For those interested, here is some of its illustrious history of people shilling for North Korea
Daniel Hornal: A Resolution on the Korean Peace Project and Related Reports
WHEREAS, the National Lawyer’s Guild’s International Committee has an important role to play in
shining a spotlight on human rights abuses worldwide;
WHEREAS, maintaining credibility of reports sponsored by the National Lawyer’s Guild is vital to the
Guild’s objectives;
WHEREAS, a human rights report must be made independent of government influence, and one
where the factfinders are kept under constant government surveillance is not credible, regardless of
the veracity of its conclusions;
WHEREAS, The factfinders who produced the Korean Peace Project’s report “NORTH KOREA: THE
GRAND DECEPTION REVEALED” (hereinafter, “the report”

were under surveillance by North Korean
authorities and could not, therefore, produce a credible report;
WHEREAS, the report contains non-credible statements too numerous to mention, including
suggestions that there is adequate food for the people in North Korea, and that it does not engage in
capital punishment;
WHEREAS, the factfinders failed to embark on even a cursory investigation of the massive, welldocumented reports of human rights violations as have been reported by Human Rights Watch[1],
Amnesty International[2] and various other international NGOs;
WHEREAS, it is the duty of the National Lawyer’s Guild to support basic human rights in all countries,
regardless of their economic systems;
WHEREAS, the National Lawyers Guild cannot be a credible voice for international human rights if it
turns a blind eye to the deplorable conditions in North Korea created by the North Korean’s continued
repression of its own people; and,
WHEREAS, turning a blind eye to human rights violations is not likely to lead to peace, security or an
improvement in human rights conditions;
1) The National Lawyers Guild reaffirms its friendship and support of the people living in North Korea,
2) The National Lawyers Guild demands that the government of North Korea provides freedom of
speech and political organization to the people of North Korea,
3) The National Lawyers Guild re-affirms our desire for peaceful reconciliation between North and
South Korea, and encourages friendship and cultural exchanges,
4) The National Lawyers Guild repudiates the Korean Peace Project’s report entitled “NORTH
KOREA: THE GRAND DECEPTION REVEALED,” as well as the report “Myths of the Hermit
Kingdom,” online at,
5) The National Lawyers Guild demands that the reports be modified to remove all references to the
National Lawyers Guild,
6) The National Lawyers Guild demands that the reports be removed from and any Guild-affiliated websites, immediately,
7) The National Lawyers Guild revokes whatever permission ever existed to use Guild trademarks in
connection with the reports,
8) The National Lawyers Guild authorizes all relevant in Guild leadership to take whatever steps are
necessary to carry out this resolution, if those directly responsible for maintenance of the websites
9) The National Lawyers guild encourages the Korean Peace Project to produce a report documenting
conditions in Korea, but only if it can be produced free of any government influence. The Guild further
encourages the Korean Peace Project to seriously investigate the well-documented oppression
experienced by North Korean citizens in its future reports.
Implementation: Daniel Hornal will take responsibility for implementing this resolution.
Submitted by Daniel Hornal