Alpha-Bromega said:glad to see some discourse in here. are we generally agreeing that at the least these movements should culminate in the reinstatement of Glass-Steagal and the removal of corporate citizenship?
I would add to that, that there also need to be strict regulations preventing the intermingling of employees of financial corporations and the Treasury, the Fed, SEC, and other government institutions. Someone should not be able to work at the SEC then skate over to a cushy high paying job at the same banking institutions they were regulating a few years earlier; the kind of moral hazard this opens our government to is obscene.
Neither should the opposite situation be allowed where a bunch of guys from Goldman are appointed to high government positions and have free reign to rig the system in favor of their previous employer and their current investments. The Democrats need to get their feet held to the fire for this shit more than anyone, because until now they have been getting a free pass since they claim to be for the little guy, while the only alternative is a party for the batshit insane.
The people rose up to vote for Obama because they saw the corruption inherent in the current system and one of the first fucking things he does in office is load up his cabinet and advisors with the same corporate and banking shitheels like Geitner and the CEO of GE that put us into this malaise of outsourcing and wall street gambling.
I do genuinely believe that Obama gives a shit about working people, which is a lot more than I can say about most politicians, but he naively let his presidency get hijacked by these fuckers and the first thing he needs to do to gain back the trust of the American people is to kick these bastards out and replace them with people like Elizabeth Warren who actually give a damn about the average American worker. This should be high on the fucking list of OWS demands.