October Wrasslin' |OT| Dia de los Mil Muertes

If there's a curtain call, we burn WWE to the ground.

In a perfect world Bayley comes out to try and celebrate but Sasha pulls a heel-turn but lol, not happening.


Ah yes, the old fossil Kendrick (37) fighting against the barely out of the womb hero (32) TJ.

I love how they assume people can't tell.

Speaking of TJ,

Tsk, you're talking about their real universe ages, not how long they've been born in the WWE Universe, silly.

I'm surprised they put the belt on such a young kid like AJ Styles.


It isn't really. I'm still not sure why they're fighting.

You could say that about almost every feud on Raw. Of the three Cell matches, Roman v Rusev is the only one with a coherent storyline. Even if the face/heel roles should be reversed.

What's funny is Smackdown has a feud going that could be more worthy a gimmick match like HiaC right now in Ziggler/Miz. Hell, if Cena weren't on break, they could put him and Styles in there and I'd buy it.


If there's a curtain call, we burn WWE to the ground.

In a perfect world Bayley comes out to try and celebrate but Sasha pulls a heel-turn but lol, not happening.

It'd be even better if Bayley lost clean earlier in the night and she comes out with an eye patch and crutches.

Just downright bury her since they seem so deadset in doing so.

Also, I better a see a frog splash from the top of the cage to compensate for all the cheap Eddie pulls.

No but seriously, don't kill yourself Sasha.


What's with WWE's fascination to do all these 'records' lately? Lack of creativity to pursue and develop real storylines? Laziness? It's terrible.
What's with WWE's fascination to do all these 'records' lately? Lack of creativity to pursue and develop real storylines? Laziness? It's terrible.

I don't think they do them on purpose. I think they just stumble into them and once they get close enough they just say "hey why not". I know that's what happened with the Nikki Bella reign and most likely what happened with the New Day reign.


It's a B PPV that has had an absolutely horrendous build up. Not that many people care.
But it's Roman Reigns in what's bound to be another stellar match, and Haitch is probably coming to hurt Seth Rollins both physically and emotionally. Nobody wants to see Seth cry? He's gonna cry.


I don't think they do them on purpose. I think they just stumble into them and once they get close enough they just say "hey why not". I know that's what happened with the Nikki Bella reign and most likely what happened with the New Day reign.
The reigns of CM Punk, AJ, Nikki, Charlotte, and New Day all had it included in promos as time elapsed.


But it's Roman Reigns in what's bound to be another stellar match, and Haitch is probably coming to hurt Seth Rollins both physically and emotionally. Nobody wants to see Seth cry? He's gonna cry.

Maybe on a replay tomorrow? I'll see how busy work is.


Good Art™
Sasha and Charlotte main eventing tonight would just send one message from the WWE: "Better have girls close the show than an indie fatty" :(

The shit that is RAW right now when you think KO is the champ, that's so sad...


Sasha and Charlotte main eventing tonight would just send one message from the WWE: "Better have girls close the show than an indie fatty" :(

The shit that is RAW right now when you think KO is the champ, that's so sad...

Or they're just sending the women out to have an excuse when the ratings are low.

I look forward to the day a woman's match main events Wrestlemania, but I fear it won't have for some years
The reigns of CM Punk, AJ, Nikki, Charlotte, and New Day all had it included in promos as time elapsed.

They include that in promos all the time for non-record reigns. Miz was just doing it for his reign. Hell, the telltale sign for a reign about to end used to be if they or the commentary were talking about how long they've held the title.

Punk held the title that long because they wanted to tell the "Cena's having a bad year" story and no one else was over enough to have the belt. Nikki held it because AJ was gone and the only other viable title option (Paige) was hurt for part of her reign and had already had a recent title run. Charlotte held it because they wanted to give Sasha a big one-on-one crowning moment at Mania and then Becky got too over and had to be in the match so they pushed Sasha's moment to later in the summer.

Given the rate at which things change from one minute to the next in WWE, there's essentially nothing you can tell me to convince me that any single one of those reigns started or even progressed in their early stages with the goal of "this person will have a record-breaking reign".


Sasha and Charlotte main eventing tonight would just send one message from the WWE: "Better have girls close the show than an indie fatty" :(

The shit that is RAW right now when you think KO is the champ, that's so sad...

people will probably get mad at your post for a couple of reasons, but Owens is indeed treated like a clown with the belt
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