Lmao, what drugs are you taking dude ?
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