This is the wrong advice. Once you get that big, the best thing you can do is get lapband surgery. You will lose weight so quickly it's actually insane and immediately turn your life around
Obviously exercise and dietary restriction are important, but it has clearly failed this gentleman and he now finds himself the red zone for probably years, where every day becomes an increased risk of losing his life from the plethora of diseases that compound with morbid obesity (apnea, diabetes, arrhythmias, heart failure etc etc)
Get the surgery asap. Then work on the lifestyle changes. Best of luck
I don't think he needs to go as far as have any surgery. Save the money and build up your mental strength. He will have learned nothing and gained almost nothing skipping the journey to his goal. We tend to think money can solve problems, and while it does, I don't think it is always the best course of action.
If he does this the natural way, he will gain insights into his own life, mentality that he more than likely would not gain if he shortcuts with some surgery.
I mean, sure, get the surgery if your weight is literally coming down on your life and is detrimental to you, but if you can help it, go the natural route.
I lost like 70 pounds in a few months, but that is because I'm a stubborn motherfucker. I hit like 235, now I am down to around 170-175. 6'1 FWIW.
I ditched soda for juices, I ditched added sugars for natural ones when possible and if at all possible. Cut out like 80% red meat from my diet, added more fiber. I pound prune juice, for example. I drink a lot of water, no soda, unless it's hot, fuck it. Here's like 24-71 GRAMS of sugar down my throat. Good thing I eat a lot of different nuts, too. If I snack, it's walnuts or some of-type nut. I also drink vinegar and take vitamins with my 1-2 meals. Oh, yeah... I also went from 3 squares to 1-2 squares, depending on size.
I used to eat like an incinerator, but I also used to have the metabolism of a black hole, minus the size growth. Fast forward to today, I can fluctuate in size quite easily, so I have to watch what I eat and I never want to see my belly hide my dick, so that's one of the thoughts that keeps me focused as well as I want to attract women at some point, too.
It's all about the mentality, and OP stated this is having a negative effect on it, so, I think the best way to tackle this while strengthening his mind, is to work hard on himself and improve himself in the process of losing the weight. Inside and out. Money, while it can help, cannot buy that.