Obesity, weight loss and diabetes II


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triglycerides are above the normal range

Cholesterol both good and bad in range.

Was dehydrated at the test so that showed up.

Glycerides are not pre diabetes but I’m taking it as a sign to lose more weight eat less processed crap. Etc. Got to stop my sweet tooth. Etc.

Calcium levels are in range
Doctor hasn’t reviewed my results so I might be stressing a lot or I might not either way time for a change.

Might try fasting. Or something. I do snack a lot so might be that. Less fatty food now.
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Just started Semaglutide 2 weeks ago for type 2 as well. Mine is pill form not injection though, so doesn't work as fast. Hoping it helps me lose weight like you, I'm in almost exactly the same place you were, 6'5" 300.

I am also 6’5 and was 300lbs when diagnosed with type 2. Eating better and taking my diabetes medication dropped about 30-40 lbs.

Then I tried a very low carb diet, no pasta, bread, potato, rice, fruit. The only thing that I ate are vegetables and a piece of meat - twice a day.

I dropped to 200lbs quickly and I never thought 200lbs was even remotely possible. Clothes fit was better and I feel way better.

I can’t recommend it enough


not tag worthy
Hiya, update
since the results I've been eating less carbs where possible and limiting portion sizes
my main areas are no sugar apart from fruits, (so there is no honey anymore), and cutting out processed meats, more fish, and white meats.
I am going to the docs next Friday to get their advice on what foods to eat more of and which ones to avoid, how serious the results are etc

I want to turn up at least trying something myself so the doctor doesn't think I am just one of those patients who don't want to bother, I am taking this seriously either way if I lose some weight it can't hurt. if I can show that I have lost weight between the last appointment and now I can prove I am doing it. (well mostly to myself)

upping the walking/bike riding. got involved in a touch rugby event yesterday was a few hours of fun and games and mini matches, my legs are sore as fuck but I had fun and I managed to do the event, lol

To everyone here keep up the good work we got this.
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Hiya, update
since the results I've been eating less carbs where possible and limiting portion sizes
my main areas are no sugar apart from fruits, (so there is no honey anymore), and cutting out processed meats, more fish, and white meats.
I am going to the docs next Friday to get their advice on what foods to eat more of and which ones to avoid, how serious the results are etc

I want to turn up at least trying something myself so the doctor doesn't think I am just one of those patients who don't want to bother, I am taking this seriously either way if I lose some weight it can't hurt. if I can show that I have lost weight between the last appointment and now I can prove I am doing it. (well mostly to myself)

upping the walking/bike riding. got involved in a touch rugby event yesterday was a few hours of fun and games and mini matches, my legs are sore as fuck but I had fun and I managed to do the event, lol

To everyone here keep up the good work we got this.

Case in point. 6 months ago my mum was diagnosed borderline diabetic. Just over a week ago she progressed to full Diabetes Type II. The morning she got the diagnosis, she kinda got really worried. Even though the whole time I'd been telling her to chill on eating sweets, sugar, snacking. Anyway I used that window of her being scared to clean out her kitchen cupboards of all the snacks that were stuffed in them. There was loads of it, much of it even out of date by over a year.

Then I did research and found a good list of snacks she could eat. So far so good right?

Like an alcoholic with secret stashes those snacks came creeping back in. Also all the cope and excuses, "You said dark chocolate was Ok for me" I did, but not dark chocolate covered biscuits. "Everything has sugar in it", what's the point in even trying right? /S

She was taking an online course today, I could hear what it was saying "eat well, do exercise. don't be fat" basically. What did she lock onto as a cope? The one thing that let her off the hook for her own actions? As I heard in the video "diabetes can also be caused by stress". Immediately she said "that's me, I've got loads of stress!".

She went to the doctors today, she has infections that won't heal on both her legs. If you guys have done your homework like I did, that's a diabetes symptom. But to my mum it's completely unrelated. "I'm not fat, I just have water retention"

So I go to the pharmacy today to pick up a big bag of antibiotics and stuff that "really important and I need it right now". Strong stuff the pharmacist warned me about it's usage.

anyway she cooks the evening meal for her husband and myself. It's reasonably healthy peas, oven chips and chicken. However for herself she cooks something completely different. Peas, 3 slices of fried bacon, fried egg and to top it off a slice of fried bread. Yup...

Guys, don't be my mum this is only going to end in numerous bad endings, limb amputation, insulin injections, collapsing and being sick all the time and death.

I don't even feel bad for her at this point, it's all self inflicted.

Edit: she just topped of that meal with a bowl of bread an butter pudding topped with cream.
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not tag worthy
Case in point. 6 months ago my mum was diagnosed borderline diabetic. Just over a week ago she progressed to full Diabetes Type II. The morning she got the diagnosis, she kinda got really worried. Even though the whole time I'd been telling her to chill on eating sweets, sugar, snacking. Anyway I used that window of her being scared to clean out her kitchen cupboards of all the snacks that were stuffed in them. There was loads of it, much of it even out of date by over a year.

Then I did research and found a good list of snacks she could eat. So far so good right?

Like an alcoholic with secret stashes those snacks came creeping back in. Also all the cope and excuses, "You said dark chocolate was Ok for me" I did, but not dark chocolate covered biscuits. "Everything has sugar in it", what's the point in even trying right? /S

She was taking an online course today, I could hear what it was saying "eat well, do exercise. don't be fat" basically. What did she lock onto as a cope? The one thing that let her off the hook for her own actions? As I heard in the video "diabetes can also be caused by stress". Immediately she said "that's me, I've got loads of stress!".

She went to the doctors today, she has infections that won't heal on both her legs. If you guys have done your homework like I did, that's a diabetes symptom. But to my mum it's completely unrelated. "I'm not fat, I just have water retention"

So I go to the pharmacy today to pick up a big bag of antibiotics and stuff that "really important and I need it right now". Strong stuff the pharmacist warned me about it's usage.

anyway she cooks the evening meal for her husband and myself. It's reasonably healthy peas, oven chips and chicken. However for herself she cooks something completely different. Peas, 3 slices of fried bacon, fried egg and to top it off a slice of fried bread. Yup...

Guys, don't be my mum this is only going to end in numerous bad endings, limb amputation, insulin injections, collapsing and being sick all the time and death.

I don't even feel bad for her at this point, it's all self inflicted.
Maybe your mum is eating that way because she is scared depressed and using food to cope ?

My issue was I ok last time with levels. From my previous blood test.

So I was like “ah no worries” to myself
Work was long hours and stressful at times so some chocolates and crisps and maybe a hot chocolate to perk me up.

Now I lost my job I admit I have the odd sweet treat was being ate. I was like yeah allow myself it but instead of binging I was limiting it portion wise but that combined with me always munching things fruits/nuts etc great I never gave myself time to digest or to be fully hungry.
Yeah it was half Boredom and half depression I started to eat more.

I would be good ish five days and then two just munch. We don’t really eat out much now. It’s mostly just not eating mindfully at home.

Result While some of my levels are all good one level isn’t it’s definitely from too much sugar. but it’s nothing to messed with and yeah being overweight etc. I gotta knock it all on the head.
Good thing is I lost some weight since starting, still it’s early days but yeah.

As for the addiction thing. Yeah sometimes I’m just eating cos I’m bored and when working out before I didn’t see results so thought fuck it.

But while I was doing exercise I was not reducing calories. Now I’m just going to attack it from both sides and I need to replace the feeling of eating something comforting with exercise. Honestly after doing the touch rugby thing. I felt great, I got that feeling you have when you can tell you are burning your fat stores lol. Nothing like after I eat too much. Where You feel short term satisfaction but after it empty.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Good news, since starting of treatment with that Danish miracle, I am 18kgs lighter and no longer considered diabetic, my (pardon me for not knowing medical jargon in my second language) "long time glucose" is in normal range, even if I have a cake which I did on coworker celebration, my sugar didn't go higher than 6.5. So that's a win, I obviously have a plan and I will stick to it. I feel so much better. I wish you all well : )


not tag worthy
Good news, since starting of treatment with that Danish miracle, I am 18kgs lighter and no longer considered diabetic, my (pardon me for not knowing medical jargon in my second language) "long time glucose" is in normal range, even if I have a cake which I did on coworker celebration, my sugar didn't go higher than 6.5. So that's a win, I obviously have a plan and I will stick to it. I feel so much better. I wish you all well : )
what is the danish miracle? Ozempic?
18KGS? in how long a time?
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
what is the danish miracle? Ozempic?
18KGS? in how long a time?
Yes Ozempic and it took me 11 weeks, but I was definitely dieting. To be more specific, I had 1 chicken breast, grilled, with some spices, etc. Salad, basic salad with home grown vegetables (cucumbers, sweet pepers, cherry Tomatoes) with spoon worth of good quality olive oil and after strength training I always had a 0.3l worth of protein shake (just water, sometimes with banana). That was my diet. Also I walked a lot, just last month it was 280kms worth of steps. So I definitely went hardcore on this.

Ozempic helped me to be in peace with my stomach, no hunger etc. Also probably helped with Cholesterol + blood glucose.


not tag worthy
Yes Ozempic and it took me 11 weeks, but I was definitely dieting. To be more specific, I had 1 chicken breast, grilled, with some spices, etc. Salad, basic salad with home grown vegetables (cucumbers, sweet pepers, cherry Tomatoes) with spoon worth of good quality olive oil and after strength training I always had a 0.3l worth of protein shake (just water, sometimes with banana). That was my diet. Also I walked a lot, just last month it was 280kms worth of steps. So I definitely went hardcore on this.

Ozempic helped me to be in peace with my stomach, no hunger etc. Also probably helped with Cholesterol + blood glucose.
Only ate once a day ? I hope when you come off you are ok.


not tag worthy
Cool. I’m eating three meals but cutting portions.

I did have ice cream because Father’s Day

But I am cutting crap out otherwise.

I want to make it a habit to eat smaller portions etc. So when I go back to normal. I don’t out weight back on.

Also to that I’m moving more so let’s see but Ozempic sounds like an amazing thing. What country are you in ?


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Cool. I’m eating three meals but cutting portions.

I did have ice cream because Father’s Day

But I am cutting crap out otherwise.

I want to make it a habit to eat smaller portions etc. So when I go back to normal. I don’t out weight back on.

Also to that I’m moving more so let’s see but Ozempic sounds like an amazing thing. What country are you in ?
Czech Republic, so I spent. 100EUR for initial dose, then I got registered as diabetic and subsequent injections were free of charge. Outside of diarrhea here and there, it was smooth sailing. You still have to lose it yourself tho, its just that you don't really need to eat, which is very liberating feeling


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Got my labs back after not going to the doctor for basically two years. Turns out I have a thyroid disorder, so that’s nice. Also, my diet and drinking has definitely affected my body in a pretty negative way. I’m not obese or anything, but I need to shed some weight and stop drinking. It doesn’t help that my internal organs are kind of fucked from the get go, from having a truly obscene amount of chemo and two bone marrow transplants ten years ago. Who could’ve guessed.

Suppose it’s time for me to start seriously working on my health. Wish me luck I guess.



Just a week later, I got an update from my mum. She's very excited to tell me she's no longer diabetic. "How's that I ask?" Well she had a blood test and they came back and said she's not diabetic now. So she said all she did was not to eat sugar, no she just ate less sugar. Anyway I have all confidence she'll go right back to her snacking and sweets and become diabetic again.

I also suspect she left out a lot of pertinent information the doctor told her.


not tag worthy
Well it seems to be working I lost some weight about 2kg. (My scales measure more they are digital from Ali or wish, the docs they are the mechanical ones, once I get weighed there I will have my official weight)

I did a nice 15k bike ride yesterday, came home did some kettlebell swings. A few over head shoulder presses and one arm rows

The day before went for a walk with a mate is was about 5km. Then after I rode the bike again I've been doing some weights every day, nothing crazy. Just trying to keep active

Eating wise. I’ve slipped by having a pot of dark chocolate mouse twice.

Oh and I was hungry I had a cheese sandwich with brown bread. That’s it really.

The rest of the time I’m keeping portions manageable and making sure after I finish dinner and have a fruit etc that after I stop eating anything else. Until the morning

Drinking a lot of water. Keeping hydrated etc. If I fancy something different I will have some tea with milk no sugar.

Let’s see what the doc says.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Not going to lie, getting status of Diabetic, after I beat it is something else. I understand that I can go back, if life gets rough again, but still bureaucracy going wild.

But in other news, now I have Ozempic free of charge. And I will be on it, at least another year or so.

Hopefully forever or until something better comes, not feeling hunger is the single most liberating feeling I've ever had. It goes way beyond of just loosing weight, my anxiety, which I was deemed that I have chronic one, GAD even (agoraphobia, atd), dropped to almost nil.


Anyway I have all confidence she'll go right back to her snacking and sweets and become diabetic again.

Her husband walked past her in the living room working her way through a pile of chocolate biscuits. I didn't catch what he said but "you shouldn't be eating that much" or something of concern.

She shot back at him "I am NOT Diabetic!"


As always the message is, don't be like my mum.
I got put on ozempic last week for my Beetus.

Jesus christ this shit fucking sucks. Not quite as bad as when I started Metformin, but I feel like shit.
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Gold Member
I fast till at least midday and do a lot of walking at my desk treadmill while at work. Then lift 1-2 hours a day. Down 17 since mid May. Move more eat less. Easier to do in the summer. 20k steps a day on the low end. The dogs are getting healthier too.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I got put on ozempic last week for my Beetus.

Jesus christ this shit fucking sucks. Not quite as bad as when I started Metformin, but I feel like shit.
It will get better, its always the 0.25 > 0.5 > 1.0 changes which are - shitty -


not tag worthy
Just finished at the Docs.
She the cholesterol levels are where they need to be. The good is high the bad is low.

Triglycerides she wasn’t worried about as such she said the main thing I avoid fats such as cheese, Processed meats charcuterie, salt and any sauces that will have too much sugar and fat.
I dont have to cut anything else out as such but avoid overeating too much sugar etc. Also toup my activity etc.
She weighed me and was happy I am losing weight and can see I’m making an effort. I have another blood test in 3 months just to monitor my progress

I am not diabetic. She seemed pleased with everything else and nothing was wrong.
I don’t need medication but I asked does she think I take omega three tablets she said why not but I’ll have to pay for them myself.

The main thing is I need to continue to lose weight to get healthier and bring my blood pressure down.

Which is what I will do. So I’m going for a nice long walk with a mate later.
And going to keep up the new way of eating

Oh eggs are ok so I’m going to mix it up some days a nice omelette and veg others overnight oats for breakfast.
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Keep us posted, I slipped up recently with my diet (not blaming others, but when people refuse to change their eating habits and you are the cook it's hard not to partake in said delicious food). .


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I got put on ozempic last week for my Beetus.

Jesus christ this shit fucking sucks. Not quite as bad as when I started Metformin, but I feel like shit.
By the way as someone who is now switching to 2mg, I spotted something, I feel normal but as soon as I take something with big glucose index, I instantly have problems with my stomach. Just eat meat and vegetables, that way it will be okay.

Keep us posted, I slipped up recently with my diet (not blaming others, but when people refuse to change their eating habits and you are the cook it's hard not to partake in said delicious food). .
You definitely find some low carb (or artificially sweetened) alternative to your favorite food. Or if its not sweet, just take it without the sides and you should be fine.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Bros and sis, I am now 2kgs (4.5lbs) shy of 100kgs (220 pounds), I am guessing the working out regime is starting to paying off big time coupled with Ozempic. I genuinely feel like I am flying instead of walking, I can walk probably forever instead of couple hundred meters as when I started.

And best thing is that I can't even say it is tough regime or something, I feel like I am just living without zero to none sacrifices.

Well that and that I couldn't sleep so I walked 10kms and I am pretty much more pumped to not sleep as I was before, so no, fatness does not solve medically induced insomnia (unrelated to Ozempic)


The bear of bad news
It's weird how many of us on this site suffer the same. I'm currently on a path to improve my life as well due to a health scare that is haunting me every moment I take a breath thinking it will happen again. A little under three weeks ago I quit alcohol, caffeine and junk foods completely cold turkey. It's been very rough because it's been many, many years of trashing my body with heavy use of each daily and like they say, you reap what you sow. The road to recovery in health is long but worth it. It took years to do all this damage to your body, it's going to take the same time to get it where you need to be long term.
nort weird hahaha we are fat gamers my friends i am 300 pounds


27, 5'6 and 170 lbs here. I eat fast food and sweets nearly every day. Don't have diabetes yet but i feel like it will catch up to me eventually. It's insanely hard for me not to eat poorly though (and eat a lot). I don't drink or smoke or anything so it's pretty much the only comfort thing for me so it's tough to lay off.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
27, 5'6 and 170 lbs here. I eat fast food and sweets nearly every day. Don't have diabetes yet but i feel like it will catch up to me eventually. It's insanely hard for me not to eat poorly though (and eat a lot). I don't drink or smoke or anything so it's pretty much the only comfort thing for me so it's tough to lay off.
Does not sounds too bad, like in my case, however I wouldn't really do so past 30 if I were you. Given that whole metabolism thing. However, by that time, there probably going to be more accessible meds a la what I am taking to offset this, to some degree. However eating good, is one of the importing factors to stay healthy overall


Gold Member
27, 5'6 and 170 lbs here. I eat fast food and sweets nearly every day. Don't have diabetes yet but i feel like it will catch up to me eventually. It's insanely hard for me not to eat poorly though (and eat a lot). I don't drink or smoke or anything so it's pretty much the only comfort thing for me so it's tough to lay off.

You could just do what you're doing and begin a resistance training regimen and you'd lose fat while gaining muscle lowering your body fat percentage by a lot dramatically reducing your chance of diabetes. Replace some junk with some low fat high protein food sources and voila. Diced to the socks.


The bear of bad news
your slaves to the beehive i was gonna go on olympic but i said screw you pal eating makes me HAPPY dont care bout people saying weird stuff bout drugs

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
During my ~6 weeks of unemployment I should’ve become a gym rat, but tbh I had no motivation after getting laid off. Then the last month or so at the new job I’ve been coming home feeling worn out, not like I want to go walk the dog or workout.

This last week I finally turned the corner where I feel like I’ve gotten the hang of the job and into a routine, and finally decided to weight myself…+15 pounds since July 😒 …all the work-provided lunches and sedentary life added up fast. I mean I could tell my clothes were getting tighter but

Oh well. I tend to yo yo, and that was my wake up call to get back on it. Already down 4. I’ve never had a bad blood test wrt blood sugar or cholesterol, but my scale and my belt don’t lie


Absolutely Cozy
[Original text]

I'm glad to hear that you found something that helped you immensely. At times when nothing seems to help you can lose hope and the future feels dark, no matter the illness. I also think your point about not being too focused on the side-effects is important. They can often be manageable in a way the illness itself isn't. Or they are less of a risk for your health than walking around unmedicated.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I'm glad to hear that you found something that helped you immensely. At times when nothing seems to help you can lose hope and the future feels dark, no matter the illness. I also think your point about not being too focused on the side-effects is important. They can often be manageable in a way the illness itself isn't. Or they are less of a risk for your health than walking around unmedicated.
Oh absolutely, big pharma is definitely keeping me going. I am really glad, that I have access to such advance medicine. I never even dreamt about such posibility, to lose weight with medication
Alright GAF, i am thinking about going on semiglutides. I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and need to get my weight down.

How bad will i feel on these drugs? Will i be able to still function in the workplace, bedroom, and gym? Or will i feel sick and exhausted all the time?


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Alright GAF, i am thinking about going on semiglutides. I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and need to get my weight down.

How bad will i feel on these drugs? Will i be able to still function in the workplace, bedroom, and gym? Or will i feel sick and exhausted all the time?
Basically just prepare for some Diarrhea, when switching doses, which you probably will have to do. Normally you start at 0.25 and then you get up to either 1mg or 2mg. However outside of that, there is no bad feeling when things settle. It will be alright, don't worry


Gold Member
Alright GAF, i am thinking about going on semiglutides. I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and need to get my weight down.

How bad will i feel on these drugs? Will i be able to still function in the workplace, bedroom, and gym? Or will i feel sick and exhausted all the time?

Well it certainly won't have you feeling optimal full of energy for the weights but my wife seems fine overall. It's worth the tradeoff if you need weight to come off ASAP. Just know that a good portion will be lean mass if your protein isn't high and your resistance training strenuous. She definitely doesn't have the drive for the gym on them like she used to, which makes sense given how they force super low calories. This is why the risk of lean body mass is so high. People get to looking gaunt.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Well it certainly won't have you feeling optimal full of energy for the weights but my wife seems fine overall. It's worth the tradeoff if you need weight to come off ASAP. Just know that a good portion will be lean mass if your protein isn't high and your resistance training strenuous. She definitely doesn't have the drive for the gym on them like she used to, which makes sense given how they force super low calories. This is why the risk of lean body mass is so high. People get to looking gaunt.
Yes, but I would say, that if you have high blood glucose then after ozempic is administered, you will have normal levels on the higher end, which means that you won't really get tired. If you are taking this without diabetes, then obviously you will see your blood glucose low, thus the drive will decrease. I would say that for me, Ozempic actually unlocked energy, which I haven't had.

So in short, it depends, but yeah training is probably must, not sure how would I feel without gym sessions


Gold Member
Yes, but I would say, that if you have high blood glucose then after ozempic is administered, you will have normal levels on the higher end, which means that you won't really get tired. If you are taking this without diabetes, then obviously you will see your blood glucose low, thus the drive will decrease. I would say that for me, Ozempic actually unlocked energy, which I haven't had.

So in short, it depends, but yeah training is probably must, not sure how would I feel without gym sessions

I'm talking about how you're taking in way less calories(energy). My strength and energy suffers just going from 2800 to 2200 calories. It's pretty pronounced. So someone on Ozempic would be taking in way less than usual.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I'm talking about how you're taking in way less calories(energy). My strength and energy suffers just going from 2800 to 2200 calories. It's pretty pronounced. So someone on Ozempic would be taking in way less than usual.
But given that your profile picture, you are probably professional athlete or "just" some adept gym trainee, normal people generally don't need that much of an energy to move weights around few times a week. But I get what you are saying, just want to point out, that your energy demand isn't probably the norm, especially not for someone who just going from fat-ass to not-so-fat-ass, which will be the case for 90% of people on Ozempic (not saying that this is your wife situation tho, just so we are clear, no offense intended, just perspective).


Gold Member
But given that your profile picture, you are probably professional athlete or "just" some adept gym trainee, normal people generally don't need that much of an energy to move weights around few times a week. But I get what you are saying, just want to point out, that your energy demand isn't probably the norm, especially not for someone who just going from fat-ass to not-so-fat-ass, which will be the case for 90% of people on Ozempic (not saying that this is your wife situation tho, just so we are clear, no offense intended, just perspective).

He asked what he could expect in the gym. I didn't make it sound too grim, just advised that his energy would probably be hindered or suboptimal but that it would be worth the tradeoff. Besides, we don't know how hardcore he is. I know some lifters who are on them. You'd be surprised how many people take them with not much fat to lose. It isn't just couch potatoes taking these for an edge.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I cut sugar or rather processed sugar 3 months ago. Wanted to lose 10 pounds in a month to look good at a wedding but only lost around 4.

Still, i felt good without sugar so have continued without cookies, soda, cake, ice cream, donuts, frappacinos and candy. Only eat fruit when i am craving something sweet.

Gained back all 4 pounds though because i stopped working out. Cutting sugar is nice and all but i need to stop eating. Intermittent fasting works on my body but i can’t do it anymore. I think i might just need to go on those pills that stop you from craving food but i just know the moment i stop the pills i will gain all that weight back.

I am proud of going without sugar for 3 months despite attending multiple weddings and birthdays but my lack of working out and terrible appetite for eating will haunt me for the rest of my life until i completely change who i am.
If I traveled back in time and told my younger self that I would be eating salads during the day or late at night instead of a bag of Lays or a fat burger then I probably wouldn't believe myself.

It feels good to me as opposed to a guilty feeling. I wouldn't tell anyone what to eat unless I had children of my own.
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