I'm at work and I can't listen to this, but tell me if its good.
It's dismissive, ignorant, and incredibly misinformed.
I'm at work and I can't listen to this, but tell me if its good.
Remember when people were mad that banks weren't giving enough loans to minorities?
Such as North Korea?
Also the fact that you couldn't be bothered to do this before is pretty pathetic.
has this been posted? this is amazing.. been a long time since i felt proud to be american..
If by 'good', you mean 'hilariously misinformed and coming from a guy who was just given 200k to dance the foxtrot for two days a week' then yes. It's good.
Sounds like they need greater regulation. That said it is disheartening that "volunteer members" are lesser than "paid members" to you.That doesn't mean I support misguided reports written by volunteer members. (Much of the NLG's work is not done by paid staff, but by various volunteer members who operate quasi independently in committees and subcommittees.
quote]5) The National Lawyers Guild demands that the reports be modified to remove all references to theThat's why the resolution repudiating the report had to "authorize[] all relevant in Guild leadership to take whatever steps are necessary to carry out this resolution, if those directly responsible for maintenance of the websites refuse." NLG does not even maintain the committee and subcommittee websites.)
When have I said I ever gave money to the Democrats?By voting and donating to the Democratic Party, does that mean you support everything every Democratic politician and Democratic party member does?
Well it's good for you to admit to your failings and being pathetic.I agree
Sounds like they need greater regulation. That said it is disheartening that "volunteer members" are lesser than "paid members" to you.
Hmm, that looks like it's own the same exact server and domain name.
Are you telling me the NLG is so incompetent or impotent that they can't take down something on their website?
When have I said I ever gave money to the Democrats?
has this been posted? this is amazing.. been a long time since i felt proud to be american..
The hell happened in this thread?
Why not? They are an unregulated corporation after all.It isn't about regulation.
The National Lawyers Guild would not be able to continue its work without the generous support of our donors. The NLG is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization; all tax-deductible contributions should be made to the National Lawyers Guild Foundation.
Actually those pages came up via a normal Google search, with no way to know if they were stale or not.That does appear so, but you appear to be linking to stale pages without access from the main site. It appears you can only get to those pages if you have clicked there from an older link (or have the old link bookmarked or just know the url offhand). If you go through the main NLG site, clicking on the international committee takes you here: And if you go to (instead of, you get a message saying the KPP has moved and (ironically) directing to the same website to which ChiTownBuffalo linked.
Well they would be wrong since it's been cached in google, and more importantly can be found via google and any existing links from the time the reports first emerged.I assume they think that because the international committee websites are not accessible through the links from their page that they are effectively "down."
Along with common sense.Again, because the NLG is dedicated to the public interest, it is resource-deprived.
I'd rather give money (well and I did) to the animal shelter where my wife and I adopted our cat from. At least real good occurs.If you would like to improve the organization's efficiency, I would strongly encourage you to donate to it. Maybe you could even endow a dedicated IT position.
I thought you said that individual voting is powerless to have an effective in this current society, so how can it have an empowering effect? I mean otherwise why can Occupy Wall Street just try and run candidates?You have claimed to vote Democratic and to be a "registered Democrat." Whether or not you have given money, you endorse it (and empower it through your vote).
Because corporations save me the need.By the way, seeing as how you like to denigrate people for failing to financially support organizations they endorse, why is it that you haven't donated to the Democratic party?
Empty, I don't know why you wish to try and endow me with your characteristics.Is this yet another example of you saying words you perceive effective to "win" an argument (never on substantive grounds, mind you) without regard to their general applicability.
This is rich for someone who whores out for Hugo Chavez at the drop of a hat.Do you consider yourself a hypocrite? That doesn't have any bearing on whether you are one, but I admit to being curious about the cognitive dissonance in your head.
Oh boy here we go with the end high whining again. Look man it's okay to admit you just gave money to a awful organization because you didn't think.I suppose the psychologists are right and most "debate" that occurs does not involve the expression of genuine ideas but rather those ideas intended to score points. I feel sorry for you though, because even though the only reason you seem to engage in debate is to win, you are terrible at winning.
No, your attempt to hide your ignorance for a group whose members and volunteers would produce such an ignorant and atrocious report is hardly a waste of time.I assume by now you must realize that arguing over this is utterly silly and a complete waste of time.
You can't only talk about people sitting on the street for so long before you go stir crazy.![]()
The hell happened in this thread?
Last night, demonstrators who arrived in midtown to protest a Barack Obama fundraiser found themselves corralled into a free speech zone on 53rd Street and 7th Avenue. Reporterslike Josh Harkinson from Mother Jones and Meg Robertson from MSNBC were not allowed near the penned-in demonstrators, despite Commissioner Ray Kellys recent orders that the NYPD was to play nice with journalists covering OWS. This directive came after the events of the November 14th raid of Zuccotti and the Day of Protest on the 17th left 26 reporters arrested.
Gothamist reports that journos trying to get near the pen were told by police officers that the demonstrators were in a frozen zone, and not able to leave. Journalists were barred from speaking to them.
The hell happened in this thread?
Point being?
Point being?
Perfect! You know where you'd feel right at home? North Korea.
What censorship and infringing are you talking about? The people were allowed to protest.Point being, they're infringing on people's freedoms and rights, by means of a sort of controlled censorship in favour of political pandering. That's my assumption anyway.
What censorship and infringing are you talking about? The people were allowed to protest.
The article mentions they may have lacked press passes.Yea, but journalists weren't allowed to cover it. A journalist has just as much right to cover a protest as someone does to protest in the first place.
What ever happened to its OP, I mean his profile indicates he's been signed on somewhat recently.Same as always.
It's the Manos petting zoo.
You come in, pet Manos (watch your fingers!), then leave.
The thread title's been irrelevant for months.
I mean his profile indicates he's been signed on somewhat recently.
The article mentions they may have lacked press passes.
It was pre board update, and I want to say in November.CHEEZMO;33110635 said:Where?
Why not? They are an unregulated corporation after all.
The National Lawyers Guild would not be able to continue its work without the generous support of our donors. The NLG is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization; all tax-deductible contributions should be made to the National Lawyers Guild Foundation.
Same general category as Citizens United actually.501(c)(4) does not mean they're a corporation. NLG an unincorporated association. No wonder you struggled in your Corporations class.
Same general category as Citizens United actually.
Oh and you've deeply hurt me by referencing my decent Corporations grade. Lol
I got a B or B- in the class. Not sure why I would be upset though.But not a corporation. I see you're another victim of the soft bigotry of low expectations. Perhaps you should have taken it pass/fail.
has this been posted? this is amazing.. been a long time since i felt proud to be american..
Click on the total posts on the OTs front page. I'm sure no has done that in this thread before.This man needs to become a spokesman for the freaking movement.
Also for the rest of you guys, how do you check top posters for this thread?
The The Republican Governors Association met in Florida this week and featured pollster Frank Luntz, who offered a coaching session for attendees about how they should communicate to the public. Yahoo! News Chris Moody was there, and captured some of Luntzs comments on Occupy Wall Street.
Luntz told attendees that hes scared of this anti-Wall Street effort. Im frightened to death. The pollster warned that the movement is having an impact on what the American people think of capitalism. So the pollster offered some advice for them about how to fight back. Heres a few snippets of what he said, according to Moody:
Dont Mention Capitalism: Luntz said that his polling research found that The public still prefers capitalism to socialism, but they think capitalism is immoral. And if were seen as defenders of quote, Wall Street, end quote, weve got a problem.
Empathize With The 99 Percent Protesters: Luntz instructed attendees to tell protesters that they get it: First off, here are three words for you all: I get it. I get that youre. I get that youve seen inequality. I get that you want to fix the system.
Dont Say Bonus: Luntz told Republicans to re-frame the concept of the bonus payment which bailed-out Wall Street doles out to its employees during holidays as pay for performance instead.
Dont Mention The Middle Class Because Americans Dont Trust Republicans To Defend It: They cannot win if the fight is on hardworking taxpayers, Luntz instructed the audience. We can say we defend the middle class and the public will say, Im not sure about that. But defending hardworking taxpayers and Republicans have the advantage.
Dont Talk About Taxing The Rich: Luntz reminded Republicans that Americans actually do want to tax the rich, so he reccommended they instead say that the government takes from the rich.
Frank Luntz is no minor pollster. He is considered to be one of the top political communications experts in the world, having provided consulting to many of the worlds top corporations, politicians, and special interest groups. That Luntz is admitting the impact of Occupy Wall Street and the 99 Percent and telling closed-door meetings of Republicans that it frightens him is a huge victory for the movement.
What victory can they actually achieve with no real message, leaders, or participation in the political process?
What victory can they actually achieve with no real message, leaders, or participation in the political process?
I got a B or B- in the class. Not sure why I would be upset though.
1. Don't say 'capitalism.'
"I'm trying to get that word removed and we're replacing it with either 'economic freedom' or 'free market,' " Luntz said. "The public . . . still prefers capitalism to socialism, but they think capitalism is immoral. And if we're seen as defenders of quote, Wall Street, end quote, we've got a problem."
2. Don't say that the government 'taxes the rich.' Instead, tell them that the government 'takes from the rich.'
"If you talk about raising taxes on the rich," the public responds favorably, Luntz cautioned. But "if you talk about government taking the money from hardworking Americans, the public says no. Taxing, the public will say yes."
3. Republicans should forget about winning the battle over the 'middle class.' Call them 'hardworking taxpayers.'
"They cannot win if the fight is on hardworking taxpayers. We can say we defend the 'middle class' and the public will say, I'm not sure about that. But defending 'hardworking taxpayers' and Republicans have the advantage."
4. Don't talk about 'jobs.' Talk about 'careers.'
"Everyone in this room talks about 'jobs,'" Luntz said. "Watch this."
He then asked everyone to raise their hand if they want a "job." Few hands went up. Then he asked who wants a "career." Almost every hand was raised.
"So why are we talking about jobs?"
5. Don't say 'government spending.' Call it 'waste.'
"It's not about 'government spending.' It's about 'waste.' That's what makes people angry."
6. Don't ever say you're willing to 'compromise.'
"If you talk about 'compromise,' they'll say you're selling out. Your side doesn't want you to 'compromise.' What you use in that to replace it with is 'cooperation.' It means the same thing. But cooperation means you stick to your principles but still get the job done. Compromise says that you're selling out those principles."
7. The three most important words you can say to an Occupier: 'I get it.'
"First off, here are three words for you all: 'I get it.' . . . 'I get that you're angry. I get that you've seen inequality. I get that you want to fix the system."
Then, he instructed, offer Republican solutions to the problem.
8. Out: 'Entrepreneur.' In: 'Job creator.'
Use the phrases "small business owners" and "job creators" instead of "entrepreneurs" and "innovators."
9. Don't ever ask anyone to 'sacrifice.'
"There isn't an American today in November of 2011 who doesn't think they've already sacrificed. If you tell them you want them to 'sacrifice,' they're going to be be pretty angry at you. You talk about how 'we're all in this together.' We either succeed together or we fail together."
10. Always blame Washington.
Tell them, "You shouldn't be occupying Wall Street, you should be occupying Washington. You should occupy the White House because it's the policies over the past few years that have created this problem."
Heh, Luntz can't even spin and twist the problems the movement has inserted in the national discourse. The alternative messaging he offers is awful.
I'm sorry you've failed in trying to reach excellence. It is a good feeling though as I've experienced a lot of success in the past year. Keep working hard and you may yet achieve it.I'm sure you weren't. Fortunately, some of us still strive for excellence.
Full list of all 10 talking points. It's made me sick to my stomach.
At Occupy not being able to craft intelligent and effective tactics like that vs a drum circle and people ranting about 5000the different things.Full list of all 10 talking points. It's made me sick to my stomach.
I'm sorry you've failed in trying to reach excellence. It is a good feeling though as I've experienced a lot of success in the past year. Keep working hard and you may yet achieve it.
At Occupy not being able to craft intelligent and effective tactics like that.
Why, its been working well for you, why not for them?Mediocrity isn't excellence. I weep for new law graduates and their diminished expectations.
What success?Head in the sand much? Are you seeing how wide spread this movement has become? You realise the very reason these 'tactics' you commend have been created is because of the success of the one's you downplay?
Head in the sand much? Are you seeing how wide spread this movement has become? You realise the very reason these 'tactics' you commend have been created is because of the success of the one's you downplay?
Heh, Luntz can't even spin and twist the problems the movement has inserted in the national discourse. The alternative messaging he offers is awful.
Good shit.
At Occupy not being able to craft intelligent and effective tactics like that vs a drum circle and people ranting about 5000the different things.
Its good rhetoric skill more than anything else.CHEEZMO;33112198 said:Manos supporting political doublespeak?
SMH, duder.