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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!


i'm just tuning in now

i got star wars tickets, a new prime minister and the jays are murdering

Its feeding time didnt start until punk left and was unable to say its clobberin time.

He still wears nexus style arm bands
Feed me more is a cheap ripoff of goldberg's whos next.

Hes so bland, like 90% of the roster :/

megalol @ this post

"Feeding time" is something to go with "FEED ME MORE" which is what he's always said. Punk and Goldberg had nothing to do with it. So to say that he's ripping off Punk is pure idiocy. Also I don't see how he's ripping off of Goldberg unless you think everyone who is bald with facial hair is a Goldberg ripoff.

Anything worthwhile? Watching football. How'd the lesnar hbk flair taker stuff turn out?

Taker was boring. The other two didn't do shit.

We're having a slight Shield reunion vs. The Wyatts. It is entirely possible that Randy Orton and Luke Harper eloped, possible a double rib on the Rusev/Lana engagement and the kayfabe-breaking Luke Harper Fan Club pic.


that was heel as fuck

but dead goes the crowd

and back goes rollins to jobbing every week

and enter reigns and ambrose being an average tag team
i'm on some total divas ad

please tell me i'm on a delay and i'm not missing good shit


okay just realised raw is still on from the posts hence the delay no worries

nothing remarkable

it's just nice to see Rollins act like a complete chickenshit heel and deny the crowd a hot tag
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