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Obama: "Trump is a bullshitter"

It's according to a friend but the fact that Obama said this to his friend is awesome!


While President Donald Trump is embroiled in controversy -- with regularity -- Barack and Michelle Obama are enjoying a less-harried lifestyle these days, at least according to the cover story in the new issue of People magazine.

The tabloid catches readers up with the Obamas, post-White House, with tidbits on how Michelle exercises (SoulCycle), whether she buys lunch each day or brings it in a bag (bag, often times it's turkey chili) and if she still has access to Secret Service vehicles (yes, but just one SUV that her entire staff piles into, according to an aide.) Also of note in the feature? Barack Obama apparently thinks Trump is full of it.

"He's nothing but a bullshitter," is what a friend who spoke with People said of how the former president described the current president shortly after the election. The friend says Obama's opinion of Trump since then "hasn't gotten any better."

Still, another source says Obama would "take his call and try to help" if Trump were in a jam and needed advice.
However, the story says the bulk of the Obamas' time is spent focusing on the Obama Presidential Center, to break ground in Chicago in 2018, and their dual memoirs, for which the couple will pocket a reported $60 million.

Another fun fact in the People story has to do with Malia, 18, and Sasha, 15, both of whom were apparently "sentimental" about their White House bedrooms to the point they each moved the beds into the multi-million dollar Washington home their parents are renting while Sasha completes high school at Sidwell Friends.

The issue of People with the Obamas on the cover is out Friday.



Justin Bailey

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Misleading title - Obama didn't actually say that. His friend said that's what he said. Not even that. What he "described."

Tabloid junk.
Still, another source says Obama would "take his call and try to help" if Trump were in a jam and needed advice.

This line would probably send Trump into a Donald-Duck-style trashing rampage if he ever read it. OBAMA offering HIM advice??? lmao


What a great friend Obama has in the person who ran and blabbed to People about their private conversations. Eh, ignore me, I'm feeling extra old man yells at cloud lately...


I swear all these media outlets and the deputy AG got together to craft the perfect day to drive Trump to an aneurysm.


Where's the actual source for the quote in the title or are we just going off what a 'friend' said he said?
I'm not sure why this is so surprising. He also called Kanye a jackass. Just because in public he's composed and polite doesn't mean when talking to friends he is as well
Obama should consider not being friends with someone who tells people magazine stuff like this

nice 3rdhand info quote there

Where's the actual source for the quote in the title or are we just going off what a 'friend' said he said?

Something like this doesn't come out at a time like this on accident. It's just that Obama's team are professional enough to ensure he's not directly quoted.
He conned 60 million people

No. 60 million people just have selective hearing. They heard the racism and ignored the self-absorption. They heard "death of Obamacare" and ignored the lack of descriptive solutions to healthcare. They heard "anti-establishment" and ignored the decades of bad, shady and traitorous business deals and failures.
He conned 60 million people

No. 60 million people just have selective hearing. They heard the racism and ignored the self-absorption. They heard "death of Obamacare" and ignored the lack of descriptive solutions to healthcare. They heard "anti-establishment" and ignored the decades of bad, shady and traitorous business deals and failures.

The republicans shouldn't be absolved of this travesty. They are complicit by standing idly by.

Paid puppets.

It used to be acceptable for them when it was US stakes, the worrisome part is that now, they are apparently ok with foreign interests pulling the strings.


Gold Member
People magazine says Obama's friend said Obama said something that they describe as Obama saying "Trump is a bullshitter". Cool, they're not wrong I suppose.


What's hilarious is that if this were any other president being criticized by a predecessor this would be a big story. Instead no one will bat an eye.


A friend of Obama said that Barack said something that could be summed up as "Trump's a bullshitter"? What is this a game of Telephone?
how nice of the "emperor of ******ville" to say hes willing to "take trump's call" if he's in a jam and needs obama to get him out of it!


My cousins sisters aunts neighbor's mechanic said the same thing about obama.

Gibbie munies.


Sorry, it was the mechanic's unkle.


The fact that this came out today after Trump got metaphorically hit with a ton of steel chair shots is like salt in the wound
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