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Obama bans solitary confinement for juvenile prisoners.

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President Obama on Monday announced a ban on solitary confinement for juvenile offenders in the federal prison system, saying the practice is overused and has the potential for devastating psychological consequences.

In an op-ed that appears in Tuesday editions of The Washington Post, the president outlines a series of executive actions that also prohibit federal corrections officials from punishing prisoners who commit “low-level infractions” with solitary confinement. The new rules also call for expanding treatment for mentally ill prisoners.

The president’s reforms are expected to affect about 10,000 inmates.

The reforms come six months after Obama, as part of a broader criminal-justice reform push, ordered the Justice Department to study how solitary confinement was being used by the federal Bureau of Prisons.


The administration's Op-Ed is here:


Great work, solitary is cruel and horrid and I'm glad of this step of moving to eliminate it.

E92 M3

What if the juvenile murdered someone? Killers shouldn't have the luxury of interacting with other humans.


That's some good news, now to make that cover all inmates. Solitary confinement is straight up torture.
What if the juvenile murdered someone? Killers shouldn't have the luxury of interacting with other humans.

The goal should be to try and rehabilitate juveniles not make them worse for the sake of revenge. Basic social interaction is not a fucking luxury.


What if the juvenile murdered someone? Killers shouldn't have the luxury of interacting with other humans.

The goal should be to try and rehabilitate juveniles not make them worse for the sake of revenge.


I feel like the meaning of the term "Correctional" in "Correctional Facility" has never really been true.

The goal should be to rehabilitate a person who has committed a crime, to be fit enough to be allowed back to the outside world and be a contributing member of society.


What if the juvenile murdered someone? Killers shouldn't have the luxury of interacting with other humans.

Brain research has consistently shown that the empathy centers of the brain aren't fully developed in teenagers.

It's the reason why kids can be so cruel. Don't read about the ruthlessness of child soldiers when used.

Given that knowledge, we need to deal with antisocial behavior with decent evidence based interventions, not punishment alone.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
With so much technology now being online is this even a punishment anymore?

The "solitude" is actually being separated from the technology. The room just has clothes and stuffies.

What if the juvenile murdered someone? Killers shouldn't have the luxury of interacting with other humans.

Because we don't execute juveniles and a suicide isn't helping bring back the murder victims. Don't get me wrong, I am all for punishment AND rehabilitation, but am against suicide or cruel and unusual counterproductive measures.
What if the juvenile murdered someone? Killers shouldn't have the luxury of interacting with other humans.

Interaction isn't a luxury, but a psychological necessity.

If a juvenile is so screwed up in the head that they commit murder, then they clearly need rehabilitation.

Solitary Confinement's negative effects are so drastic that allowing it on a minor is basically torturing them. Would you be okay with prisons torturing someone?

E92 M3

Brain research has consistently shown that the empathy centers of the brain aren't fully developed in teenagers.

It's the reason why kids can be so cruel. Don't read about the ruthlessness of child soldiers when used.

Given that knowledge, we need to deal with antisocial behavior with decent evidence based interventions, not punishment alone.

They are developed enough to know not to kill people. I think it's completely delusional to think that in its current form a federal prison will reform a killer. Honestly it makes laugh every time. Our whole justice system is out of whack and changing some small shit about solitary confinement won't do anything.

First thing first is we need to stop overloading our prisons due to drug use. Someone goes in because they did a few lines of coke and comes out a hardened criminal, but I digress.

Interacting with other humans isn't a luxury. It's required to survive. We're social creatures, and without social interactions, our brains start to degrade.

Why should I care about a human being who - theoretically - killed someone in cold blood?

That's great news.

They are developed enough to know not to kill people. I think it's completely delusional to think that in its current form a federal prison will reform a killer. Honestly it makes laugh every time. Our whole justice system is out of whack and changing some small shit about solitary confinement won't do anything.

First thing first is we need to stop overloading our prisons due to drug use. Someone goes in because they did a few lines of coke and comes out a hardened criminal, but I digress.

Why should I care about a human being who - theoretically - killed someone in cold blood?

Because there can and have been kids who were just "troublemakers" who in one particular juvenile detention center were put in solitary for very minor infractions. What if that kid didn't do it, and got railroaded by the system?

Solitary confinement is often a cruel and unusual punishment on its own, but we should have the good sense to restrict it.


What if the juvenile murdered someone? Killers shouldn't have the luxury of interacting with other humans.

So you are basically advocating torture. Let me tell you one thing why we should hold killers to civilized standards. Because the same thing can be done to innocent people. The same methods the government use to judge criminals can be used to judge against the innocent. That's why human rights exist even for prisoners and criminals. All the concept of "they deserve it" does is fuck up all of us.


They are developed enough to know not to kill people. I think it's completely delusional to think that in its current form a federal prison will reform a killer. Honestly it makes laugh every time. Our whole justice system is out of whack and changing some small shit about solitary confinement won't do anything.

First thing first is we need to stop overloading our prisons due to drug use. Someone goes in because they did a few lines of coke and comes out a hardened criminal, but I digress.

Why should I care about a human being who - theoretically - killed someone in cold blood?

This is not only about reforming but about treating people as human beings.

They have physical needs we meet--shelter, food, clothing, water.

Social interaction is also part of that need. We're a deeply social species.

Unless you want the incarcerated to be treated like POWs.

The ban on cruel and unusual punishment is Constitutionally guaranteed


What if the juvenile murdered someone? Killers shouldn't have the luxury of interacting with other humans.

And what if they stole a backpack?

Regardless. Solitary confinement ruins human beings. I'll let the President take it from here.

President Obama said:
Research suggests that solitary confinement has the potential to lead to devastating, lasting psychological consequences. It has been linked to depression, alienation, withdrawal, a reduced ability to interact with others and the potential for violent behavior. Some studies indicate that it can worsen existing mental illnesses and even trigger new ones. Prisoners in solitary are more likely to commit suicide, especially juveniles and people with mental illnesses.

The United States is a nation of second chances, but the experience of solitary confinement too often undercuts that second chance. Those who do make it out often have trouble holding down jobs, reuniting with family and becoming productive members of society. Imagine having served your time and then being unable to hand change over to a customer or look your wife in the eye or hug your children.

And the Department of Justice released its study that the President cites.

E92 M3

So you are basically advocating torture. Let me tell you one thing why we should hold killers to civilized standards. Because the same thing can be done to innocent people. The same methods the government use to judge criminals can be used to judge against the innocent. That's why human rights exist even for prisoners and criminals. All the concept of "they deserve it" does is fuck up all of us.

Not advocating torture. Sitting alone in a room is not a bad way to be punished for robbing a family of a loved one. Maybe it will even give them the chance to reflect and analyze their ways.

This is not only about reforming but about treating people as human beings.

They have physical needs we meet--shelter, food, clothing, water.

Social interaction is also part of that need. We're a deeply social species.

Unless you want prisoners to be treated like POWs.

I'm not talking about stripping them of shelter, food, clothing, or water. It's just not a big deal if they can't chat it up during lunch.

I'm not the optimistic type when it comes to prisoners that committed first degree murder. First degree is the key word here.


Disgusting weakness on the part of our president. Inhumane treatment of criminals is a cornerstone of our justice system and I for one am disgusted that he wants to let these probably mostly BLACK miscreants off the hook.

What if the juvenile murdered someone? Killers shouldn't have the luxury of interacting with other humans.
It's not a "luxury," lol. Isolation causes serious mental health issues. Solitary confinement is cruel and unusual punishment.

Not advocating torture. Sitting alone in a room is not a bad way to be punished for robbing a family of a loved one. Maybe it will even give them the chance to reflect and analyze their ways.
You're uninformed if you think solitary confinement simply gives offenders a chance to think about what they've done. That, or you're turning a blind eye to the established facts. Not a good look either way.
Not advocating torture. Sitting alone in a room is not a bad way to be punished for robbing a family of a loved one. Maybe it will even give them the chance to reflect and analyze their ways.

Solitary confinement is absolutely psychological torture.

I don't think 1st degree murder can be rehabilitated.

(I'm only talking about 1st degree)

I disagree completely. There are way too many extenuating factors and circumstances that lead to crime and even murder in the case of juveniles to just write them off completely in one fell swoop. This kind of mindset is barbaric and frankly ignorant.


Not advocating torture. Sitting alone in a room is not a bad way to be punished for robbing a family of a loved one. Maybe it will even give them the chance to reflect and analyze their ways.

I'm not talking about stripping them of shelter, food, clothing, or water. It's just not a big deal if they can't chat it up during lunch.

I'm not the optimistic type when it comes to prisoners that committed first degree murder. First degree is the key word here.

But that's the thing. Social interaction is just as important as those things.

We don't starve prisoners. We shouldn't starve them from social interactions.


Not advocating torture. Sitting alone in a room is not a bad way to be punished for robbing a family of a loved one. Maybe it will even give them the chance to reflect and analyze their ways.

Urm, solitary confinement is torture by all standards of what constitutes torture.
Not advocating torture. Sitting alone in a room is not a bad way to be punished for robbing a family of a loved one. Maybe it will even give them the chance to reflect and analyze their ways.

It'll also give their mental illnesses a chance to worsen and/or develop, their vision to degrade, their social abilities to go away, and depression and suicidal tendencies to set in!

NICE! That'll learn 'em


But that's the thing. Social interaction is just as important as those things.
But I sit in my room on NeoGAF all day and I turned out just fine????????

It'll also give their mental illnesses a chance to worsen and/or develop, their vision to degrade, their social abilities to go away, and depression and suicidal tendencies to set in!

NICE! That'll learn 'em
Pardon me but why do you insist on coddling criminals by preserving their mental and physical health? Prison is supposed to be a punishment, not a vacation.
The GOP to suddenly come out in favor of solitary confinement for juveniles... Oh wait.

Well we already have someone in this thread defending solitary confinement for juveniles...

Trump will now talk about how we need to use solitary confinement against Muslims to boost his primary numbers.

Not advocating torture. Sitting alone in a room is not a bad way to be punished for robbing a family of a loved one. Maybe it will even give them the chance to reflect and analyze their ways.

I'm not talking about stripping them of shelter, food, clothing, or water. It's just not a big deal if they can't chat it up during lunch.

I'm not the optimistic type when it comes to prisoners that committed first degree murder. First degree is the key word here.

You don't get it. It's not making them sit alone in a room for 5 minutes. It's making them sit alone in a room for days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. That amount of time with absolutely 0 interaction is psychological torture. Even when it's only days it has been shown to fuck people up permanently.


Oh wow! This is great. Solitary confinement, especially in young people basically completely de-socializes them. If you don't know the trauma and mental damage of solitary confinement in prisons, please don't post blithely about it.


Not advocating torture. Sitting alone in a room is not a bad way to be punished for robbing a family of a loved one. Maybe it will even give them the chance to reflect and analyze their ways.

Solitary confinement is so much more than just sitting in a room. It completely degrades a person's social skills and causes severe mental trauma. People NEED to see each other, it is how humans stay sane. Just read what happens to this poor kid who was locked up for nearly two years in solitary confinement.

Do not punish inhuman acts with inhumane acts, it creates an endless cycle of tragedy and violence.


Not advocating torture. Sitting alone in a room is not a bad way to be punished for robbing a family of a loved one. Maybe it will even give them the chance to reflect and analyze their ways.

I'm not talking about stripping them of shelter, food, clothing, or water. It's just not a big deal if they can't chat it up during lunch.

I'm not the optimistic type when it comes to prisoners that committed first degree murder. First degree is the key word here.

This is officially the dumbest post I've ever read on Gaf. Are you 12 or are you just that delusional ?




E92 M3

Well, I am excited to see what the reincarceration rates look like in 10 years after this reform. Only the hard facts will tell us the truth.

Other than that, I don't place much faith in our prison systems to reform anyone beyond a tax evader.

This is officially the dumbest post I've ever read on Gaf. Are you 12 or are you just that delusional ?


A Human Becoming

More than a Member

Glad to see people here pushing against solitary confinement. It's torture.
Other than that, I don't place much faith in our prison systems to reform anyone beyond a tax evader.
With the current system I think it's understandable to feel that way. Changes like this increase the likelihood of prisoners reintegrating after serving time.
Well, I am excited to see what the reincarceration rates look like in 10 years after this reform. Only the hard facts will tell us the truth.

Other than that, I don't place much faith in our prison systems to reform anyone beyond a tax evader.

So basically, your argument now is that you are against this ban because it won't perfectly solve all issues surrounding prison.
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