October Wrasslin' |OT| Dia de los Mil Muertes


BIENVENIDOS fellow wrestling enthuasists. Welcome to the month of Octobre, where we celebrate the spookiness of wrestling. And nothing is more spooky than lucha libre, isn't that right Octobre wrasslin' spokesman?


The chairman himself finds inspiration in Dia de los Muertos. Antonio Pena's obsession with monsters would lead to the creation of one of the most popular luchadors of all time! So naturally, keep doing it! A lot of luchadors have mined the depths of not only the afterlife, but the spiritual and horror realms for characters. Before we get to the current going ons of the wrestling world, let's take a look at the wacky world of lucha libre!

El Satanico


The Satanic one himself! Just listen to his theme!This gimmick ranged from him just being an otherworldly technician to him having magical powers and turning luchadors rudo through magick! Because lucha! Lucha is bananas. But Satanico himself had some great matches (real good bloody matches) and his legacy will probably ultimately be as one of lucha's greatest trainers. He is CMLL's head trainer and has trained the likes of Gran Metallik, Andrade Almas and Volador Jr. But really, his best thing will always be this amazing video of Satanico using his magic powers to power up Rencor Latino and turn him into Averno



Lucha libre has a rich history of having people dressed up as classic monsters! Or wrestling classic monsters! Who can forget the adventures of El Santo and Blue Demon fighting the mummies of Guanajuato? Or Dracula and the Wolfman? Just watch this total nonsensical video to see what a total obsession Antonio Pena had with monsters in lucha


This was played before a major event to hype a trios match feauturing Espectro Jr, El Wolfman and Karis La Momia (who at one point played by La Parka!)

But for a good time, go find the El Santo movies on youtubes. They're actually pretty great and do some fun pulpy things


And by original i mean the non union Mexican equivalent! I just wanted a section to highlight Chucky and these videos of him being bullied which are hilarious

Technicos kick around Chucky's backup mask

[URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKz4TqVIibc"]Chucky gets punished for terrorizing Cuije

[URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YHIWAKjgEE"]Chucky gets ditched because he's not that interesting
[/URL][/URL]Heres a video of Chucky being great though harassing an interviewer

There's a lot more to the insanity. If you want more please consult youtube or just ask in the thread. There's still a lot of wrestlers carrying the wacky world of horror and the supernatural in lucha, said as Los Psycho Circus, Hechicero and the god-king himself, Mil Muertes,who has comeback from death many times before (this is still the greatest vignette in lucha libre history)

Now time to move on to current happenings. First the wall of shame!


Raw - Seth Rollins continues on his quest to impress Bret Hart or something? I dont know?



NXT - Look, like only 6 of you watch the weekly show. You only care about Takeovers at this point



Everyone else

Evolve has two fun events coming up

The Last Battle Of Orlando - EVOLVE Tag Team Championship Match
Losing Team Must Split Up!
Drew Galloway & DUSTIN defend vs. Drew Gulak & Tracy Williams

EVOLVE 57 Rematch
Matt Riddle vs. Chris Hero

Special Challenge Match
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Fred Yehi

Grudge Match
EVOLVE Tag Team Champion Drew Galloway vs. Matt Riddle

Special Challenge Match
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Tracy Williams

AAW is throwing a tourney!
The Jim Lynam Memorial Tournament looks fun and theyre real great at putting things on VoD unlike some other promotions


Throws theirs annual Kings of Pro Wrestling card en route to Wrestle Kingdom

  • IWGP Heavyweight Championship: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Naomichi Marufuji
  • Tokyo Dome Contract: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Hirooki Goto
  • NEVER Openweight Championship: Katsuyori Shibata (c) vs. Kyle O'Reilly
  • Special 8-Man Tag: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Michael Elgin, KUSHIDA & Jay Lethal vs. Los Ingobernables de Japón (Tetsuya Naito, SANADA, EVIL & BUSHI)
  • IWGP Tag Team Championship: The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe) (c) vs. Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) (c) vs. Ricochet & David Finlay
  • NJPW vs. NOAH Special 8-Man Tag: Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima vs. Go Shiozaki, Katsuhiko Nakajima, Maybach Taniguchi & Masa Kitamiya
  • Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Ryusuke Taguchi & Bobby Fish vs. CHAOS (Toru Yano, Rocky Romero, Beretta & Gedo)
  • CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii, YOSHI-HASHI & Will Ospreay) vs. Bullet Club (Adam Cole, Bad Luck Fale & Yujiro Takahashi)
  • Pre-show TV Anime "Tiger Mask W" Special Crossover Match: Tiger Mask W vs. Red Death Mask

SO there you have it folks. Have a safe and sane Octobre!
Nice thread tm!

The FIP show tonight was good fun, great main event (Yehi's so good) and I freaking loved the hoss match earlier in the show. Nathan Cruz & Martin Stone killed it in the opener, plus there was a cool tag match with The Hooligans vs Flying Solow. Also, AR Fox had a match with a young flippy guy (Sammy Guevara) and, get this, it was...pretty restrained. Fox working as the veteran flipper was good, the rematch between these two should be great.
Nice thread tm!

The FIP show tonight was good fun, great main event (Yehi's so good) and I freaking loved the hoss match earlier in the show. Nathan Cruz & Martin Stone killed it in the opener, plus there was a cool tag match with The Hooligans vs Flying Solow. Also, AR Fox had a match with a young flippy guy (Sammy Guevara) and, get this, it was...pretty restrained. Fox working as the veteran flipper was good, the rematch between these two should be great.

Odenson looks like a up and coming HOSS
Odd son looks like a up and coming HOSS

He is definitely on the up, needs to drop the Mad Max spray paint stuff though - another dude who impressed in that one was Rhett Giddens, never heard of him before but he's a right shit kicker. Also, Jon Davis was great in that match. He kinda dropped off the radar after his EVOLVE run, so good to see him again and he's certainly improved some.


Nice thread tm!

The FIP show tonight was good fun, great main event (Yehi's so good) and I freaking loved the hoss match earlier in the show. Nathan Cruz & Martin Stone killed it in the opener, plus there was a cool tag match with The Hooligans vs Flying Solow. Also, AR Fox had a match with a young flippy guy (Sammy Guevara) and, get this, it was...pretty restrained. Fox working as the veteran flipper was good, the rematch between these two should be great.

Thanks Bootaaay! I really should get back innto FIP. Is Martin Stone doing anything else outside of FIP?

God Cavenario is so good. And Volador is even better. CMLL could be so much more


Will we get Hechicero vs EVIL at the next Fantastamania?

God thats a matchup i would love to see. Hechicero can have some fun matches with a lot of people.

Also, poor Daniels. Putting his old man body through shit while Styles and Joe finally get theirs
So Lethal gets a title shot at Power Struggle, big whoop.

Thanks Bootaaay! I really should get back innto FIP. Is Martin Stone doing anything else outside of FIP?

He's mostly just working the Florida indies, USWA, Ronin, Ignite, etc - only other place he's working regularly is AWE in Atlanta, become a big fan favourite down there from what I've seen.


bumping and diving on the CMLL floor must suck

Which makes Cavenario such a favorite. You wouldn't even remember he's a rudo because holy shit he puts his body through some shit. Arena Mexico loves both these guys, until Volador wins though

He's mostly just working the Florida indies, USWA, Ronin, Ignite, etc - only other place he's working regularly is AWE in Atlanta, become a big fan favourite down there from what I've seen.

Ill keep an eye on him

EDIT: WHY CAVENARIO? You could hear the thump. What a deathwish


When did Naito become a jobber?

Was New Japan worried that he was getting over?

Did Tanahashi think his disrespect was a shoot and him and Okada told Gedo to bury him?
When did Naito become a jobber?

This just sets up a filler title match, it doesn't have any real bearing beyond that.

Was New Japan worried that he was getting over?

Yes. Haha. But really, if they were, they're going about the wrong way of burying him - he's the anti-establishment figure and that's a big part of his popularity, anything the fans perceive as the company trying to hold him down only plays into his hands.

Did Tanahashi think his disrespect was a shoot and him and Okada told Gedo to bury him?

Doubtful, but my money's on Tanahashi vs Naito at WK11.
Meltzer calling tonight's ROH ladder match on par with Hardyz/Dudleys/E&C stuff.

I could have typed that sentence this morning and been fully confident it would be correct.
I'm about to head to bed. What's the latest update on TNA before I sleep. Is it anywhere near flatlining/bought by Vinnie Mac or Corgan/whatever than it was last I checked two or three hours ago?


This just sets up a filler title match, it doesn't have any real bearing beyond that.

Yes. Haha. But really, if they were, they're going about the wrong way of burying him - he's the anti-establishment figure and that's a big part of his popularity, anything the fans perceive as the company trying to hold him down only plays into his hands.

Doubtful, but my money's on Tanahashi vs Naito at WK11.

FWIW, I said at the time he should've held the title until Wrestle Kingdom - didn't think they'd actually go with Okada vs Omega as the big match and it still seems weird to me. If there's one criticism I'll lay at New Japan's feet, it's that I wish they were more decisive about pulling the trigger. But then again, who would've predicted they'd push Omega to this degree?

Beef's Bret Hart ranking scale on: Bootaaay

Look: 7/10 (consistently good avatars, aside from the times he used Zandig
Ability: 10/10 since they had to ban his gif-making
Promo: Zandig fan, so 2/10
Shoot ability: Zandig/death match fan,so 9/10

Dave said:
The talent has been told to come to Orlando and that everything is on. Nobody knows who is paying for it. Nothing has been announced regarding a sale. Nobody has officially said the shows are on, particularly Bound for Glory, but talent is under the impression that the shows are on.

If it were Corgan there'd have been a big Alex Jones-like speech from the hero by now
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