October Wrasslin' |OT| Dia de los Mil Muertes


A fucking 10 out of 10 look right here, friends.
He was kind of impressive until The Undertaker beat him. Then he should've just retired. Or started a new failed gimmick.

I thought he was impressive again when the mask came off, and he did the uncontrollable monster gimmick where he was chained up and watched by security guards... but then they decided Shane was the man to take him down for Tombstoning his mother.


I thought he was impressive again when the mask came off, and he did the uncontrollable monster gimmick where he was chained up and watched by security guards... but then they decided Shane was the man to take him down for Tombstoning his mother.
The amazing booking of Kane continued, eh?

And even though I've never been a fan of Kane, he actually shouldn't have been shelved as early as I said. He consistently gets good reactions. I guess he's just, like, Lesser Undertaker to me. And I don't even love The Undertaker.


OP, it's a nice OT -- the best OT -- but would it have killed you to feature Halloween Havoc and Vampiro?

Gonna be the first to shoot in saying Streets of Rage 1 and 2 are the king of beat-em-ups and just stomps a mud hole all over Final Fight. Like oh god did they out stage them at their own game at such an embarrassing level.

this is fact

Ugh, Adam Cole.


The only thing worse than Adam Cole is the idea of a Jay Lethal run in NJPW.

I'd take a Juice Robinson push in NJPW over a Jay Lethal push.

this is a work, right?

What;s wrong with Cole and Lethal?

Adam Cole had never impressed me in the ring. At first, I thought it was because I was just watching his ROH work, and modern ROH has a way of dampening any enthusiasm about its matches, last night's Ladder War notwithstanding. But even his epic stuff in PWG never connected with me. His last heel ROH champion run was fine, but it never felt special. And now he's yet another Bullet Club guy in a world that doesn't need another Bullet Club guy.

Jay Lethal's run might have been the most boring long ROH champion run. Again, it's a product of modern ROH, but you'd think that such a long run would have produced more memorable matches. His matches in NJPW during his championship run weren't hot garbage, but they didn't exactly light the world on fire. He's older than you think, and I just don't see what he would bring to NJPW that they couldn't get elsewhere for less if not for the fact that NJPW has to throw ROH a bone every now and then.
this is fact

this is a work, right?


Juice is younger than Lethal, and he's shown more fire than Lethal in his undercard and Lion's Den matches than Lethal has in a long time. What does Lethal excel at, exactly?

Meanwhile, let's celebrate a truly monster of wrestling:

RIP, ECW Zombie.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Juice is younger than Lethal, and he's shown more fire than Lethal in his undercard and Lion's Den matches than Lethal has in a long time. What does Lethal excel at, exactly?
Getting world title runs for being able to do Macho Man and Ric Flair impressions.

And Adam Cole has always been the most generic heel out there.
Cesaro is enough of a Wrestling God that he can even make Ambrose's lariat look pretty good.
It really is the selling of the opponent that makes this move because this isn't a stiff clothesline at all. I like it when done on Seth because he has the athleticism to do a completely 360 flip when getting hit by it. But other then that, 99% of the time it's shit. Like most of Ambrose's moves.
Cesaro is enough of a Wrestling God that he can even make Ambrose's lariat look pretty good.
Dean'a rope into lariat spot is my least favourite in wrestling right now. It always looks forced and sloppy and he never gets the speed he needs on the other end to actually make the clothesline look any good. I hate it so much it actually makes me angry.


Cesaro is enough of a Wrestling God that he can even make Ambrose's lariat look pretty good.

It probably helps that the boot actually looked like it was going to send Ambrose through the middle ropes and he caught himself instead of "Take light hit, walk over and rebound on the ropes for some reason".


Ooh, fun.

Bret Hart Scale: John Cena Edition

In-ring: 7
Promo: 8
Look: 6

Overall: 21/30

Same overall as Bayley. ; )
There are really 4 cenas.

Early Cena
PG vince humor cena
Modern Day Serious Big Match John

And people forget how good of a promo he used to be.

Listen to the reaction when he won the US title in the most cynical arena outside of Book reading full sail

It's 2004 Zach.

I think you will be shocked as to how over he was.


It really is the selling of the opponent that makes this move because this isn't a stiff clothesline at all. I like it when done on Seth because he has the athleticism to do a completely 360 flip when getting hit by it. But other then that, 99% of the time it's shit. Like most of Ambrose's moves.



Ambrose only doing the Wacky Line when he gets hit back hard into the ropes would help make it not look so fucking stupid all the time.

He does it now even when someone barely hits him. He just slowly walks backwards, while the other guy just waits there, and it's just the dumbest looking thing in wrestling.


360 flip means standing back where you started so on that Seth GIF it would mean he should land on his feet.

Seth sold it with a 270 flip.

Wrasslin' Scale: Vince McMahon (not Sunflower) Edition

In-Ring: 6
Promo: 10
Look: 10
Heat: 10
Shoot: 5


No chance in hell of getting a perfect 50
Just doing a straight up bulldog would have had the same impact on the match.

Well, while it is a ridiculous idiotic move I only posted because I knew it'd infuriate the "indie wrestling SMH" crowd, the story of the match had AR Fox working as the veteran high flyer who started out by taking his younger opponent far too lightly with showboating moves exactly like that one. It worked in the context of the match, because Fox paid for his arrogance, almost lost and had to resort to a simple flash pin to sneak the victory.

Fuck Indy "wrestling"

Oh, and you were doing so well.
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