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Obamacare repeal officially dead , Trump rage on twitter [POLITICO]

but now he can watch obamacare fail and say 'i told you so right? Remember i said if we do nothing it will collapse'

so that should happen in the next couple weeks right? Unless he's a fucking liar.

It's actually already collapsed. The Liberal media is just covering it up.


Obamacare repeal failed for 1 simple reason. Obamacare worked for the people using it for the most part.

There were No Death Panels, rationing of care etc. Republican Sabotage ensured it would fall apart as time passed but if Republicans wanted to repeal it they needed to do it within a year or two of it being introduced so people would not have the time to realize its benefit.

Of course a simpler idea is they never wanted to repeal it anyways. Back to the Two Santa Theory. Put the time bomb into the bill and let it tick away until Democrats are forced to "correct" and are the Grinch taking away. I mean even now the idea behind the direct repeal and fix later is put it off to like 2020.
“We’re not going to come up short,” Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas). had said earlier in the day. "We need a full contingent of the Republican senators. We don’t have any to spare.”

Trump had also ramped up his outreach to the Hill — hosting a handful of GOP senators at the White House Monday night, including Cornyn, John Thune of South Dakota, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Roy Blunt of Missouri, Steve Daines of Montana and James Lankford of Oklahoma, according to Republican aides.
If these were the people they were trying to convince, then it was doomed to fail.

And this is why electing some know-nothing outsider like Trump is a terrible idea if you want anything to actually happen for four years. Obama, Pelosi and Reid get nowhere near the amount of credit for passing the Affordable Care Act. They just made it look too easy.


I wrote a big piece about how disheartened I was seeing all the time and effort and anguish that is being invested into doing nothing and having other people tell me I should celebrate because these folks haven't actively harmed me as much as they wanted to. It's better not to post stuff like that, but, man... as a citizen it's hard not to feel completely helpless.

Came here to see if someone had posted this. Thank you.


Junior Member
I wrote a big piece about how disheartened I was seeing all the time and effort and anguish that is being invested into doing nothing and having other people tell me I should celebrate because these folks haven't actively harmed me as much as they wanted to. It's better not to post stuff like that, but, man... as a citizen it's hard not to feel completely helpless.

We are currently at about the best case scenario given how much power Republicans have: they have done very little.


Just a reminder that CBO scored repeal without replacement at loss of health care for 32M. Premiums up 100%.
Just a reminder that CBO scored repeal without replacement at loss of health care for 32M. Premiums up 100%.
Yeah, it's passed before but only because they knew Obama would just veto it. Not convinced at all it passes this time.

It'll be fun to see them worm their way through explaining why they'd vote Yes in 2015 and No in 2017.

This is a bit embarassing, but can someone briefly explain what the L stands for? Loser?

As in "hold the L(oss)" I believe


Junior Member
Yeah, it's passed before but only because they knew Obama would just veto it. Not convinced at all it passes this time.

It'll be fun to see them worm their way through explaining why they'd vote Yes in 2015 and No in 2017.


As in "hold the L(oss)" I believe

I think it is very unlikely that they pass that same bill now.


There are plenty of other ways they can give rich people tax cuts.
And they're going to try and do all of them!

Really though this push was a very public push because Donald wanted his "win" but there's nothing stopping them from working on this shit in the background and resurfacing later. And there's really no telling what kind of political reality may await us in the future, perhaps something happens in the health market that makes an attempt, any attempt, more attractive to more voters.

Tommy DJ

There are plenty of other ways they can give rich people tax cuts.


The biggest problem with their efforts to repeal/replace Obamacare is that 9/10 people on earth don't believe they're repealing Obamacare (because it's bad) and replacing it with a better option.

Most politicans cutting entitlements can point to balancing the budget or shifting the money into other government programs. Trump and the Republicans have done such an abysmal job trying to market and push this legislation through that everyone knows they're killing poor and rural people for tax cuts.

And they're going to try and do all of them!

Really though this push was a very public push because Donald wanted his "win" but there's nothing stopping them from working on this shit in the background and resurfacing later. And there's really no telling what kind of political reality may await us in the future, perhaps something happens in the health market that makes an attempt, any attempt, more attractive to more voters.

They can try it. But the fundamental problem is that no one believes that they repealing Obamacare because it's bad. Everyone and their dog knows it's for rich people tax cuts as the bill has sub-20% approval with the public.


Who the fuck wants to own tens of millions of people losing their health coverage, others having to pay more, and inevitable stories of scores dying because of it every month - for what, $100k from some health insurance lobbies for their next campaign? Even the crooked, dumb-as-shit Republicans aren't eager to take that deal.

They never had a plan to replace it, they damn sure were never going to improve it. But now it's go time and they're realizing that even their notoriously stupid and uninformed GOP voters aren't quite that stupid.

On an unrelated note, they're going to get away with dashing Net Neutrality because GOP voters are too stupid to grasp not only the nuances of the subject, but the basic premise. But it will hurt them in a few years when the cable companies do the inevitable and fuck over everyone.


”If the Republicans have the House, Senate and the presidency and they can't pass this health care bill they are going to look weak," Trump said

Trump distancing himself from his own party and presidency.


Junior Member
Who the fuck wants to own tens of millions of people losing their health coverage, others having to pay more, and inevitable stories of scores dying because of it every month - for what, $100k from some health insurance lobbies for their next campaign? Even the crooked, dumb-as-shit Republicans aren't eager to take that deal.

The never had a plan to replace it, they damn sure were never going to improve it. But now it's go time and they're realizing that even their notoriously stupid and uninformed GOP voters aren't quite that stupid.

On an unrelated note, they're going to get away with dashing Net Neutrality because GOP voters are too stupid to grasp not only the nuances of the subject, but the basic premise. But it will hurt them in a few years when the cable companies do the inevitable and fuck over everyone.

Trump would happily sign any Obamacare repeal bill. Just so he could get a win over Obama.

He either doesn't know or doesn't care that he would be personally blamed for tens of millions of people losing health coverage.


I'm so happy that turtle faced motherfucker is eating this very public loss yet again. He led that obstructionist party with a smirk on his face the entire time Obama was in office and now he can go fuck himself. Piece of shit.


Unconfirmed Member
”Regretfully, it is now apparent that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failure of Obamacare will not be successful," McConnell said.

God damn. That really does make it official, doesn't it?

”If the Republicans have the House, Senate and the presidency and they can't pass this health care bill they are going to look weak," Trump said, according to a source familiar with the meeting. ”How can we not do this after promising it for years?"

Trump does seem kinda right here. I don't know if weak is the word, but they do look caught with their pants down for not doing anything about obamacare after it being their primary issue the last 7 years now.

Of course, passing it would put them in an even worse spot politically.
They could still just repeal it, without replacing it right away.

The 2018 fallout would be epic, though.

This, I would be absolutely devestating but may be the impetus the American people need to push for nationalized health care for all. You can't just take away an "entitlement" and get away with it. At least not historically, I guess we may soon find out if that still applies.


Trump does seem kinda right here. I don't know if weak is the word, but they do look caught with their pants down for not doing anything about obamacare after it being their primary issue the last 7 years now.

Of course, passing it would put them in an even worse spot politically.

Trump is right here, but the sad thing is you have to ask yourself if he's making the observation or if really is asking because he really doesn't get why they can't do it lol


“How can we not do this after promising it for years?”

Why does it have to be about winning all the time especially with how this would have been detrimental to millions of people?

Sometimes when you lose, you win.


I get such a great sense of joy from the fact that Trump is going to go down as one of the most incompetent presidents in American history.


That touchdown celebration Trump and Republicans had in the rose garden after the House bill passed is going to look so stupid now. As well as McConnell's talk of repealing Obamcare "root and branch".


Junior Member
God damn. That really does make it official, doesn't it?

Trump does seem kinda right here. I don't know if weak is the word, but they do look caught with their pants down for not doing anything about obamacare after it being their primary issue the last 7 years now.

Of course, passing it would put them in an even worse spot politically.

They didn't think that they would have to do anything. They knew Obama would never sign any of their bills and they thought they would get another at least four years of that with Hillary. Trump screwed them over by winning.

That touchdown celebration Trump and Republicans had in the rose garden after the House bill passed is going to look so stupid now. As well as McConnell's talk of repealing Obamcare "root and branch".

That looked stupid as fuck then. I remember thinking why the hell are the celebrating, they are only 1/3 of the way there and the Senate will be much harder.


Why does it have to be about winning all the time especially with how this would have been detrimental to millions of people?

That's how folks think about politics. We're doing it in this thread. "Hold that L, opposing political party!" All while we celebrate nothing happening and consider this to be the best case scenario. Maybe it is, but it's hard to feel celebratory about this shitty situation.

It's funny-- our government has been like this for years and years, but only now that I'm an adult do I really understand how fucked everything is.
These people can't govern for shit, it's baffling.

“Regretfully, it is now apparent that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failure of Obamacare will not be successful," McConnell said.
Speaking of failures. 😂


The only problem Republicans/conservatives/bigots have with Obamacare is the Obama part, the bad parts were due to Republican meddling. They could have simply renamed it, and put in place what they chipped away. Bigly win right there.

Then people literally wouldn't be dying, and it would have a better score than Obama care.

But these fuckwitts are so stupid that they are literally trying to kill millions of people instead because of reasons, and they are coming up with this "plan" on the fly. As they had no plan and are a bunch of fucking morons that perfectly represent the morons they represent. That bit is poetic.
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